breezejs: date is not set to the right time - date

I've noticed that if a date property comes back from the server with the value "2013-07-11T17:11:04.700", then breeze changes the value to Thu Jul 11 19:11:04 UTC+0200 2013.
Notice the time is now 2 hours ahead !
I had already come across this issue when saving entities, so I had to explicitly convert my date properties using momentjs :
date.hours(date.hours() - moment().zone() / 60);
But now it seems the problem occurs also when doing read operations.
What's the best way to make sure breeze does not alter values of my date properties ?

Breeze does not manipulate the datetimes going to and from the server in any way EXCEPT to add a UTZ timezone specifier to any dates returned from the server that do not already have one. This is only done because different browsers interpret dates without a timezone specifier differently and we want consistency between browsers.
The source of your issues is likely to be that when you save your data with dates to the database, that the dateTime datatype you are using does NOT contain a timezone offset. This means that when the data is retrieved you are likely "losing" the offset and the Breeze default mentioned above kicks in. This can be corrected by using a database date time datatype with an timezone offset ( datetime2 or datetimeoffset in SQLServer).
Note that your browser DOES format dates according to it's current timezone.
Another approach is that you can replace Breeze's DataType.parseDateFromServer to NOT infer any time zone info if it is not provided:
breeze.DataType.parseDateFromServer = function (source) {
return new Date(Date.parse(source));
However, this can run into the problem that different browsers interpret DateTime strings without a time zone offset differently... So you may still get strange results depending on the browser. If that happens you will need to add some browser detection code to the snippet above.
Another alternative is to do the following using the moment.js library.
breeze.DataType.parseDateFromServer = function (source) {
var date = moment(source);
return date.toDate();
Not sure how helpful this is, but hopefully Breeze's behavior is clearer.

By default, Breeze does not provide any way to do this, but you can keep the below code in your model JS file to overcome this issue:
breeze.DataType.parseDateFromServer = function (source) {
if (typeof source === 'string') {
//Check for local offset time or UTC time from server
if (source.slice(-1) !== "Z") {
var oldSource = source;
try {
source = source.substring(0, source.lastIndexOf("-") - 1)
source = new Date(source);
var tzDifference = source.getTimezoneOffset();
//convert the offset to milliseconds, add to targetTime, and make a new Date
var offsetTime = new Date(source.getTime() + tzDifference * 60 * 1000);
return offsetTime;
catch (err) {
source = new Date(source);
return source;
else {
source = new Date(source);
var tzDifference = source.getTimezoneOffset();
//convert the offset to milliseconds, add to targetTime, and make a new Date
var offsetTime = new Date(source.getTime() + tzDifference * 60 * 1000);
return offsetTime;


Date Format For Google Classroom API ScheduledTime

I'm trying to set the scheduled time when creating an assignment using the Google Classroom API. However, I'm confused about which date format is needed. By the error messages, it seems to accept a string which holds a timestamp and a timezone or Z at the end. Among others, I've tried using System.currentTimeMillis() + "Z", as well as googleDate.getValue() + "Z", googleDate.getValue() since Google Date format seems to be the way to go based on this doc but none of them seem to work.
Any ideas perhaps?
Thank you.
String timezone = timestamp + offset + "";
System.currentTimeMillis() googleDate =
new java.util.Date());
// Date javaDate = new Date(googleDate.getValue());
CourseWork courseWork = new CourseWork()
.setTitle("title PUBLISHED 2")
.setScheduledTime(googleDate.getValue() + "Z")
This is what I get when I manually add a timestamp and turn it into a string.
And this using the Google date instead.
And this with the new Java 8 apis
I recommend that you use java.time, the modern Java date and time API, for your date and time work. The following code gives the same result as the code from your answer.
LocalDate localDate =;
String s = localDate.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault())
Output in my time zone today:
Compared to your own answer you have fewer conversions, and you are freed from writing your own format pattern string since the formatter we need is built in.
This worked:
LocalDate localDate =;
java.util.Date date1 = java.util.Date.from(localDate.atStartOfDay()
String s = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX").format(date1);
It seems the imports were using the Google Date class instead of

