facebook, twitter, youtube app creation and api integration help required... just a small answer required - facebook

I am working on PHP application which will be shipped to many users for their own.
App needs to integrate
Facebook api for auto post their web articles to their fb profile/page.
Twitter api for same purpose as above and to search for tweets/users.
Youtube api to upload videos to their user account.
I already have completed the software, Right now software has api settings menu for each of them. Where user create their own app on respective platform and setup app id/secrets etc... IT works fine...
But I am looking for a way where, we use our own app codes, and user only has to click on button which redirect them to their platform and they can allow access to our app. So they dont have to go through their own app creation.
Just like how login with social media things work...
I know thats possible and my question is not about how to do this...
My question is about IF I do that, will that create any App usage limitation issues for users ? For example, if I create my own Youtube app settings from http://console.developers.google.com/ and all users just authorise my app to their account, will it create any issues if all users (may be 2000 users) uploads upto 5 videos per day ? Will the usage limit counted per application or per user access assigned ?
I need the answer for facebook/twitter and youtube. I know some one how has already done this can answer this quickly and easily...
Thanks for reading my question...


Link multiple accounts iOS app - Firebase/Facebook Login & XCode/Swift 5

So I'm building this app for a client (It's a basic scheduling app like HootSuite but simpler) and he wants the ability to add multiple Facebook accounts with an IAP (aka In-App Purchase) after said IAP is purchased. The IAP is all done and works great but I cannot figure out how to link multiple Facebook accounts. I tried to use the same login method that a previous developer used (It's an ongoing freelance project and 2 other devs worked on it before I joined) to no avail since the login process stops once the app realizes that the user has already signed in...
So I guess that my question is this: Is there a way to link multiple Facebook accounts at once in a single iOS app? If so, how exactly? Forget the IAPs if that's too confusing, everything is fine there anyways. The goal is to be as seamless as possible, so ideally there would be no need for the user to log out and log back into the other account (Something I've seen a lot in other Questions/Answers).
I don't think I am authorized to show the code to you guys (that would also require sharing the entire project, it's a real spider-web!), but could someone please lead me in the right direction?
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you in advance.
Just like the title says, we use Firebase for our storage, Cloud Firestore for our database and Facebook login (through Firebase) for login since the purpose of the app is to schedule posts on IG.
I use a basic variable called "activeUsers" to track the number of accounts "linked" to the app so we can know whether or not to show the "PurchaseModel" and, obviously, receipt verification and all that for IAPs. Thought it could be useful!
3. When the app starts, you are prompted to link a Facebook account to enable the scheduler. THIS WORKS GREAT! What I am trying to achieve is to add other accounts AFTER the first one has been "enabled"/logged into.
It's not possible to link multiple accounts from the same provider to a single Firebase Auth account.
You can only link multiple accounts of different types (Facebook, Google, GitHub, etc) to a single Firebase account as described in the documentation.

creating a facebook app showing events in joomla

i'm searching the internet for a good howto concerning facebook developing, but can't find it. I created a facebook developer account, i also created an app (which is in developing mode).
But now i'm stuck...
I want to show the events of (my) facebook (fan) page in my Joomla website. I can find (joomla) modules for the website part, but they all say that i need a facebook app. Unfortunately nobody is explaining how you do this...
My question: what do i need to do in the facebook developer portal to create this functionality?
(if there is a representative example somewhere please refer me to it).
Thanks for the time and effort!
Kind regard,
When you integrate your blog or cms with an app that you admin, you don't need special permissions.
So just create a facebook developer account.
Go to Apps & create an new app.
Fill in the fields. This will create a standard app and provides you with an App ID and the App Secret. This should be enough.

