Convert Long number into Date in access vba - date

I am having a field which contains date in the form of number and need to convert into equivalent date for further operations such as checking between the date with other date variables.
For example : My long number variable is
Dim ndate as Long
I need to get this ndate as date variable such as 01/09/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Thanks in advance

dim actualdate as date
actualdate = dateserial(ndate\10000, (ndate mod 10000)\100, ndate mod 1000000)
DateSerial takes the arguments year, month, day. The \ operator performs division discarding the remainder, and mod performs a division returning the remainder.

This can give you the answer
If the date is 20140901
then newdate will have 01/09/2014
dim newdate as date
newdate = CDate(Right(ndate, 2) & "/" & Mid(ndate, 5, 2) & "/" & Left(ndate, 4))


convert date format yywwd to dd-mm-yy

In Access, I would like to convert a date column in format yywwd to dd-mm-yy. (weekday nr. 1 is monday, and years can only from 2000 and later, so e.g. today (monday 15-06-2020) would be 20251 what I would like to be converted to 15-06-2020.
I'm not much of a coder so honestly asside from messing with Datepart I have not tried a whole lot. Does anyone have suggestion?
It seems that the function 'GetDayFromWeekNumber' mentioned here vba convert week number (and year) to date? could work but how is this used in MSAccess?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I have a function that works in Excel to convert YYWWD to a date, this should be very similar if not identical to the code needed in Access. It is quite verbose so you could probably make it simpler, but at least the calculation steps are clearly set out.
The function assumes the ISO definition of week number - i.e. the first week of the year is the week in which the 4th of Jan falls. The first day of a week is Monday, the last day of a week is Sunday.
Function dateFromYYWWD(yywwd)
Dim sYYWWD As String
Dim sYYYY As String
Dim ww As Integer
Dim d As Integer
Dim fourthOfJan As Date
Dim fourthOfJanWeekday As Integer
Dim week1StartDate As Date
Dim targetWeekStartDate As Date
Dim targetDate As Date
' Convert to string if not already
sYYWWD = "" & yywwd
' Get the year in full
sYYYY = "20" + Left(sYYWWD, 2)
' Get the week number and day in the week
ww = CInt(Mid(sYYWWD, 3, 2))
d = CInt(Right(sYYWWD, 1))
' Calculate the date of 4th Jan in the same year
fourthOfJan = CDate(sYYYY & "-01-04")
' Get the day of week of the 4th Jan
fourthOfJanWeekday = Weekday(fourthOfJan, vbMonday)
' Date of the first day of week #1 in the target year
week1StartDate = fourthOfJan - fourthOfJanWeekday + 1
' First day of the target week
targetWeekStartDate = week1StartDate + (ww - 1) * 7
' Target date
targetDate = targetWeekStartDate + d - 1
dateFromYYWWD = targetDate
End Function
It's as simple as this:
Public Function ConvertFromYYWWD(s) As Date
Dim t&
t = DateSerial(2000 + Mid(s, 1, 2), 1, 1) + 7 * (Mid(s, 3, 2) - 1)
ConvertFromYYWWD = t - Weekday(t, vbMonday) + Mid(s, 5, 1)
End Function
Just place the above function in a code module in the database project.
You mentioned in the comments under your question that the week number is always two digits. I am assuming the the year number is likewise always two digits.
The first task is to split the value:
YWDDate = 20251
Year = YWDDate \ 1000 + 2000
Week = (YWDDate Mod 1000) \ 10
Weekday = YWDDate Mod 10
Then, as this probably is ISO 8601 week numbering, the year is not the calendar year but the ISO 8601 year, which native VBA knows nothing about, thus a custom function is needed:
' First day of the week.
WeekStart = DateYearWeek(25, 2020, vbMonday)
' Requested day of week (which here is the same)
WeekDate = DateAdd("d", 1 - 1, WeekStart)
The function is not that convoluted:
' Returns the date of Monday for the ISO 8601 week of IsoYear and Week.
' Optionally, returns the date of any other weekday of that week.
' 2017-05-03. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function DateYearWeek( _
ByVal IsoWeek As Integer, _
Optional ByVal IsoYear As Integer, _
Optional ByVal DayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = VbDayOfWeek.vbMonday) _
As Date
Dim WeekDate As Date
Dim ResultDate As Date
If IsoYear = 0 Then
IsoYear = Year(Date)
End If
' Validate parameters.
If Not IsWeekday(DayOfWeek) Then
' Don't accept invalid values for DayOfWeek.
Err.Raise DtError.dtInvalidProcedureCallOrArgument
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsWeek(IsoWeek, IsoYear) Then
' A valid week number must be passed.
Err.Raise DtError.dtInvalidProcedureCallOrArgument
Exit Function
End If
WeekDate = DateAdd(IntervalSetting(dtWeek), IsoWeek - 1, DateFirstWeekYear(IsoYear))
ResultDate = DateThisWeekPrimo(WeekDate, DayOfWeek)
DateYearWeek = ResultDate
End Function
but - as you can see - it calls some helper functions, which again call other functions, which will be too much to post here.
I can upload it somewhere, if you feel this will provide a solution for you.

