Protocol: Cannot assign to 'X' in 'Y' in Swift - swift

I just defined a very simple protocol and a a class using generics which can handle this protocol.
In the lines marked with error you will get the error: "Cannot assign to 'flag' in 'aObj'.
protocol Flag {
var flag: Bool {get set}
class TestFlag<T: Flag> {
func toggle(aObj: T) {
if aObj.flag {
aObj.flag = false; // <--- error
} else {
aObj.flag = true; // <--- error
Do you have an idea why and what I have to change to fix it?

From the docs:
Function parameters are constants by default. Trying to change the
value of a function parameter from within the body of that function
results in a compile-time error. This means that you can’t change the
value of a parameter by mistake.
In this case, you can add inout so that the toggle is persisted beyond your function call:
func toggle(inout aObj: T) {
if aObj.flag {
aObj.flag = false;
else {
aObj.flag = true;
You could have also done:
func toggle(var aObj: T) {
but that might not achieve what you wanted.

manojlds answer is correct and therefore I accepted it.
Nevertheless there was a similar answer some days ago with the same solution but with a other argumentation (seems now deleted).
The argumentation was about that the compliler can not know if the protocol is used for a class, a struct or a enum. With Swift, protocols can by applied on all this types. But struct instances use a by-value call and for classes instances (objects) it us a by-reference call.
From my perspective this answer was correct too, because you can solve the problem with a 2nd solution:
protocol Flag {
var flag: Bool {get set}
Just add the #obj attriute on the protocol. As a result you can use this protocol only for a class which lead to the result only by-refernece calls are allowd. Therefore the compiler don't need anymore the inout information.
But I searched for a solution to increase the reuse of the protocol and use now manojlds suggestions.


How can I make my generic parameter conform to OR in Swift and how can I found the conformation of parameter?

I want build a function which accept to kind of protocols, the function should work if one of protocols passed, I have 2 issue with this function, first I do not know how I can apply OR to protocols, and second i do not know how can I find out my incoming value inside the function conform to which protocol, then I could run right code!
func printFunction<T: CustomStringConvertible OR CustomDebugStringConvertible>(value: T) { // 1: issue with OR!
if value.description { // 2: issue with finding out which protocol conformation is!
else if value.debugDescription { // 3: issue with finding out which protocol conformation is!
else {
print("not printable!")
There is no OR operator for protocol conformance. Protocol is like a contract you can't conform to one or another. You need to conform to both. What you need is to implement two methods. One for each. Btw no need to explicitly type description when using CustomStringConvertible:
func printFunction<T: CustomStringConvertible>(value: T) { print(value) }
func printFunction<T: CustomDebugStringConvertible>(value: T) { print(value.debugDescription) }

Can not extend a protocol with another protocol in swift

Am trying to implement this piece of code in my project.
private protocol AnyOptional {
var isNil: Bool { get }
extension Optional: AnyOptional {
var isNil: Bool { self == nil }
I saw it on SwiftBySundell
But unfortunately am getting this error "Extension of protocol 'Optional' cannot have an inheritance clause". Although when I tried the same code on a playground it worked just fine. Any idea why?
Check to make sure that the Optional type name isn't being overridden by a third-party module (or your own module even). If it is, then you can use Swift.Optional instead to refer to the Optional enum built into Swift.

Difference between extension and direct call for protocol

I got this code:
protocol Protocol {
var id: Int { get }
extension Array where Element: Protocol {
func contains(_protocol: Protocol) -> Bool {
return contains(where: { $ == })
class Class {
func method<T: Protocol>(_protocol: T) {
var arr = [Protocol]()
// Does compile
let contains = arr.contains(where: { $ == })
// Doens't compile
arr.contains(_protocol: _protocol)
Why doesn't the line of code compile where I commented 'Doens't compile'? This is the error:
Incorrect argument label in call (have '_protocol:', expected 'where:')
When I change the method name in the extension to something else, like containz (and ofcourse change the name of the method that calls it to containz), I get this error when I try to call it:
Using 'Protocol' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'Protocol' is not supported
But why doesn't it work when I try to call it through an extension, but it does work when I create the function in the extension directly? There isn't really any difference that I can see.
I agree with matt that the underlying answer is Protocol doesn't conform to itself?, but it's probably worth answering anyway, since in this case the answer is very simple. First, read the linked question about why [Protocol] doesn't work the way you think it does (especially Hamish's answer, which is much more extensive than the accepted answer that I wrote). [Protocol] does not match the where Element: Protocol clause because Protocol is not a concrete type that conforms to Protocol (because it's not a concrete type).
But you don't need [Protocol] here. You have T: Protocol, so you can (and should) just use that:
var arr = [T]()
With that change, the rest should work as you expect because T is a concrete type that conforms to Protocol.