Creating a LocalTime BsonDatetime object

I have a large logging and data entry program that receives DataTable object with 1 DataRow. The DataTable have random amount of columns, with random column name and type so i cannot have class for each. Using these DataColumn i get the DataType and build a BsonDocument from scratch out of this.
Here's a short example
public void ParseData(DataTable table)
// create the document
var document = new BsonDocument();
// get the only row in the table
var row = table.Rows[0];
// for each column we add the property
foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
// create an empty value
BsonValue value = null;
// current column value
var columnValue = row[column.ColumnName];
// set the value based on the datatype
if (column.DataType == typeof(string)) value = new BsonString(columnValue.ToString());
else if (column.DataType == typeof(int)) value = new BsonInt32(Convert.ToInt32(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(float)) value = new BsonDouble(Convert.ToDouble(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(double)) value = new BsonDouble(Convert.ToDouble(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(bool)) value = new BsonBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) value = new BsonDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(columnValue));
// add the element
document.Add(new BsonElement(column.ColumnName, value));
// insert the document in the generic collection
As you can see it's pretty simple. I have removed a lot of types in the list as we have many custom types that might pass so i just kept the basic ones. The problem is that i cannot figure out how to force the BsonDateTime to save as local time in the collection. When doing filters with legacy apps it's not working. I need them to be saved as local time. It's never been an issue in the past but because of those legacy apps from the early 90's that still need support i have to figure something out.
I also need to reload them as local time. If i could, i would save them as string but i can't because since all columns are random i do not know when loading if a specific BsonString is really a string or if it's a DateTime. For reloading i must not reload really as local time. I must reload the exact value in the database. I only control the creation of the document. But reading i only control a few one's that will be reading from it that are in C#, Java and C++. The rest are legacy apps that companies doesn't even exist anymore.
I did try to just modify every single date that came in the system to account for UTC and change the date to when saved as UTC it's stored property and filters from legacy apps still works but all of .NET, Java and C++ apps load up the wrong value and not the written value.
Is there a way to just disable UTC in a specific collection or database in MongoDB directly like you can in SQL server ?
MongoDB stores times in UTC and does not have time zone support. You can store any values you like but they will be interpreted as UTC timestamps by most MongoDB-related software.

Utilities.formatDate() in Google Apps Script outputs previous date (e.g. input 25.05.2015 -> output 24.05.2015)

I have a problem with Google Docs' Utilities.formatDate() function.
I have a spreadsheet that contains all of the orders we place in the lab. When an order is delivered our lab manager enters the delivery date in the relevant cell in such a spreadsheet, in the following format: dd.MM.yyyy.
I created a script that, provided certain conditions, will email whoever placed that order alerting them that the order has been delivered on that particular date. Here is the code:
function DeliveryAlerts() {
try {
var email_dict = {"Y":""}
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ABC");
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Orders");
var values = sheet.getRange("A2:Q251").getValues();
var bgcolours = sheet.getRange("A2:Q251").getBackgrounds();
for(var i=0;i<=249;i++)
var j = i + 2;
if (values[i][16]=="Yes" && values[i][11]!="" && bgcolours[i][16]!="#b8b8b8")
var email_address = email_dict[values[i][13]];
var cur_date = Utilities.formatDate(values[i][11], "GMT+1", "EEE dd.MM.yyyy");
var message = "Hello there,\n\nYour order of " + values[i][4] + " has been delivered on "+ cur_date +".\n\nBest wishes";
var subject = "Delivery alert";
MailApp.sendEmail(email_address, subject, message,{replyTo:"", name:"ABC"});
} catch (err) {
MailApp.sendEmail("", "Delivery Alerts Script in Order Master List", err);
I use
Utilities.formatDate(values[i][11], "GMT+1", "EEE dd.MM.yyyy") to reformat the date from, say, 25.05.2015 (that is, the value in the cell) to Mon 25.05.2015. However, what I get instead is Sun 24.05.2015.
Does anybody know what is going on?
Thank you in advance.
Check the time zone setting in the script editor. Under the FILE menu, choose PROJECT PROPERTIES in the script editor. It's possible to have a different time zone setting in Apps Script, than is in the spreadsheet. This is a common issue that arises. Apps Script allows a separate time zone setting from the spreadsheet. Also, even if the time is only off by one minute, if the time setting of the date is all zeros, it's common to get the problem that you are having. When a user enters a date, it's possible that no time setting is made. So the time is set to all zeros. The date is correct, but the time is all zeros. Even if the date was typed in at 3 in the afternoon, for example, and the date is correct, the time setting can be midnight of that day. So, even if you subtracted one second from that date, it would now be the day before.