DateDiff not available on Access 2013

I am trying to use the so called DateDiff function to subtract the End Date from the Start Date and obtain the numbers of days apart.For example:
10/11/1995 - 7/11/1995 = 3 (extract the 'dd' from DD/MM/YYYY format)
As date values are double with the integer part counting for a day, you can use this simple expression:
[Due Date]-[Start Date]
or, for integer days only:
Fix([Due Date]-[Start Date])
That said, you should a query for tasks like this.

Classic ASP - Display all dates within a certain date range

I was wondering if i could get some help.
I have a little script that gets a date range based on a persons input.
It outputs the date range like so
What i need to do is output each date between these 2 dates.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dates in Classic ASP are fairly easy to use. Try this first:
Here's a demo of looping through a series of sequential dates:
dim dcount, newdate
dcount = 0
newdate = startdate
response.write(newdate & "<br />")
newdate = newdate + 1
loop until newdate > stopdate
Obviously you'd need to specify startdate and stopdate, though this could be done as a sub or function.

Date Format changes when inserting into table if start date and end date cross one or more months

I have an Access 2013 form which has two unbound date fields, FromDate and ToDate. I insert these into a table (TblGuestBooking) which has an autonumber key field, so this doesn't feature in the SQL statement to follow.
If the FromDate and ToDate are in the same month, the dates are entered as dd/mm/yy, the format of the form field. If, however, the From date is in one month and the to date is in the next month or later month, the format changes to mm/dd/yy for the subsequent months.
for example 26/2/14 to 3/3/14 results in the following table entries:
This is the code snippet I am using to put the dates into the table (BookingID is obtained from the form.)
Dim BookingDate As Date
Dim SQLString As String
BookingDate = FromDate
SQLString = "INSERT INTO TblGuestBooking ([BookingDate], [BookingID]) VALUES (#" & BookingDate & "#" & "," & Me.GuestSuiteBookingID & ")"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLString
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
BookingDate = BookingDate + 1
Loop Until BookingDate = ToDate + 1
If you've read this far, thank you for your time. If you can help me out, many, many thanks.
When processing date literals (text values enclosed by "hash marks" #) Access SQL will always interpret ambiguous xx-yy-zzzz dates as mm-dd-yyyy, regardless of the regional setting in place on the computer. So, if your machine is configured to display short dates as dd-mm-yyyy and you create an Access query that uses #04-02-2014# it will always be interpreted as April 2, not February 4.
The solution is to always format date literals as unambiguous yyyy-mm-dd values. In your case, instead of
... VALUES (#" & BookingDate & "#" ...
you would use something like
... VALUES (#" & Format(BookingDate, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#" ...
In my case I've used following code for an ASP page that create and update a Date field in Access database.
strDay = Request("Day")
strMonth = Request("Month")
strYear = Request("Year")
InputDate = strYear & "-" & strMonth & "-" & strDay
if IsDate(InputDate) Then
InsertDate = CDate(InputDate)
'if date typed wrong, use Todays Date
InsertDate = Date()
end if
SQLUPD = "UPDATE MyDataBase SET DateField = '"& FormatDateTime(InsertDate, vbShortDate) &"'"
SQLINS = "INSERT INTO MyDataBase (DateField, Alist, Atype, Acomment) VALUES ('"& FormatDateTime(InsertDate, vbShortDate) &"', .....
Then all sorting and output opration with dates are going well.

Convert Short date to Long Date in Pop up Input box

I have the code below for a pop up box asking for a date Ex: 4/5/2013, how do I automatically convert it to a Long date format?
I tried
strUserResponse = FormatDateTime(Date, vbLongDate)
But it is just giving me today's date
Public Function AskForDeadline() As String
Dim strUserResponse As String
strUserResponse = InputBox("Enter attribute_5: Survey Deadline - In Short Date Format Ex: 4/9/2012 Will convert to LOND date AUTOMATICALLY")
strUserResponse = FormatDateTime(Date, vbLongDate)
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 9).Value = strUserResponse 'the 2, 9 is the cell reference for I2 - row 2, column 9.
End Function
As I mentioned in your previous post that Inputbox is not the best way to get a date but if you still want to go ahead with this then change
strUserResponse = FormatDateTime(Date, vbLongDate)
strUserResponse = FormatDateTime(strUserResponse, vbLongDate)
You are getting the current date because you are converting Date in that line of code which will give you today's date.