Constraining one generic with another in Swift - swift

I've run into a problem where I have some protocol:
protocol Baz {
func bar<T>(input:T)
The function bar is made generic because I don't want the protocol itself to have a Self(it needs to be useable in a collection). I have an implementation of the protocol defined as:
class Foo<S>: Baz {
var value:S
init(value:S) {
self.value = value
func bar<T>(input:T) {
value = input
This gives an error because the compiler doesn't know that S and T are the same type. Ideally I should be able to write something like:
func bar<T where T==S>(input:T) {
value = input
func bar<T:S>(input:T) {
value = input
The first form gives a "Same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'S' and 'T' equivalent" error (which is exactly what I'm trying to do, so not sure why it's an error). The second form gives me a "Inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type 'S'".
Any ideas of on either how to get this to work, or a better design pattern in Swift?
Update: As #luk2302 pointed out, I forgot to make Foo adhere to the Baz protocol

#luk2302 has hinted at much of this in the comments, but just to make it explicit for future searchers.
protocol Baz {
func bar<T>(input:T)
This protocol is almost certainly useless as written. It is effectively identical to the following protocol (which is also almost completely useless):
protocol Baz {
func bar(input:Any)
You very likely mean (and hint that you mean):
protocol Baz {
typealias T
func bar(input: T)
As you note, this makes the protocol a PAT (protocol with associated type), which means you cannot put it directly into a collection. As you note, the usual solution to that, if you really need a collection of them, is a type eraser. It would be nice if Swift would automatically write the eraser for you, which it likely will be able to do in the future, and would eliminate the problem. That said, though slightly tedious, writing type erasers is very straightforward.
Now while you cannot put a PAT directly into a collection, you can put a generically-constrained PAT into a collection. So as long as you wrap the collection into a type that constrains T, it's still no problem.
If these become complex, the constraint code can become tedious and very repetitive. This can be improved through a number of techniques, however.
Generic structs with static methods can be used to avoid repeatedly providing constraints on free-functions.
The protocol can be converted into a generic struct (this formalizes the type eraser as the primary type rather than "as needed").
Protocols can be replaced with functions in many cases. For example, given this:
protocol Bar {
typealias T
func bar(input: T)
struct Foo : Bar {
func bar(input: Int) {}
You can't do this:
let bars: [Bar] = [Foo()] // error: protocol 'Bar' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
But you can easily do this, which is just as good:
let bars = [(Int) -> Void] = [Foo().bar]
This is particularly powerful for single-method protocols.
A mix of protocols, generics, and functions is much more powerful than trying to force everything into the protocol box, at least until protocols add a few more missing features to fulfill their promise.
(It would be easier to give specific advice to a specific problem. There is no one answer that solves all issues.)

EDITED (Workaround for "... an error because the compiler doesn't know that S and T are the same type.")
First of all: This is just an separate note (and perhaps an attempt at redemption for my previous answer that ended up being myself chasing my own tail to compute lots and lots of redundant code) in addition to Robs excellent answer.
The following workaround will possibly let your implementation protocol Foo ... / class Bas : Foo ... mimic the behaviour you initially asked for, in the sense that class method bar(...) will know if generics S and T are actually the same type, while Foo still conforms to the protocol also in the case where S is not of the same type as T.
protocol Baz {
func bar<T>(input:T)
class Foo<S>: Baz {
var value:S
init(value:S) {
self.value = value
func bar<T>(input:T) {
if input is S {
value = input as! S
else {
print("Incompatible types. Throw...")
// ok
var a = Foo(value: 1.0) // Foo<Double>
print(a.value) // 1.0
print(a.value) // 2.0
let myInt = 1 // Incompatible types. Throw...
print(a.value) // 2.0
// perhaps not a loophole we indended
let myAny : Any = 3.0
print(a.value) // 3.0
The Any and AnyObject loophole here could be redeemed by creating a dummy type constraint that you extend all types (that you wish for to use the generics) to, however not extending Any and AnyObject.
protocol NotAnyType {}
extension Int : NotAnyType {}
extension Double : NotAnyType {}
extension Optional : NotAnyType {}
// ...
protocol Baz {
func bar<T: NotAnyType>(input:T)
class Foo<S: NotAnyType>: Baz {
var value:S
init(value:S) {
self.value = value
func bar<T: NotAnyType>(input:T) {
if input is S {
value = input as! S
else {
print("Incompatible types. Throw...")
// ok
var a = Foo(value: 1.0) // Foo<Double>
// ...
// no longer a loophole
let myAny : Any = 3.0 // compile time error
let myAnyObject : AnyObject = 3.0 // compile time error
This, however, excludes Any and AnyObject from the generic in full (not only for "loophole casting"), which is perhaps not a sought after behaviour.


