From where to download facebook connector for WSO2-ESB? - facebook

I am trying to use social networking sites with WSO2 ESB. I have been able to successfully use twitter connector available on :
I am trying to search for facebook and linkedIN connectors for WSO2 - ESB, but cant find their .zip file.
Where can I download LinkedIN and Facebook connectors for WSO2-ESB?

They are not released yet. They are under development and will be released as soon. Meanwhile you can build and check the linkedIn from here,

WSO2 has provided a public preview of their store at, where you can find all the currently available connectors, including the Facebook connector at


How to recieve webhook posts in Java servlet/Tomcat?

Does someone have a link to or an example of a java servlet that can receive 3rd party webhook posts? My web app is a collection of servlet/jsps hosted on Tomcat, (build in an Eclipse Dynamic Web Project). I have searched in vain for a simple example of a servlet/setup that can receive webhooks. Specifically, I need to receive webhooks from applications such as Jira and Prefect. On receipt of the webhooks, I need to trigger actions, such as update a MySQL database.

Using Google-Account to log into Alfresco

Is it possible to log in to the Alfresco Community Edition using a Google account and using SSO?
How to configure this connection correctly using WSO2 Identity Server?
Read the documentation about SAML support on the Alfresco Documentation site:

wso2is 5.4.1 + liferay 6.2ga6

I followed official documentation from : to Login in my Liferay Portal with wso2is user, but it not work for me in wso2is-5.4.1 and liferay6.2ga6. When I try login, liferay's log print "Primary URL :https://wso2is.local:9443/services/Secondary URL :null" but no call to wso2is server is done.
I added this lines into my : auth.pipeline.enable.liferay.check=false wso2is.auth.service.endpoint.primary=https://wso2is.local:9443/services/ wso2is.auth.thrift.endpoint=localhost wso2is.auth.thrift.port=10500 wso2is.auth.thrift.connection.timeout=10000 wso2is.auth.thrift.admin.user=admin wso2is.auth.thrift.admin.user.password=admin wso2is.auth.thrift.endpoint.login=https://wso2is.local:9443/ wso2is.auth.thrift.system.trusstore=/wso2is-5.4.1/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks wso2is.auth.thrift.system.trusstore.password=wso2carbon
Is there something wrong?
Unfortunately, a lot of the WSO2 documentation is very crufty, containing articles that have been pulled forward from previous versions of the documentation without regression testing on the use cases they present. In short, there's stuff in the documentation that plain doesn't work. If you look at the bottom of the article you'll see the following:
Please note that the above configuration is tested with Liferay 6.1.1
and WSO2 Identity 3.2.3/4.0.0.
I recall I tested this a long time ago, and determined that it wouldn't work with the current version, but that was so long ago that I can't remember why. In any case, the approach presented for integrating Liferay was offered at a time where Liferay didn't have the ability to use standardized authentication protocols like SAML. Now that it does, you probably want to do it in a standards compliant manner instead of using an authentication interface Liferay only promotes using for proprietary authentication systems.
My suggestion is that if you are using Liferay portal enterprise with LDAP that you use the built-in SAML connector. If you aren't using Enterprise, there are some compatible authenticator extensions in the extensions store that will also integrate with Liferay. If you configure Liferay to be a client against WSO2 and then integrate Liferay to LDAP on the backend, it also allows Liferay to be used as a user dashboard instead of the jaggery based one that comes in the product.

Can i use my hosted WEB API (created in ASP.NET) in Mulesoft API manger?

I am trying to learn mulesoft AnyPoint Platform, and trying to host an API using API Manager.
I already have an API created in, can i use it in API manager, or i need to create new API.
Please help
Yes its possible if you are using Cloud based API Manager where below are the steps -
Click on the "Add New API" button.
Enter the API name of Mythical
Mobile Experience API (Replace Mythical with your preferred company
Enter Version name of 1.0 Leave the the API Endpoint blank for
Enter a description.
You should see the API administration page for your newly created API. From this page, you can Define API in API designer using RAML, publish an API portal, and Configure endpoint for the API.
Note, If you are using on-prem API Gateway then you need to develop a proxy Mule application which then need to be deployed using auto discovery component so that it will register under api manager then You should see the API administration page for your newly created API. From this page, you can Define API in API designer using RAML, publish an API portal, and Configure endpoint for the API.
Yes you can use the API Manager for hosting the API.
Yes you can use the API created.

OAuth with IBM API Manager and IBM Mobile First

I would like to use OAuth as authorization system for my API created on the IBM API Manager (on Bluemix). Is it possible to use the IBM MobileFirst as OAuth provider? I have already tried inserting
as “Authorization URL”, after calling
I obtain the form to insert the credentials, I enter a MobileFirst user and password (credentials are in basic user registry) but it seems to be always failing and the form is constantly visible.
What am I getting wrong?
Thank you in advance.
This is not possible through MobileFirst Platform Foundation at this time. The question should be directed at the API Manager product. You could probably open a PMR (support ticket) for that team.
To use OAuth to the secure the APIs in IBM API Management, please see the Securing an API by using OAuth 2.0 tutorial. As provided in the earlier answer it is not possible through IBM Mobile First Platform at this time.