How to recieve webhook posts in Java servlet/Tomcat? - eclipse

Does someone have a link to or an example of a java servlet that can receive 3rd party webhook posts? My web app is a collection of servlet/jsps hosted on Tomcat, (build in an Eclipse Dynamic Web Project). I have searched in vain for a simple example of a servlet/setup that can receive webhooks. Specifically, I need to receive webhooks from applications such as Jira and Prefect. On receipt of the webhooks, I need to trigger actions, such as update a MySQL database.


Is there a way to import a Bamboo Spec file via the REST API?

I currently try to automate the process of creating a new Bamboo linked repository and start the scan. I've already looked over the documentation of the REST API, tried to generate a new plan and enabling a scan, but that didn't work.
I also tried the Java Maven Package from Atlassian, but that needs user credentials as an authentication method, whilst I need to authenticate via a Security token. There is a link to an API in that Maven Package, which I tried to send a request to with the yaml code, but it always responds with the status code 500 and a Java Stacktrace. It's probably due to a wrong request body, but I can't figure out, how to include the yaml content the same way, as the maven package.
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
No and there won't ever be one because they're deprecating the Bamboo server in favour of their cloud-based alternative (which is based on a totally different API). See
Java Maven Package from Atlassian
What package is that? Based on what I said earlier the only way for you to programmatically create a linked repo is to mimic the browser POST request to updateLinkedRepository.action. That means that you'll need to login first to get a JSESSIONID cookie (xsrf token can be disabled, see Ping me if you need help, I still have ansible code for the login part.

Bot SDK with facebook channel - outside Azure deployment

I have a question related to channels and using bot SDK outside azure, Is there a sample code which shows how to connect the bot SDK with facebook channel without deploying it to Azure? ex: running as a standalone node app and connect facebook callback?. The reason is I checked this sample and inside the logic I can't see it has a facebook channel specific connector is used. So my question is does bot SDK core automatically understand how to interpret messages coming from any channel (in this case facebook) or does this conversion done by the channel connectors only available in Azure deployment?
I would like to use botframework mainly because it has, dialogs and session state already implemented instead of I re-do it again. But I want to use it outside Azure and with facebook channel

How to send push notification to ionic app from java server using MFP8.0?

I have my sample ionic application which is using service from REST web service. Now, I want to send push notification from my REST web service to ionic application using MFP 8.0.
Is there any Documentaion for this requirement. I searched, but I unable found how to do this through web service.
Anyone help will be Appreciated!!!
I'm not convinced you've searched... Here is where sending notifications via REST is mentioned in the Sending Push Notifications tutorial:
You did not specify if your application requires authentication or not, so it is best that you will review the entire Notifications category of tutorials.

From where to download facebook connector for WSO2-ESB?

I am trying to use social networking sites with WSO2 ESB. I have been able to successfully use twitter connector available on :
I am trying to search for facebook and linkedIN connectors for WSO2 - ESB, but cant find their .zip file.
Where can I download LinkedIN and Facebook connectors for WSO2-ESB?
They are not released yet. They are under development and will be released as soon. Meanwhile you can build and check the linkedIn from here,
WSO2 has provided a public preview of their store at, where you can find all the currently available connectors, including the Facebook connector at

External SSO and Web Application running on TOMCAT 6.0

New to JAVA. I developed Web application(JSP) successfully delpoyed on TOMCAT 6.0. Now the client want to use external SSO to authenticate users. As of now when the users are authenticated the website is displayed with Login Page where the user has to login again.
I am using the Login.jsp to bring the user roles from the SQLDB for Website.
What I want to accomplish now is when User is authenticated login.jsp should retrieve the credentials from the SSO and display the website thus accomplishing the purpose of Single sign on process.
I read a lot from this forum and other websites but kinda lost in the process.
Any help would be appreciated.
thank you
We developed a Tomcat extension (valve) which does just that. Basically you use standard J2EE security (role-ref etc) in your app and our Tomcat valve then acts as a bridge between Tomcat and our SSO platform. You can find out more at
Of course you may not want to use our SSO platform :-( but you can still use our Tomcat valve and modify it to fit your needs. It's released under an Apache 2 license and you can grab the source from Github