Can a protocol define subscript(keyPath:) without an explicit implementation in the adopting object?

Since Swift 4, objects have gained subscript(keyPath:) which can be used to retrieve values using AnyKeyPath and its subclasses. According to the Swift book, the subscript is available on all types. For example, an instance of a class TestClass may be subscripted with an AnyKeyPath like so:
class TestClass {
let property = true
let anyKeyPath = \ as AnyKeyPath
_ = TestClass()[keyPath: anyKeyPath]
This compiles correctly as expected. Use of any other valid subclass would also compile including PartialKeyPath<TestClass>, KeyPath<TestClass, Bool>, etc. This functionality is unavailable in a protocol extension. For example, the following is invalid:
class TestClass {
let property = true
protocol KeyPathSubscriptable {
extension KeyPathSubscriptable {
func test() {
let anyKeyPath = \ as AnyKeyPath
_ = self[keyPath: anyKeyPath] // Value of type 'Self' has no subscripts
If we want to use that keyPath subscript in the protocol, we can include it in the protocol definition. However, the compiler will not resolve it automatically:
protocol KeyPathSubscriptable {
subscript(keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> Any? { get }
extension KeyPathSubscriptable {
func test() {
let anyKeyPath = \ as AnyKeyPath // This can be any valid KeyPath
_ = self[keyPath: anyKeyPath]
class TestClass: KeyPathSubscriptable { // Type 'TestObject' does not conform to protocol 'KeyPathSubscriptable'
let property = true
With this, we get a compile error: Type 'TestObject' does not conform to protocol 'KeyPathSubscriptable'. In order to resolve this, we must include a redundant implementation of that subscript in TestClass:
class TestClass: KeyPathSubscriptable {
let property = true
subscript(keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> Any? {
fatalError() // This is never executed
This resolves the conformance issue and produces the goal result although it is seemingly unnecessary and illogical. I'm not sure how, but the subscript implementation is never even used. It's finding the expected implementation of subscript(keyPath:) and using that instead, but how? Where is that and is there any way to use it in a protocol? Why is this required by the compiler even though it's never used?
The context of this use case is in a logging module. The goal is that an object should be able to adopt a particular protocol which, with no additional setup on the object, would provide a human readable description of the object, instead of the default for many objects which is a memory address. The protocol would use Mirror to fetch KeyPaths of an object, read the values, and print them to the console. It is intended for debugging purposes and would not run in any production environment.
Please let me know if I can make any clarifications. I may post this to the Swift team if others think that this could potentially be a bug of sorts. All help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Full gist located here.

