Samsung SmartTV get current time - samsung-smart-tv

How can I get current time for Samsung SmartTV app written on HTML, CSS and JavaScript?
The problem is in Javascript Date object. When I call new Date() on the web environment, I receive system Date value with current time. But when I instantiate date on SmartTV it returns incorrect result. I expected the same behavior as on the web. In TV settings time is set to be automatically determined.
Correct time returns only when I set time zone manually on first TV boot. I suppose it is bug of Samsung SmartTV platform.

I had the same problem. new Date() on Samsung Smart TVs doesn't get the time according to the current setting, but instead gets the underlying system time. It always returns a UTC timestamp, too.
Fortunately, there's an API function, GetEpochTime(), that allows you to (sort of) fix it.
Here's the code I'm using on Samsung platforms:
(function (OldDate) {
// Get a reference to Samsung's TIME API
var time = document.createElement('object');
time.setAttribute('classid', 'clsid:SAMSUNG-INFOLINK-TIME');
// Replace the existing Date() constructor
window.Date = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return new OldDate(time.GetEpochTime() * 1000);
case 1: return new OldDate(a);
case 2: return new OldDate(a, b);
case 3: return new OldDate(a, b, c);
case 4: return new OldDate(a, b, c, d);
case 5: return new OldDate(a, b, c, d, e);
case 6: return new OldDate(a, b, c, d, e, f);
case 7: return new OldDate(a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
// Copy static function properties = function () { return time.GetEpochTime() * 1000; };
Date.UTC = OldDate.UTC;
Date.parse = OldDate.parse;
new Date() now works fine for displaying the current time on my 2013 Samsung Smart TV. You might still have problems when comparing timestamps to the current time, however.

In most cases time on TV is correct, it is just in different time zone.
For example i have 2 devices near me at this moment, LG TV display date with GMT+3, and Samsung with GMT+1. Both devices display correct time.
If you need to display it with specific time zone, you can add time zone offset to date:
var date = new Date();
var offset = 4 * 3600000;//Moscow(GMT+4)
var userOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
var fixedTime = new Date(date.getTime() + offset + userOffset);
If internal TV clock is not reliable, you can use web-services to get current time.


How to trigger an email notification when cell value is modified by function

I would like to create a Google Sheets with event triggers. I'm using Google Apps Script.
I succeeded, thanks to Stack Overflow, to create a Google Sheets with an automatic mail notification when a cell is modified by a user.
Now I would like to know if this is possible when cell is modified by a function (not user's modification), such as :
if (today() >= B3 ; "late" ; "not late")
The function checks date, and give result "late" or "not late".
When deadlines are reached, the function would return "late" and a mail would be sent to warn me. The body mail would have the value of the cell in the B, D and E column and in the same row of the cell modified (I know how to do this using e.source, getRange and getRow)
So far, i've tried this, but it's not working
function sendNotification(e) {
if("F" == e.range.getA1Notation().charAt(0)) {
if(e.value == "Late") {
//Define Notification Details
var recipients = "";
var subject = "Deadlines" ;
var body = "deadline reached";
//Send the Email
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
How can I set up mail notifications when cells in F column have the "late" value (with "late" being the result of a function) ?
You can use a simple script that runs on a timer trigger and checks for any modification in a specific column in your sheet.
I use script like that for a lot of tasks, including calendar and sheets monitoring.
Below is a test code that works on column F, you have to run it once manually to create the scriptProperties value that I use to detect changes.
Then create a time trigger to run it every hour or any other timer value you find useful.
The only issue would be if you have a very long sheet, you could reach the length limit of the properties... (right now I don't remember the max length, will have to check ;-)
Code :
function checkColumnF() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var values = sh.getRange('F1:F').getValues().join('-');
if(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getKeys().length==0){ // first time you run the script
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('oldValues', values);
var oldValues = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('oldValues').split('-');
var valuesArray = values.split('-');
while (valuesArray.length>oldValues.length){
oldValues.push('x'); // if you append some rows since last exec
Logger.log('oldValues = '+oldValues)
Logger.log('current values = '+valuesArray)
for(var n=0;n<valuesArray.length;n++){
if(oldValues[n] != valuesArray[n]){ // check for any difference
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('oldValues', values);
function sendMail(row,val){
Logger.log('value changed on row '+row+' value = '+val+' , mail sent');
// uncomment below when you are sure everything runs fine to avoid sending dozens of emails while you test !
//MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(),'value changed in your sheet','Row '+row+' is now '+val);