How can I get Breeze.js to save my timezone in my SQL DB

We are trying to sort out how to have a user input a date-time with a timezone and save that in my SQL database. I have a column of type datetimeoffset in my SQL server.
$scope.saveItemChanges = function ()
var td = new Date();
$scope.chosenEditItem.ServiceStatusUpdateDateTimeOffset = td;
$ td.toString() + "ISO " + td.toISOString() + "UTC " + td.toUTCString() + "JSON " + td.toJSON());
.then (saveSucceededCloseEdit)
.fail (displayErrors)
In my database I'm not seeing the timezone. Only rows 1007-1009 got inserted via breeze the other rows are testing.
Basically I want to be able to capture the date-time and timezone on the client and store it in my DB. When someones goes back to view the record I need to be able to determine what timezone the date-time is for. I'm not sure what I'm missing in the path from Client -> Server that is stopping the timezone from being saved in the DB.
Breeze Date Info
Console logging:
Database record:
Javascript treats all dates as UTC, but you can still change it on the server.
First, you will need to know what the timezone on the client is and send it to the server. You can do this by having an unmapped property (i.e. won't be saved to the DB):
var UnusualDate = function () {
this.timezoneOffset = 0;
em.metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor("UnusualDate", UnusualDate);
var td = new Date();
var uD = em.createEntity("UnusualDate", { creationDate: td });
uD.setProperty("timezoneOffset", td.getTimezoneOffset()/-60);
Then, on the server BeforeSaveEntity or BeforeSaveEntities, you retrieve the timezone offset and reset the date accordingly:
var timezoneOffset = Convert.ToInt32(entityInfo.UnmappedValuesMap["timezoneOffset"]);
UnusualDate uDate = entityInfo.Entity as UnusualDate;
uDate.CreationDate = uDate.CreationDate.ToOffset(new TimeSpan(timezoneOffset, 0, 0));
If you are not familiar with BeforeSaveEntity and BeforeSaveEntities, you can take a look at the documentation at

Validating two dates in acrobat javascripts

well the code I posted below all works perfectly except for a small detail. When I input today date in the field dateEntered, the later rejects it, it validates if the date entered is before todays date, validate if the date falls on a weekends, but it also show an error message when it is todays date. Actually the user should be able to enter Today or after date.
Anyone can tell me where am wrong, already tried every possible ways but still not working even the ( ==) or (===) or (<=) ..nothing
if (event.value!="")
var e = util.scand("ddd, dd.mmm.yy", event.value);
var a = (e.getTime()) < (new Date().getTime());
if (a) {
app.alert("The Date cannot be before Today's Date", 1);
event.rc = null;
if (e.getDay()==6 || e.getDay()==0) {
app.alert("Cannot take permission on a Weekend!", 2);
I found the solution to my problem, I had to set the hour to 0. Thank to the one who updated this on stackoverflow and sorry forget to retain your name.
if (event.value!="")
var e = util.scand("ddd, dd.mmm.yy", event.value);
var b=new Date();
if (e<b) {
app.alert("ERROR: Date cannot be before"+" "+ new Date(b), 5);
event.rc = null;
if (e.getDay()==6 || e.getDay()==0) {
app.alert("ALERT: The date you entered ("+event.value+") falls on a WEEKEND!", 3);
This codes also contains a condition of removing one weekend from the dates since the number of leaves allowed to take ranges from 1 to 7 thus only one weekend is remove.