Swift: casting un-constrained generic type to generic type that confirms to Decodable

I have a two generic classes which will fetch data either from api and database, lets say APIDataSource<I, O> and DBDataSource<I, O> respectively
I will inject any of two class in view-model when creating it and view-model will use that class to fetch data it needed. I want view-model to work exactly same with both class. So I don't want different generic constraints for the classes
// sudo code
ViewModel(APIDataSource <InputModel, ResponseModel>(...))
// I want to change the datasource in future like
ViewModel(DBDataSource <InputModel, ResponseModel>(...))
To fetch data from api ResponseModel need to confirms to "Decodable" because I want to create that object from JSON. To fetch data from realm database it need to inherit from Object
Inside ViewModel I want to get response like
// sudo code
self.dataSource.request("param1", "param2")
If developer tries to fetch api data from database or vice-versa it will check for correct type and throws proper error.
Stripped out version of code for playground
Following is stripped out version of code which shows what I want to achieve or where I am stuck (casting un-constrained generic type to generic type that confirms to Decodable)
import Foundation
// Just to test functions below
class DummyModel: Decodable {
// Stripped out version of function which will convert json to object of type T
func decode<T:Decodable>(_ type: T.Type){
// This doesn't give compilation error
// Ignore the inp
func testDecode<T:Decodable> (_ inp: T) {
// This gives compilation error
// Ignore the inp
func testDecode2<T>(_ inp: T){
if(T.self is Decodable){
// ??????????
// How can we cast T at runtime after checking T confirms to Decodable??
decode(T.self as! Decodable.Type)
Any help or explanation that this could not work would be appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
As #matt suggests, moving my various comments over to an answer in the form "your problem has no good solution and you need to redesign your problem."
What you're trying to do is at best fragile, and at worst impossible. Matt's approach is a good solution when you're trying to improve performance, but it breaks in surprising ways if it impacts behavior. For example:
protocol P {}
func doSomething<T>(x: T) -> String {
if x is P {
return "\(x) simple, but it's really P"
return "\(x) simple"
func doSomething<T: P>(x: T) -> String {
return "\(x) is P"
struct S: P {}
doSomething(x: S()) // S() is P
So that works just like we expect. But we can lose the type information this way:
func wrapper<T>(x: T) -> String {
return doSomething(x: x)
wrapper(x: S()) // S() simple, but it's really P!
So you can't solve this with generics.
Going back to your approach, which at least has the possibility of being robust, it's still not going to work. Swift's type system just doesn't have a way to express what you're trying to say. But I don't think you should be trying to say this anyway.
In the method that fetch data I will check type of generic type and if it confirms to "Decodable" protocol I will use it to fetch data from api else from database.
If fetching from the API vs the database represents different semantics (rather than just a performance improvement), this is very dangerous even if you could get it to work. Any part of the program can attach Decodable to any type. It can even be done in a separate module. Adding protocol conformance should never change the semantics (outwardly visible behaviors) of the program, only the performance or capabilities.
I have a generic class which will fetch data either from api or database
Perfect. If you already have a class, class inheritance makes a lot of sense here. I might build it like:
class Model {
required init(identifier: String) {}
class DatabaseModel {
required init(fromDatabaseWithIdentifier: String) {}
convenience init(identifier: String) { self.init(fromDatabaseWithIdentifier: identifier )}
class APIModel {
required init(fromAPIWithIdentifier: String) {}
convenience init(identifier: String) { self.init(fromAPIWithIdentifier: identifier )}
class SomeModel: DatabaseModel {
required init(fromDatabaseWithIdentifier identifier: String) {
super.init(fromDatabaseWithIdentifier: identifier)
Depending on your exact needs, you might rearrange this (and a protocol might also be workable here). But the key point is that the model knows how to fetch itself. That makes it easy to use Decodable inside the class (since it can easily use type(of: self) as the parameter).
Your needs may be different, and if you'll describe them a bit better maybe we'll come to a better solution. But it should not be based on whether something merely conforms to a protocol. In most cases that will be impossible, and if you get it working it will be fragile.
What you'd really like to do here is have two versions of testDecode, one for when T conforms to Decodable, the other for when it doesn't. You would thus overload the function testDecode so that the right one is called depending on the type of T.
Unfortunately, you can't do that, because you can't do a function overload that depends on the resolution of a generic type. But you can work around this by boxing the function inside a generic type, because you can extend the type conditionally.
Thus, just to show the architecture:
protocol P{}
struct Box<T> {
func f() {
print("it doesn't conform to P")
extension Box where T : P {
func f() {
print("it conforms to P")
struct S1:P {}
struct S2 {}
let b1 = Box<S1>()
b1.f() // "it conforms to P"
let b2 = Box<S2>()
b2.f() // "it doesn't conform to P"
This proves that the right version of f is being called, depending on whether the type that resolves the generic conforms to the protocol or not.

