how to display youtube video and mp4 file in same project using webview iphone? - iphone

how to display youtube video and mp4 file in same project using uiwebview iphone?

Perhaps these will help:


iphone UIImagePicker controller can not decode message

I am trying to select a video file from gallery by UIImagePicker controller but when i have select this file it is showing "Can not Decode" message (I am using KTypeMovie in image picker controller and it is working some video files fine).
Please suggest how can i resolved it.
Thanks in advance
You are probably getting an error because the video file is not in a supported format.
All your video files should use a format that is compatible with Apple iTunes, such as an MP4 file with h.264 encoding.
If your video does not play properly in the viewer, re-encode the video to .mp4 h.264 using Adobe Media Encoder or a third-party tool such as Handbrake.

iPhone trying to get youtube to automatckly start video

I have a web page with the following code
if I play it through the computer the video automatically starts, but it will not on the iphone?
can you have a webpage that will automacly start playing the youtube video when it is open???
maybe you can try this in your UIWebView put webView.mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction=FALSE; more here - YouTube Autoplay Possibilities In IOS

video playing from pdf file in iphone or ipad

I am developing an application, which is reads a PDF file and displays it in webview now we have videos embedded within pdf, how to play those videos within webview like html5 did.
thanks in advance.
Webview will not detect and play the videos embedded inside the pdf. You have to parse the pdf and get the file stream and play it using MPMoviePlayerController.

iPhone SDK - Play Audio/Video through UIWebView

I want to know if I could play a mp3 file or mp4 (video) file through an UIWebView by loading a simple url request. I have already tried sending the UIWebView to a video link (e.g. but it will flash a quick QuickTime logo and show a black screen. However in MobileSafari it streams fine. Is there anyway to play a media file through an UIWebView??!
Use the HTML5 <audio> tag.

How to play video in the iPhone without using MPMoviePlayerController?

Is this possible to play any video file without using of MPMoviePlayerController in iPhone?
Yes. You can also use a UIWebView. See this answer.
You can use a web view but you can play only those videos present in the bundle, you cannot play any format in iPhone as some of the formats are not supported.
See this link