Utilities.formatDate() in Google Apps Script outputs previous date (e.g. input 25.05.2015 -> output 24.05.2015)

I have a problem with Google Docs' Utilities.formatDate() function.
I have a spreadsheet that contains all of the orders we place in the lab. When an order is delivered our lab manager enters the delivery date in the relevant cell in such a spreadsheet, in the following format: dd.MM.yyyy.
I created a script that, provided certain conditions, will email whoever placed that order alerting them that the order has been delivered on that particular date. Here is the code:
function DeliveryAlerts() {
try {
var email_dict = {"Y":""}
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ABC");
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Orders");
var values = sheet.getRange("A2:Q251").getValues();
var bgcolours = sheet.getRange("A2:Q251").getBackgrounds();
for(var i=0;i<=249;i++)
var j = i + 2;
if (values[i][16]=="Yes" && values[i][11]!="" && bgcolours[i][16]!="#b8b8b8")
var email_address = email_dict[values[i][13]];
var cur_date = Utilities.formatDate(values[i][11], "GMT+1", "EEE dd.MM.yyyy");
var message = "Hello there,\n\nYour order of " + values[i][4] + " has been delivered on "+ cur_date +".\n\nBest wishes";
var subject = "Delivery alert";
MailApp.sendEmail(email_address, subject, message,{replyTo:"", name:"ABC"});
} catch (err) {
MailApp.sendEmail("", "Delivery Alerts Script in Order Master List", err);
I use
Utilities.formatDate(values[i][11], "GMT+1", "EEE dd.MM.yyyy") to reformat the date from, say, 25.05.2015 (that is, the value in the cell) to Mon 25.05.2015. However, what I get instead is Sun 24.05.2015.
Does anybody know what is going on?
Thank you in advance.
Check the time zone setting in the script editor. Under the FILE menu, choose PROJECT PROPERTIES in the script editor. It's possible to have a different time zone setting in Apps Script, than is in the spreadsheet. This is a common issue that arises. Apps Script allows a separate time zone setting from the spreadsheet. Also, even if the time is only off by one minute, if the time setting of the date is all zeros, it's common to get the problem that you are having. When a user enters a date, it's possible that no time setting is made. So the time is set to all zeros. The date is correct, but the time is all zeros. Even if the date was typed in at 3 in the afternoon, for example, and the date is correct, the time setting can be midnight of that day. So, even if you subtracted one second from that date, it would now be the day before.

Why I am getting only one item out of this Observable?

I have a cold observable with static number of items, I needed some time delay between each item, I have combined it with another IObservable I got through Observable.Timer. I am using Zip .
var ob1 = Observable.Range(1, 100);
var ob2 = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0));
var myObservable = Observable.Zip(ob1, ob2, (a, b) => b);
myObservable.Subscribe(a => Console.WriteLine("Item encountered"));
///Allow enough time for Timer observable to give back multiple ticks
But output only prints "Item encountered" once. What am I missing ?
To confirm the commentary, Observable.Interval is the way to go for just a single argument - and thus it has always been!
I found the solution. Observable.Timer takes two arguments for my scenario, first one is due time for first item and second due time is for all subsequent items. And if only one TimeSpan argument is supplied, it would yield only one item.
Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0));