Can I constrain a generic parameter to *not* be optional?

Let's say I have this code:
func hello<T>(thing: T) -> String {
return "hello \(thing)"
Can I write a version of the hello function that won't compile if it's passed an optional?
let foo = "some"
let bar: String? = nil
print(helloNoOptional(foo)) // should compile
print(helloNoOptional(bar)) // should not compile
I'm thinking maybe it's doable with a protocol conformance or where clause on T but I can't think of how exactly that would work.
The reason I want to do this is because I'm dealing with a actual function in legacy codebase that has no sensible behavior if thing is nil. So I'd rather prevent hello from being called on an optional rather than deal with unwrapping thing inside of hello and trying to figure out a sensible error behavior.
A possible path...I realized that the Optional enum conforms to the NilLiteralConvertible protocol. So if I can find a way to constrain my generic to not conform to a type, I can exclude optionals de facto. But I don't know if it's possible to do something like
<T where !T: NilLiteralConvertible>
Best I can think of is overload and check at runtime:
func hello<T>(thing: T) -> String {
return "hello \(thing)"
fun hello<T>(thing: T?) -> String {
fatalError("No optionals allowed!")
hello("swift") // fine
hello(2) // fine
hello(Int("2")) // fatal error
But I don't know of a way of generating a compile-time error instead.
You can create a dummy protocol (NotOfOptionalType below) and extend all types you expect to use in your generic functions by this protocol. Finally use the dummy protocol as a type constraint for the parameter(s) in your generic functions; optionals does not meet this type constraint and you'll be given an error at compile time if they are sent as parameters for these functions.
// dummy protocol
protocol NotOfOptionalType {}
extension String : NotOfOptionalType {}
extension Int : NotOfOptionalType {}
extension Double : NotOfOptionalType {}
// ... extend to the types you will use
func hello<T: NotOfOptionalType > (thing: T) -> String {
return "hello \(thing)"
let foo = "some"
var bar: String? = nil
print(hello(foo)) // compiles
print(hello(bar)) // fails at compile time
bar = "something"
print(hello(bar)) // fails at compile time
print(hello(bar!)) // compiles
Building on #Airspeed Velocity's answer, I personally prefer to keep everything in one place, like so...
func hello<T>(_ thing: T) -> String {
if T.self is ExpressibleByNilLiteral.Type {
fatalError("Optional types not supported")
return "hello \(thing)"

