Classic ASP - Display all dates within a certain date range - date

I was wondering if i could get some help.
I have a little script that gets a date range based on a persons input.
It outputs the date range like so
What i need to do is output each date between these 2 dates.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dates in Classic ASP are fairly easy to use. Try this first:
Here's a demo of looping through a series of sequential dates:
dim dcount, newdate
dcount = 0
newdate = startdate
response.write(newdate & "<br />")
newdate = newdate + 1
loop until newdate > stopdate
Obviously you'd need to specify startdate and stopdate, though this could be done as a sub or function.


Dynamic Default Day Parameter

Good day,
I would like to create parameters with the following conditions:
Start Date Range between 03/01/2019-03/31/2019 (done)
End day range 03/01/2019-03/31/2019
Default end day is set to the day of today but in March (so if I open the wbook tomorrow it will be 03/22/2019
It's a bit complexe and your help is much appreciated.
1- Create calc field that takes day of today and month/year
DATEPARSE("dd, MM, yyyy", str(Today()) + ", " + str(03) + str(2019))
2- In End date parameter > when opening workbook > select calculated date

dlookup not working for other month than MAY

I am using dlookup (date = date) its fine when the date is of "May" but when I put date of any other month like 1/6/19 the dlookup remains silent.
in Dlookup if date is of MAY its fine but not working when date id of JUN the code I am using is as below
Total = DLookup("Total", "Dailycash", "Cdate =#" & sdate & "#")
Apply a proper format to the date value expression:
Total = DLookup("Total", "Dailycash", "Cdate = #" & Format(sdate, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#")

Convert Long number into Date in access vba

I am having a field which contains date in the form of number and need to convert into equivalent date for further operations such as checking between the date with other date variables.
For example : My long number variable is
Dim ndate as Long
I need to get this ndate as date variable such as 01/09/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Thanks in advance
dim actualdate as date
actualdate = dateserial(ndate\10000, (ndate mod 10000)\100, ndate mod 1000000)
DateSerial takes the arguments year, month, day. The \ operator performs division discarding the remainder, and mod performs a division returning the remainder.
This can give you the answer
If the date is 20140901
then newdate will have 01/09/2014
dim newdate as date
newdate = CDate(Right(ndate, 2) & "/" & Mid(ndate, 5, 2) & "/" & Left(ndate, 4))

How to concatenate the date in datenum with the year in MATLAB

I need to get the payment dates of a bond. The payments dates are quarterly. I have already set up the date in a cell. But I need to concatenate it with the particular year, which I am not sue how to.
EffectiveDate = datenum('15/05');
I need to concatenate it with the year like 2012.
What i Tried:
EffectiveDate + year
Both didn't give me a correct answer.
How do i do it? Need some help on this. Thanks.
If all values are given as strings:
date = '15/05';
year = '2012';
fullDate = [date,'/',year]; %String concatenation
now you can convert to serial form using datenum:
sDate = datenum(fullDate,'dd/mm/yyyy');
Hope this is what you asked for

Modifying date in ColdFusion

How can I adjust a date in coldfusion to get the next day at 1AM?
the date is taken from a database, and stored as a string. I'm thinking the way to do it is through CreateDateTime and filling it with the time and date using year,month,day + 1 etc.
I'm just worried that it won't work when the next day falls on the next month
Using DateAdd() you can always be sure that it will take the context of the current date into account. So if it is August 31 and you add one day it will correctly make the date Sept 1st. It will also properly switch the year if you did the same on Dec 31st.
<cfset nextDate = dateAdd("d", 1, now()) />
<cfset nextDateWithTime = createDateTime(year(nextDate), month(nextDate), day(nextDate), 1, 0, 0) />
Assuming the date is something which CF recognizes as a date, and contains date only, without time, you could do something like:
function tomorrowOneAM(date) {
var resultValue = DateAdd("d",1,date);
resultValue = DateAdd("h",1,resultValue);
return resultValue;