dlookup not working for other month than MAY - ms-access-2003

I am using dlookup (date = date) its fine when the date is of "May" but when I put date of any other month like 1/6/19 the dlookup remains silent.
in Dlookup if date is of MAY its fine but not working when date id of JUN the code I am using is as below
Total = DLookup("Total", "Dailycash", "Cdate =#" & sdate & "#")

Apply a proper format to the date value expression:
Total = DLookup("Total", "Dailycash", "Cdate = #" & Format(sdate, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#")


VBA Error 3075 When Filtering Between Dates

I know that there are a lot of answered questions regarding this topic but none of them answer the following question:
I have got this little and simple code:
Private Sub btnHwEOLNext2_Click()
Dim filterString As String
Dim startDate As Date
Dim endDate As Date
startDate = Date
endDate = Date + 730
filterString = "[HW End of Support] BETWEEN '" & startDate & " And " & endDate & "'"
Me.Filter = filterString
DoCmd.SetOrderBy "[HW End of Support] ASC"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub
all i am trying to do is to filter between 2 dates. the startDatedate will always be the day you use the form and the endDate will always be 730 days after startDate
why do i keep on getting
error 3075
? Help please!
If you put the date between # signs, then VBA considers it as a date.
As far SQL is using American date system with MM-DD-YYYY, you can change the format between the # signs, before parsing:
"[HW End] BETWEEN #" & Format(sd,"MM-DD-YYYY") & "# And #" & Format(ed,"MM-DD-YYYY") & "#"

Classic ASP - Display all dates within a certain date range

I was wondering if i could get some help.
I have a little script that gets a date range based on a persons input.
It outputs the date range like so
What i need to do is output each date between these 2 dates.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dates in Classic ASP are fairly easy to use. Try this first: http://www.classicasp.aspfaq.com/date-time-routines-manipulation/could-i-get-a-little-help-with-dates.html
Here's a demo of looping through a series of sequential dates:
dim dcount, newdate
dcount = 0
newdate = startdate
response.write(newdate & "<br />")
newdate = newdate + 1
loop until newdate > stopdate
Obviously you'd need to specify startdate and stopdate, though this could be done as a sub or function.

Date Format changes when inserting into table if start date and end date cross one or more months

I have an Access 2013 form which has two unbound date fields, FromDate and ToDate. I insert these into a table (TblGuestBooking) which has an autonumber key field, so this doesn't feature in the SQL statement to follow.
If the FromDate and ToDate are in the same month, the dates are entered as dd/mm/yy, the format of the form field. If, however, the From date is in one month and the to date is in the next month or later month, the format changes to mm/dd/yy for the subsequent months.
for example 26/2/14 to 3/3/14 results in the following table entries:
This is the code snippet I am using to put the dates into the table (BookingID is obtained from the form.)
Dim BookingDate As Date
Dim SQLString As String
BookingDate = FromDate
SQLString = "INSERT INTO TblGuestBooking ([BookingDate], [BookingID]) VALUES (#" & BookingDate & "#" & "," & Me.GuestSuiteBookingID & ")"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLString
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
BookingDate = BookingDate + 1
Loop Until BookingDate = ToDate + 1
If you've read this far, thank you for your time. If you can help me out, many, many thanks.
When processing date literals (text values enclosed by "hash marks" #) Access SQL will always interpret ambiguous xx-yy-zzzz dates as mm-dd-yyyy, regardless of the regional setting in place on the computer. So, if your machine is configured to display short dates as dd-mm-yyyy and you create an Access query that uses #04-02-2014# it will always be interpreted as April 2, not February 4.
The solution is to always format date literals as unambiguous yyyy-mm-dd values. In your case, instead of
... VALUES (#" & BookingDate & "#" ...
you would use something like
... VALUES (#" & Format(BookingDate, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#" ...
In my case I've used following code for an ASP page that create and update a Date field in Access database.
strDay = Request("Day")
strMonth = Request("Month")
strYear = Request("Year")
InputDate = strYear & "-" & strMonth & "-" & strDay
if IsDate(InputDate) Then
InsertDate = CDate(InputDate)
'if date typed wrong, use Todays Date
InsertDate = Date()
end if
SQLUPD = "UPDATE MyDataBase SET DateField = '"& FormatDateTime(InsertDate, vbShortDate) &"'"
SQLINS = "INSERT INTO MyDataBase (DateField, Alist, Atype, Acomment) VALUES ('"& FormatDateTime(InsertDate, vbShortDate) &"', .....
Then all sorting and output opration with dates are going well.

Modifying date in ColdFusion

How can I adjust a date in coldfusion to get the next day at 1AM?
the date is taken from a database, and stored as a string. I'm thinking the way to do it is through CreateDateTime and filling it with the time and date using year,month,day + 1 etc.
I'm just worried that it won't work when the next day falls on the next month
Using DateAdd() you can always be sure that it will take the context of the current date into account. So if it is August 31 and you add one day it will correctly make the date Sept 1st. It will also properly switch the year if you did the same on Dec 31st.
<cfset nextDate = dateAdd("d", 1, now()) />
<cfset nextDateWithTime = createDateTime(year(nextDate), month(nextDate), day(nextDate), 1, 0, 0) />
Assuming the date is something which CF recognizes as a date, and contains date only, without time, you could do something like:
function tomorrowOneAM(date) {
var resultValue = DateAdd("d",1,date);
resultValue = DateAdd("h",1,resultValue);
return resultValue;

How can I compare two dates in vbscript/ASP?

Using ASP classic, I need to somehow compare two dates with each other. How can I do this?
Date1 = #rs["date"]#
Date2 = #12/1/2009#
If DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2) > 1 Then
response.write "This date is before 12/1/2009"
response.write "This date is after 12/1/2009"
End If
If Date1 > Date2 Then
' Date1 occurred after Date 2
End If
Use >, < and = like comparing numbers (and >=, <= and <> too). Smaller dates are more historic.
This of course assumes that Date1 and Date2 are actually Date or DateTime objects. If they aren't, you'll need to convert them to Date objects first using CDate().