Swift 2: understanding AnyObject and Self

I couldn't find any good explanation to my questions so I'd like to ask you directly. First of all I'd like to refine my code in this post.
My problem is the protocol AnyObject and the Self type. I didn't implement AnyObject into my code because it is marked with #objc and I don't want any Objective-C stuff involved in my code (don't judge me for that). I also couldn't find any explanation about the Self type. It just worked as expected, but Xcode does not replace Self with the type the static function is called at.
Here is some example:
extension Int : Instance {}
Int.singleton { (customInstanceName) -> Self in 0 } // Self shall be replaced with Int
As you can see Xcode produces a Self instead an Int. Is there any chance I could fix this? Am I right that Self does return the dynamicType and my implementation is fine as it is in my post above? I would really appreciate any good explanation about the Self type.
As you have seen in my code. I am using a custom protocol to check whether my instance is a class or not. Is there any other shiny implementation to check my instances if they are classes or structure types, or am I forced to use AnyObject if I want to get rid of my ClassInstance protocol?
Thank you for your time.
protocol Test {}
class A : Test {}
struct B : Test {}
let aClass : Test = A()
let aStruct : Test = B()
if let someClass = aClass as? AnyObject {
print(someClass) // only this will print
if let someStruct = aStruct as? AnyObject {
This will work, but AnyObject is still marked as an #objc protocol.
The Self type can be only used in protocols where it is a implicit typealias of the type which conforms to it:
protocol Testable {
func test() -> Self
If you want to conform to this protocol you than have to replace Self with the name of the type. For instance:
struct Product: Testable {
func test() -> Product {
return Product()
Important Edit:
As DevAndArtist pointed out in the comments there is a working class check in Swift 1.2 (without automatic bridging to Objective C) but not Swift 2 (Xcode 7 beta 3; probably a bug):
if instance.dynamicType is AnyClass {
// instance is a class
} else {
// instance is not a class
You can see workaround (mainly) for Swift 2 below.
End Edit
With respect to classes you should use AnyObject if you want to keep it simple but you can also use reflection which would be much more effort.
Below you can see some reflection results of string interpolations (only the first few characters):
"\(reflect(classType))" // Swift._ClassMirror
"\(reflect(0))" // Swift._LeafMirror
"\(reflect(enumType))" // Swift._EnumMirror
"\(reflect(structure))" // Swift._StructMirror
"\(reflect([0, 4]))" // Swift._ArrayTypeMirror
"\(reflect(NSDate()))" // Foundation._NSDateMirror
"\(reflect(NSURLRelationship.Contains))" // Swift._EnumMirror
"\(reflect(Int?(2)))" // Swift._OptionalMirror
As you can see enums are consistent if they are not defined in the Swift standard library (unfortunately also Optional...). So you can distinguish also structs and enums:
public enum Type {
case Enum, Class, Struct
public func getType<T>(anything: T) -> Type {
if anything is AnyObject {
return .Class
if "\(reflect(anything))".hasPrefix("Swift._EnumMirror") {
return .Enum
return .Struct
So for a better result you have to put some effort into it to differentiate between all the different cases.
But the easiest way to distinguish only between reference types and value types (aka classes and structs/enums) is still (unfortunately only works for own declared structs and not built in types because they can be bridged to Objective C; I'm working on it...):
if instance is AnyObject {}
// or: if instance is of type Any
if let classInstance = instance as? AnyObject {}

