how to play a video url (url ending with .mp4 or .webm) in android webview - android-webview

I want to run a video url (url ending with .mp4 or .webm) in a android webview
When I am using webview.loadUrl("XXX.mp4")
the video is not playing
please help with code snippet.


mp4 video not playing from url in pbjvideoplayer

Hello guys I have used the library pbjvideoplayer for playing videos from URLs. The mp4 video is playing on iOS > 8 and not playing on iOS < 8.
video url =

Youtube video downloader for iPhone

I need to create a downloaded application for iPhone. Many of application is already in itune with same purpose. When any video play in UIWebView player, then i have to show option for downloading video. For downloading video i need URL which is playing in Player.
What i tried yet
i have found nothing, i got Notification which tell me that player is in full screen or not (UIMoviePlayerControllerDidEnterFullscreenNotification). I have tried with web view delegate methods for URL but it is not giving me any video URL. it print on console "setting movie path:" but it is not giving full path for downlaod

iPhone trying to get youtube to automatckly start video

I have a web page with the following code
if I play it through the computer the video automatically starts, but it will not on the iphone?
can you have a webpage that will automacly start playing the youtube video when it is open???
maybe you can try this in your UIWebView put webView.mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction=FALSE; more here - YouTube Autoplay Possibilities In IOS

how to display youtube video and mp4 file in same project using webview iphone?

how to display youtube video and mp4 file in same project using uiwebview iphone?
Perhaps these will help:

video playing from pdf file in iphone or ipad

I am developing an application, which is reads a PDF file and displays it in webview now we have videos embedded within pdf, how to play those videos within webview like html5 did.
thanks in advance.
Webview will not detect and play the videos embedded inside the pdf. You have to parse the pdf and get the file stream and play it using MPMoviePlayerController.