Using Google-Account to log into Alfresco - single-sign-on

Is it possible to log in to the Alfresco Community Edition using a Google account and using SSO?
How to configure this connection correctly using WSO2 Identity Server?

Read the documentation about SAML support on the Alfresco Documentation site:


OAuth with IBM API Manager and IBM Mobile First

I would like to use OAuth as authorization system for my API created on the IBM API Manager (on Bluemix). Is it possible to use the IBM MobileFirst as OAuth provider? I have already tried inserting
as “Authorization URL”, after calling
I obtain the form to insert the credentials, I enter a MobileFirst user and password (credentials are in basic user registry) but it seems to be always failing and the form is constantly visible.
What am I getting wrong?
Thank you in advance.
This is not possible through MobileFirst Platform Foundation at this time. The question should be directed at the API Manager product. You could probably open a PMR (support ticket) for that team.
To use OAuth to the secure the APIs in IBM API Management, please see the Securing an API by using OAuth 2.0 tutorial. As provided in the earlier answer it is not possible through IBM Mobile First Platform at this time.

Single Sign-On for SAPUI5 app: how to set up?

I have a SAP sso2 service enabled in the company, how would I enable single sign-on in code? What do I need to insert to my code and possibly where?
When I log in to portal, single sign-on feature works, as I am not asked for password every time. I would like to have the same thing for my SAPUI5 application.
Can I possibly use cookies? If yes, how?
Yes, you can have the same thing for your SAPUI5 application. You don't need to code anything. SSO for ABAP is standard configuration. You can use any of these:
SPNego for ABAP (included in SAP Single Sign-On 2.0)
SAML to Active Directory (assuming your users are there and that's why you have SSO to Portal)
When your company has implemented SSO for Portal, they should of course do the same for SAP GUI and ABAP HTTP. :-)
Note that there is a licensing cost for SAP Single Sign-On 2.0.
If you use ABAP on-premise system for your SAPUI5 app, then you need to have SAP Single-Sign-On solution installed, it includes SAML support.
SAML implementation on AS ABAP is provided by CommonCryptoLib (SAPCRYPTOLIB) so what you need here:
Install SAPCRYPTOLIB library server-side.
Not needed on Netweaver 72x/74x kernel PL released after November 2013, because now built-in kernel.
Enable SAML provider in AS ABAP in SAML2 transaction
Configure AS ABAP as service provider
Set up SAP SSO
After that you will be able to connect to ABAP system from your app.
If you connect to SCP cloud ABAP or HANA system, then this is even more simply because it supports SAML natively.

SSO jbpm 6.2 via CAS server 4.0.0?

I want to use SSO jbpm 6.2 via CAS server 4.0.0 (and cas is running on tomcat) but i don't know how to do it. I searched on google but i can't find how to config wildfly of jbpm 6.2 with CAS server.
Please help me, thank you for your help !
I have no expirience with CAS but this tutorial helped me set up jbpm 6.1 with WSO2 Identity Manager.
It might not be the same but this can put you on the right track since CAS can also handle SAML. Wildfly uses picketlink to handle security federation, reading the docs will be helpful on your journey.

SugarCRM Integration - Community edition -Rest vrs SOAP

We have a setup where SugarCRM will be deployed/hosted on AWS Cloud and it has to be integrated with a Portal application and Mobile App.
Considering the scenario, which SugarCRM APIs should be preferred for integration i.e SOAP OR REST and why?
Or should we use SOAP for portal and REST for mobile app integration?
Use REST. According to the SugarCRM support site, "SOAP support is deprecated as of 7.x and you should move integrations over to the new REST endpoint".

From where to download facebook connector for WSO2-ESB?

I am trying to use social networking sites with WSO2 ESB. I have been able to successfully use twitter connector available on :
I am trying to search for facebook and linkedIN connectors for WSO2 - ESB, but cant find their .zip file.
Where can I download LinkedIN and Facebook connectors for WSO2-ESB?
They are not released yet. They are under development and will be released as soon. Meanwhile you can build and check the linkedIn from here,
WSO2 has provided a public preview of their store at, where you can find all the currently available connectors, including the Facebook connector at