Generic Types Collection

Building on previous question which got resolved, but it led to another problem. If protocol/class types are stored in a collection, retrieving and instantiating them back throws an error. a hypothetical example is below. The paradigm is based on "Program to Interface not an implementation" What does it mean to "program to an interface"?
instantiate from protocol.Type reference dynamically at runtime
public protocol ISpeakable {
func speak()
class Cat : ISpeakable {
required init() {}
func speak() {
class Dog : ISpeakable {
required init() {}
func speak() {
//Test class is not aware of the specific implementations of ISpeakable at compile time
class Test {
func instantiateAndCallSpeak<T: ISpeakable>(Animal:T.Type) {
let animal = Animal()
// Users of the Test class are aware of the specific implementations at compile/runtime
let t = Test()
//doesn't work if types are retrieved from a collection
//Uncomment to show Error - IAnimal.Type is not convertible to T.Type
var animals: [ISpeakable.Type] = [Cat.self, Dog.self, Cat.self]
for animal in animals {
//t.instantiateAndCallSpeak(animal) //throws error
for (index:Int, value:ISpeakable.Type) in enumerate(animals) {
//t.instantiateAndCallSpeak(value) //throws error
Edit - My current workaround to iterate through collection but of course it's limiting as the api has to know all sorts of implementations. The other limitation is subclasses of these types (for instance PersianCat, GermanShepherd) will not have their overridden functions called or I go to Objective-C for rescue (NSClassFromString etc.) or wait for SWIFT to support this feature.
Note (background): these types are pushed into array by users of the utility and for loop is executed on notification
var animals: [ISpeakable.Type] = [Cat.self, Dog.self, Cat.self]
for Animal in animals {
if Animal is Cat.Type {
if let AnimalClass = Animal as? Cat.Type {
var instance = AnimalClass()
} else if Animal is Dog.Type {
if let AnimalClass = Animal as? Dog.Type {
var instance = AnimalClass()
Basically the answer is: correct, you can't do that. Swift needs to determine the concrete types of type parameters at compile time, not at runtime. This comes up in a lot of little corner cases. For instance, you can't construct a generic closure and store it in a variable without type-specifying it.
This can be a little clearer if we boil it down to a minimal test case
protocol Creatable { init() }
struct Object : Creatable { init() {} }
func instantiate<T: Creatable>(Thing: T.Type) -> T {
return Thing()
// works. object is of type "Object"
let object = instantiate(Object.self) // (1)
// 'Creatable.Type' is not convertible to 'T.Type'
let type: Creatable.Type = Object.self
let thing = instantiate(type) // (2)
At line 1, the compiler has a question: what type should T be in this instance of instantiate? And that's easy, it should be Object. That's a concrete type, so everything is fine.
At line 2, there's no concrete type that Swift can make T. All it has is Creatable, which is an abstract type (we know by code inspection the actual value of type, but Swift doesn't consider the value, just the type). It's ok to take and return protocols, but it's not ok to make them into type parameters. It's just not legal Swift today.
This is hinted at in the Swift Programming Language: Generic Parameters and Arguments:
When you declare a generic type, function, or initializer, you specify the type parameters that the generic type, function, or initializer can work with. These type parameters act as placeholders that are replaced by actual concrete type arguments when an instance of a generic type is created or a generic function or initializer is called. (emphasis mine)
You'll need to do whatever you're trying to do another way in Swift.
As a fun bonus, try explicitly asking for the impossible:
let thing = instantiate(Creatable.self)
And... swift crashes.
From your further comments, I think closures do exactly what you're looking for. You've made your protocol require trivial construction (init()), but that's an unnecessary restriction. You just need the caller to tell the function how to construct the object. That's easy with a closure, and there is no need for type parameterization at all this way. This isn't a work-around; I believe this is the better way to implement that pattern you're describing. Consider the following (some minor changes to make the example more Swift-like):
// Removed init(). There's no need for it to be trivially creatable.
// Cocoa protocols that indicate a method generally end in "ing"
// (NSCopying, NSCoding, NSLocking). They do not include "I"
public protocol Speaking {
func speak()
// Converted these to structs since that's all that's required for
// this example, but it works as well for classes.
struct Cat : Speaking {
func speak() {
struct Dog : Speaking {
func speak() {
// Demonstrating a more complex object that is easy with closures,
// but hard with your original protocol
struct Person: Speaking {
let name: String
func speak() {
println("My name is \(name)")
// Removed Test class. There was no need for it in the example,
// but it works fine if you add it.
// You pass a closure that returns a Speaking. We don't care *how* it does
// that. It doesn't have to be by construction. It could return an existing one.
func instantiateAndCallSpeak(builder: () -> Speaking) {
let animal = builder()
// Can call with an immediate form.
// Note that Cat and Dog are not created here. They are not created until builder()
// is called above. #autoclosure would avoid the braces, but I typically avoid it.
instantiateAndCallSpeak { Cat() }
instantiateAndCallSpeak { Dog() }
// Can put them in an array, though we do have to specify the type here. You could
// create a "typealias SpeakingBuilder = () -> Speaking" if that came up a lot.
// Again note that no Speaking objects are created here. These are closures that
// will generate objects when applied.
// Notice how easy it is to pass parameters here? These don't all have to have the
// same initializers.
let animalBuilders: [() -> Speaking] = [{ Cat() } , { Dog() }, { Person(name: "Rob") }]
for animal in animalBuilders {