Facebook Page/App Testing Environment - facebook

I am trying to set up a test environment to test Facebook pages & apps... since I am new to Facebook development I am hoping to get advice from someone who's had more experience than I with building Facebook apps...
I was planning on setting up a test Facebook page that is private (only visible to admins). Then create & add sandbox apps to the private page.
I need the page & apps to NOT be visible to the public in this test environment at all. However, I need to be able to add more developers, admins, & testers to access the testing environment. I think I should be able to accomplish this by adding admins to the Facebook page & adding developers/testers to the Facebook apps. Unfortunately, it appears Facebook does not have a "full" sandbox feature for pages & apps. So, is this the best way to set up an environment for testing pages & apps within the Facebook environment?

#Brigette by default it is private. The app you create is only assessable to you or to people you want to assign in your development team. Your friends will not be able to see it nor will it be searchable. It will not be visible until you actually publish it. Have a read on Facebook Developer - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/canvas/
The docs are quite good and what you cant find have a snoop in the forums as most of the questions you may have are already answered. Hope that helps. :)


Can't create Facebook Ad creative with a facebook app in a development mode

I am working on a FB app for creating Facebook Ads. In the past I was able to debug the whole FB Ad creation process in a development mode but suddenly I started getting this error that I was not able to find documentation for.
{"error":{"message":"Invalid parameter","type":"FacebookApiException","code":100,"error_subcode":1885183,"is_transient":false,"error_user_title":"Ads creative post was created by an app that is in development mode","error_user_msg":"Ads creative post was created by an app that is in development mode. It must be in public to create this ad."}}
I've searched Facebook API documentation but haven't found anything about this error error_subcode: 1885183.
Anyone has experience with this error or a hint how to deal with it?
Bug is already reported to FB: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1605648466391176/
For completeness of this question, the answer from the resolved bug report is as folows:
Across our entire platform, Marketing API included, content created by apps is only visible to users that can see the app
We had a bug which was allowing ads to be created which were promoting posts created by apps that are in development mode - such ads would not be visible to anyone other than Admins, Developers or Testers of the app - this caused multiple issues in our ad delivery system and the correct validation is now in place to prevent such ads being created
If you want to create ads from an app which is in development mode, this is possible, but the post you're going to promote must have been created by an app which isn't in development mode - i.e if your app is in development mode it's OK provided you're promoting existing page posts from a page's /promotable_posts endpoint and the app that created those posts is not itself in development mode
If you're not using existing page posts, and are creating them inline/implicitly as part of an ad creation, the app used to create the ad must be visible - you can change this for your app using the "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" toggle on the Status & Review tab of the app dashboard for the app
We had the same issue and found a workaround that fixed it.
We created a new basic facebook-app with no additional permissions and published it right away.
We then added ourselves as admins and could create creatives through the marketing api again.
Hope this helps you

Facebook аpp approval for social plugin

I want to get approval for my app id only for the like and share buttons of facebook but it seems that it got more complicated then before.
When I go to my app then javascript sdk to create the code of javascript for my site it shows
This app is in Development Mode and not available publicly.
Modo público can be enabled in the App Dashboard.
So then I go to the app dashboard and it is asking a lot of information I don't have because it's only to have the like button in my site I don't want to read more likes of users.
So anyone can help me to find the right way to do this.
The only thing you should have to fill in to make the app public is the Contact Email on the main Settings page:
(source: infused.org)
Found this thread whilst having the same problem. In addition to infused's post, you have to go to "status and review" and turn "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" to Yes.
Furthermore, I noticed that removing the app id (as per the code you get if you are not logged in and go to the plugin generator page), then the code does not work at all.
Also, if the app is not set as live, then it will still sometimes work - just to make things harder to debug.

creating a facebook app showing events in joomla

i'm searching the internet for a good howto concerning facebook developing, but can't find it. I created a facebook developer account, i also created an app (which is in developing mode).
But now i'm stuck...
I want to show the events of (my) facebook (fan) page in my Joomla website. I can find (joomla) modules for the website part, but they all say that i need a facebook app. Unfortunately nobody is explaining how you do this...
My question: what do i need to do in the facebook developer portal to create this functionality?
(if there is a representative example somewhere please refer me to it).
Thanks for the time and effort!
Kind regard,
When you integrate your blog or cms with an app that you admin, you don't need special permissions.
So just create a facebook developer account.
Go to Apps & create an new app.
Fill in the fields. This will create a standard app and provides you with an App ID and the App Secret. This should be enough.

Test multiple apps on facebook

I freelance now and I am wanting to set up a Facebook account so I can create multiple apps for different clients under this account, then become admin and roll out the app totheir page.
Does anyone else do this and if so how best is it to set up from the outset as I will need to test without the public seeing etc.
Yes - I do this frequently...
Placing your application in sandbox_mode will ensure that only the people who are allowed to see the application have access to it.
You can also add your applications to your own un-published Facebook page, that way no one will be able to search for your page or application either.
A mixture of sandbox_mode and an un-published page should be the safe way to go. Check out the Application Security page in Facebook's documentation for exact explanations of sandbox_mode and the roles you can give users in your application.

How to add app for different Facebook page?

I've spent the past few hours trying to figure this out but can't find anything.
Basically I've setup a website for a music festival, I'm trying to integrate Facebook with the site and whenever I create an app it keeps creating it under my personal account.
I am setup as an admin under the music site's Facebook but I still can't figure out how to create an app just for that music site completely separate from my personal account.
Anytime I try to access the developer section using the account it gives me this error:
This is by design.
I'm assuming the music site is a Facebook page?
While you can log in and use Facebook as the page, rather than yourself, Facebook apps are always owned by a real Facebook user, not a page. So you either need to create the app yourself, or have someone else create the app and add you as a developer.
From what I understand, everything you do is associated with your personal account as the developer. However, you aren't supposed to be putting it on your personal page. As the developer, whenever I do anything it shows up in my personal account because I am set up as the developer and admin of all my pages. That's how Facebook wants it. Before, people were setting up different accounts for a business profile and it ended up with lots of businesses as personal accounts instead of business pages with an admin user.
Whenever I do anything with Facebook I have everything available to all the pages, but only one is actually using the app or whatever it is. Does anyone see anything different?