Facebook: detecting user apps

Hello I've read the docs and am having trouble getting a definitive answer for the following questions:
Can our app detect if another app is used by a given user. What about if we are admin of, or have the id of both apps.
If one of the apps is removed from FB is there a way to tell if a user had it installed before it was removed? A sort of history of past apps, I guess.
FB Connect: is there a way to see the logged in user's facebook apps?
Best answer is "I think the most you can do..." but I'd like to know for sure.
Thanks for any help.
If you request the permission user_actions:APP_NAMESPACE you can see the open graph actions that the user has performed in that app.
In my apps I generally store the user ID of all authorized users in a database, and when I get a call via the "Deauthorize Callback URL" I don't delete the user from the database, but instead only flag the user as deauthorized.
This way I can easily get an overview of users that are using (or have used) any of my apps. This allows me to present special features for users who are using several of my apps.
For example, let's say I made a photo app (like Instagram) and a GPS running app (like Endomondo). If the user takes a photo with Instagram while running with Endomondo, I could present the option to GPS-tag the photo, or add the photo to Endomondo.
This is something that I think we developers should use more. Perhaps present an open API to other apps, to let the apps work together.

How to share from iphone app to any windows phone 7 app?

Let's say I have app on iPhone and Windows Phone 7. How to share (ex. Note) between my both apps, regardless any platform.
Guess this question is very broad, my bad.
Be more specific, I want the user to go through his contact list and share through my app. How do I identify if the other user installed my app? and what platform he/she using?
Using the contact list isn't a good way to "share" in this regard.
You're asking two questions here:
How to build a system to share data between two mobile clients, irrespective of platform?
How to best enable users to find their friends to share data?
Let's start with the 2nd question.
I would leverage services like Twitter and Facebook and have your app connect with your users facebook account. This is a well known approach, and avoids having to roll your own account system.
With facebook as an example:
Facebook connect, you can get the facebookID of your user, as well as their friends facebookID. You'll need a backend webservice which you can query users by fbID.
When a user opts to use their facebook account, store their FacebookID on your backend service. Then using facebook's api's get a list of their friends facebookID's. Your app will lookup each ID using your backend service, and if it finds one, then you know that friend has also installed the app, and connected it to facebook.
So if Alice installed your app, connects to facebook, and she is friends with Bob, who also has installed your app, your back end service would return that Bob's facebookID is known to your app, and thus the two of them can share to each other using some protocol that you design.
If their friend's ID isn't known to your system, I would send them a facebook message, or post on thier wall with a restful link that invites them to check out the note you want to share on the web, and place the link to the app on the same page.
Due to the high level of your question, this answer is a bit of a 20,000ft view, and assumes you know how to build a web service.
If you want to see a great example of an app that makes use Facebook and or Twitter to find friends who also use the same app, I recommend checking out Groupme. It's free, and available for WP7, iPhone, and Android. It's a group SMS app, and uses your contact list, facebook, and twitter, to setup friends.
For the first question, you'll need to make use of a backend webservice. User would elect to share either in-app, or by posting to their facebook, with a weblink. In-app sharing, I would use an inbox approach. A user posts a message to their friend, and it gets stored in a queue. The app periodically checks the users queue to see if any new "shares" have been posted. If so, get that data, and present it to the user. Your back end service should also take advantage of newer app concepts like push notifications, because thats what users expect.
I would suggest using a web service such as Parse. This will allow you to focus on your app development and not worry about server coding.
Currently they do not have a Windows Phone 7 SDK but it is just a matter of making the REST requests manually to the service.

iPhone: Social media integration

I am developing iPhone app where I need to provide integration with different social media like FaceBook, Twitter, Google etc. I have seen couple of iPhone applications that allow people to login using their existing FB or Twitter accounts and allow to post comments, like/unlike, follow people etc. I want to implement something similar but not sure where to start with. Could anyone please suggest me right direction? Any documentation and sample code would be great help.
http://developers.facebook.com/ has just about all the info you might need.
Further also look in Apples library as it contains sample code and extensive information about most topics.
#AppleDeveloper, check out Socialize; this is exactly the problem we're working to solve: http://www.GetSocialize.com. Full feature list at http://go.GetSocialize.com/features
The problem with just putting Facebook into your app is that your download base of users aren't all friends on Facebook. So any sharing in the app using Facebook will only go out to that user's friends.
Socialize lets all users of the app see the social actions other users of the app take, in addition to allowing those social actions to be shared on Facebook (and soon Twitter & Google+ as well). Then we give you a reporting dashboard so you can see the effect of all the social actions on downloads & user engagement: http://go.GetSocialize.com/dashboard
Let me know if this is the type of thing you're looking for.