Can not check equality of values of type T: Equatable inside a generic

I'm currently trying out with some basic data structures like LinkedList. I defined a ListNode class of generics values, like this:
class ListNode<T> {
var nodeContent: T
var nextNode: ListNode<T>? = nil
init() {
// details omitted here
And then a linked list. I want to implement the contains() method, so I have sth like this:
func contains<T>(_ item: T) -> Bool {
var currNode = self.head
while (currNode != nil) {
if currNode?.nodeContent == item {
return true
currNode = currNode?.nextNode
return false
Then it's giving me error saying that '==' cannot applied to T and T types. I then looked through the language guide and changed ListNode class and LinkedList struct to this:
class ListNode<T: Equatable>{}
struct LinkedList<T: Equatable>{}
But it's not working, so I added 'Equatable' to func itself:
func contains<T: Equatable>(_ item: T) -> Bool
Still fails. I tried pasting the sample function from the language guide inside,
func findIndex<T: Equatable>(of valueToFind: T, in array:[T]) -> Int? {
for (index, value) in array.enumerated() {
if value == valueToFind {
return index
return nil
No error occurs. May I know why it's like this? I tried searching, but all suggested answers like this doesn't clear my doubts. Thanks in advance!
You just don't need to make the contains method generic (twice). It's inside of your already generic class and knows about T type. It's right to require T: Equatable in the type declaration.
findIndex(of:in:) works as is, because it's not a method, but rather a standalone generic function.

Constraining one generic with another in Swift

I've run into a problem where I have some protocol:
protocol Baz {
func bar<T>(input:T)
The function bar is made generic because I don't want the protocol itself to have a Self(it needs to be useable in a collection). I have an implementation of the protocol defined as:
class Foo<S>: Baz {
var value:S
init(value:S) {
self.value = value
func bar<T>(input:T) {
value = input
This gives an error because the compiler doesn't know that S and T are the same type. Ideally I should be able to write something like:
func bar<T where T==S>(input:T) {
value = input
func bar<T:S>(input:T) {
value = input
The first form gives a "Same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'S' and 'T' equivalent" error (which is exactly what I'm trying to do, so not sure why it's an error). The second form gives me a "Inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type 'S'".
Any ideas of on either how to get this to work, or a better design pattern in Swift?
Update: As #luk2302 pointed out, I forgot to make Foo adhere to the Baz protocol
#luk2302 has hinted at much of this in the comments, but just to make it explicit for future searchers.
protocol Baz {
func bar<T>(input:T)
This protocol is almost certainly useless as written. It is effectively identical to the following protocol (which is also almost completely useless):
protocol Baz {
func bar(input:Any)
You very likely mean (and hint that you mean):
protocol Baz {
typealias T
func bar(input: T)
As you note, this makes the protocol a PAT (protocol with associated type), which means you cannot put it directly into a collection. As you note, the usual solution to that, if you really need a collection of them, is a type eraser. It would be nice if Swift would automatically write the eraser for you, which it likely will be able to do in the future, and would eliminate the problem. That said, though slightly tedious, writing type erasers is very straightforward.
Now while you cannot put a PAT directly into a collection, you can put a generically-constrained PAT into a collection. So as long as you wrap the collection into a type that constrains T, it's still no problem.
If these become complex, the constraint code can become tedious and very repetitive. This can be improved through a number of techniques, however.
Generic structs with static methods can be used to avoid repeatedly providing constraints on free-functions.
The protocol can be converted into a generic struct (this formalizes the type eraser as the primary type rather than "as needed").
Protocols can be replaced with functions in many cases. For example, given this:
protocol Bar {
typealias T
func bar(input: T)
struct Foo : Bar {
func bar(input: Int) {}
You can't do this:
let bars: [Bar] = [Foo()] // error: protocol 'Bar' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
But you can easily do this, which is just as good:
let bars = [(Int) -> Void] = [Foo().bar]
This is particularly powerful for single-method protocols.
A mix of protocols, generics, and functions is much more powerful than trying to force everything into the protocol box, at least until protocols add a few more missing features to fulfill their promise.
(It would be easier to give specific advice to a specific problem. There is no one answer that solves all issues.)
EDITED (Workaround for "... an error because the compiler doesn't know that S and T are the same type.")
First of all: This is just an separate note (and perhaps an attempt at redemption for my previous answer that ended up being myself chasing my own tail to compute lots and lots of redundant code) in addition to Robs excellent answer.
The following workaround will possibly let your implementation protocol Foo ... / class Bas : Foo ... mimic the behaviour you initially asked for, in the sense that class method bar(...) will know if generics S and T are actually the same type, while Foo still conforms to the protocol also in the case where S is not of the same type as T.
protocol Baz {
func bar<T>(input:T)
class Foo<S>: Baz {
var value:S
init(value:S) {
self.value = value
func bar<T>(input:T) {
if input is S {
value = input as! S
else {
print("Incompatible types. Throw...")
// ok
var a = Foo(value: 1.0) // Foo<Double>
print(a.value) // 1.0
print(a.value) // 2.0
let myInt = 1 // Incompatible types. Throw...
print(a.value) // 2.0
// perhaps not a loophole we indended
let myAny : Any = 3.0
print(a.value) // 3.0
The Any and AnyObject loophole here could be redeemed by creating a dummy type constraint that you extend all types (that you wish for to use the generics) to, however not extending Any and AnyObject.
protocol NotAnyType {}
extension Int : NotAnyType {}
extension Double : NotAnyType {}
extension Optional : NotAnyType {}
// ...
protocol Baz {
func bar<T: NotAnyType>(input:T)
class Foo<S: NotAnyType>: Baz {
var value:S
init(value:S) {
self.value = value
func bar<T: NotAnyType>(input:T) {
if input is S {
value = input as! S
else {
print("Incompatible types. Throw...")
// ok
var a = Foo(value: 1.0) // Foo<Double>
// ...
// no longer a loophole
let myAny : Any = 3.0 // compile time error
let myAnyObject : AnyObject = 3.0 // compile time error
This, however, excludes Any and AnyObject from the generic in full (not only for "loophole casting"), which is perhaps not a sought after behaviour.