breezejs: date is not set to the right time

I've noticed that if a date property comes back from the server with the value "2013-07-11T17:11:04.700", then breeze changes the value to Thu Jul 11 19:11:04 UTC+0200 2013.
Notice the time is now 2 hours ahead !
I had already come across this issue when saving entities, so I had to explicitly convert my date properties using momentjs :
date.hours(date.hours() - moment().zone() / 60);
But now it seems the problem occurs also when doing read operations.
What's the best way to make sure breeze does not alter values of my date properties ?
Breeze does not manipulate the datetimes going to and from the server in any way EXCEPT to add a UTZ timezone specifier to any dates returned from the server that do not already have one. This is only done because different browsers interpret dates without a timezone specifier differently and we want consistency between browsers.
The source of your issues is likely to be that when you save your data with dates to the database, that the dateTime datatype you are using does NOT contain a timezone offset. This means that when the data is retrieved you are likely "losing" the offset and the Breeze default mentioned above kicks in. This can be corrected by using a database date time datatype with an timezone offset ( datetime2 or datetimeoffset in SQLServer).
Note that your browser DOES format dates according to it's current timezone.
Another approach is that you can replace Breeze's DataType.parseDateFromServer to NOT infer any time zone info if it is not provided:
breeze.DataType.parseDateFromServer = function (source) {
return new Date(Date.parse(source));
However, this can run into the problem that different browsers interpret DateTime strings without a time zone offset differently... So you may still get strange results depending on the browser. If that happens you will need to add some browser detection code to the snippet above.
Another alternative is to do the following using the moment.js library.
breeze.DataType.parseDateFromServer = function (source) {
var date = moment(source);
return date.toDate();
Not sure how helpful this is, but hopefully Breeze's behavior is clearer.
By default, Breeze does not provide any way to do this, but you can keep the below code in your model JS file to overcome this issue:
breeze.DataType.parseDateFromServer = function (source) {
if (typeof source === 'string') {
//Check for local offset time or UTC time from server
if (source.slice(-1) !== "Z") {
var oldSource = source;
try {
source = source.substring(0, source.lastIndexOf("-") - 1)
source = new Date(source);
var tzDifference = source.getTimezoneOffset();
//convert the offset to milliseconds, add to targetTime, and make a new Date
var offsetTime = new Date(source.getTime() + tzDifference * 60 * 1000);
return offsetTime;
catch (err) {
source = new Date(source);
return source;
else {
source = new Date(source);
var tzDifference = source.getTimezoneOffset();
//convert the offset to milliseconds, add to targetTime, and make a new Date
var offsetTime = new Date(source.getTime() + tzDifference * 60 * 1000);
return offsetTime;

Validating two dates in acrobat javascripts

well the code I posted below all works perfectly except for a small detail. When I input today date in the field dateEntered, the later rejects it, it validates if the date entered is before todays date, validate if the date falls on a weekends, but it also show an error message when it is todays date. Actually the user should be able to enter Today or after date.
Anyone can tell me where am wrong, already tried every possible ways but still not working even the ( ==) or (===) or (<=) ..nothing
if (event.value!="")
var e = util.scand("ddd, dd.mmm.yy", event.value);
var a = (e.getTime()) < (new Date().getTime());
if (a) {
app.alert("The Date cannot be before Today's Date", 1);
event.rc = null;
if (e.getDay()==6 || e.getDay()==0) {
app.alert("Cannot take permission on a Weekend!", 2);
I found the solution to my problem, I had to set the hour to 0. Thank to the one who updated this on stackoverflow and sorry forget to retain your name.
if (event.value!="")
var e = util.scand("ddd, dd.mmm.yy", event.value);
var b=new Date();
if (e<b) {
app.alert("ERROR: Date cannot be before"+" "+ new Date(b), 5);
event.rc = null;
if (e.getDay()==6 || e.getDay()==0) {
app.alert("ALERT: The date you entered ("+event.value+") falls on a WEEKEND!", 3);
This codes also contains a condition of removing one weekend from the dates since the number of leaves allowed to take ranges from 1 to 7 thus only one weekend is remove.