Why suddenly some things have disappeared from the body section? - element

I've been working on a website and from time to time some elements are disappearing from the document. I've figured out that it's because in CSS document the early lines are not fully commented. I would like to ask why if even such a tiny thing like Skeleton's default version text is not fully commented or some of the classes or id's don't have a closing bracket then the whole website has layout problems. What skeleton's version has to do with page's body color ? This is really confusing.
Here is the HTML and CSS :
I would be glad with any help. Yours truly,

Browsers have to guess how to render bad code. Sometimes they will guess and render it correctly, other times it will look weird.
Different browsers are likely to render it differently (though error handling standards are improving)
In this case, your demo lacks a "/" at the start, which means it is trying to render the comments as css. The comments are not css, so it gets confused and does the best it can.
A quick way to find any bugs in the css is to use this:


Python class/method comment and intellisense

I have seen that the comments I write at the top of my Python methods and and classes is the same text that pops up when I am using them in my code. I have also seen that some formatting hints can be made in the comments, and that will translate into pretty rendering in the popup text (for instance, putting a bunch of "-"'s under a heading makes the font bigger and bolder). What other formatting is there and what are the hints? Specifically, is there "code" formatting that renders in monospace? I like to put code samples in my comments sometimes and that would look great.
Finally, does this all have a name? I tried googling what I was trying to do and it was hard because I didn't know what it was called.

TinyMCE - editor changing pasted content

Two questions and maybe they are caused by the same thing/setting.
Using TinyMCE with full corporate account. Many of the publishers are just pasting HTML into the HTML Source Editor... we are just getting this going the results are very mixed.
So if someone has a well coded page it works well - as far as we think.
But if you create a page with a couple of (or one) open div tag. Holy cow! The editor can throw divs everywhere - 30 extra on one page someone sent me. Why is the editor changing content? Can we keep this from happening? If a publisher makes an HTML mistake we would rather that the mistake shows - not be scrubbed.
Also I noticed myself when creating menus that if you put in anything inside a link tag (like a div, ul, li, dd, dt, dl, h1-6... pretty much any tag) other than a span, that the editor will either push the tag content outside of the link tag or it will change the tag to a span.
Looks like the verify html is the new setting. Will report back after testing.
David - I would have marked yours as right if you answered. Looks like that works for 3.4 and below.
For version 3, use
verify_html : false
From here http://archive.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration3x:verify_html

Too many problems on tables in Tinymce?

im working on a CMS it is almost finished
but im struggling serious unfamiliar problems in WYSIWYG editor.
i was first using ckeditor but after experiencing problems with it i switched to tinymce.
some problems are solved but this time someother problems showed up.
problems occuring especially on tables.
1-Anchor element underline removal not working
2-Duplicating Phone numbers
--->might be due to skype phone number converting toolbar
3-too many s how to clean those why even those are there?
4-how to convert
back into just
because tinymce converting some texts into p element *automatically if it's not the client doing it unknowingly.
*=even though i did that force_paragraph:false setting.
5-As client reports : sometimes cursor turns into loading cursor and wysiwyg editor causes browser to stuck.not even allowing to click links outside of the editor.
6-as i experience sometimes it really does stuck and not allow you to edit anything at all.
here is that problematic page created with tiny_mce and causing lots of errors in process of editing:
Here some answers
2-Duplicating Phone numbers --->might be due to skype phone number converting toolbar
Might be - this cannot ba a tinymce related problem.
3-too many & nbsp;s how to clean those why even those are there?
Browsers will show several spaces (character code 32) as a single one. Thus & nbsp;s are inserted alternating instead of natural spaces.
4-how to convert
back into just text
Tinymce is a rte editor and will generate html code. In order to be able to style editor content, the content need to be wrapped inside a block element - eighter ps or divs. You may use server side code to remove tags.
6-as i experience sometimes it really does stuck and not allow you to edit anything at all.
Please describe a bit more in detail - there needs to be a reason for this.

Is it possible to control top & bottom page margins when using UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter?

I'm trying to use the printing stuff in iOS 4.2 to print from my iPhone app, but I'm having real trouble getting multi-page content to display nicely. As you can see in the attached screenshots of PDFs generated through the iOS printing API, UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter really likes to use a painfully small top-margin when rendering.
Additionally, it doesn't seem to try to split block-elements too nicely either ... it's tough to see in the screenshot but the page break actually occurs halfway through a table row, rather than on a border between rows.
I've tried using the CSS #page directives to specify page boundaries, however iOS Webkit doesn't seem to support these at all.
Does anyone know of any techniques, either in HTML or through the iOS SDK to make these top-margins bigger?
I really don't want to write a custom UIPrintPageRenderer class because I'm trying to give my users the ability to customize their printouts through HTML templates ... going with a custom renderer would almost certainly make this impossible (or really difficult).
Any help is much appreciated!
You're on the right track with UIPrintPageRenderer, but fortunately you don't need to write a custom subclass to do this. All you need to do is instantiate a vanilla UIPrintPageRenderer, set the headerHeight and footerHeight properties, and add your HTML formatter to the renderer using addPrintFormatter:startingAtPage:. It only takes a few extra lines of code, I have posted my method here: Print paper size and content inset

MVC2 Quote handling / escaping within a style attribute

I have no idea how to handle this code within a style attribute. How do I correctly code this markup or properly escape it? I could use a string.format and emit the entire div but that seems like an awkward solution.
(I figured all those slant brackets would pose an issue in this posting so I am including an image.)
I see this all the time in my editor as well, for some reason, it doesn't color the attributes properly sometimes in CSS and JS. However, the attribute that you are spitting out will should still perform like you are expecting.