Activiti Rest - Calling multiple instances concurrently - workflow

I have defined some simple BPM flows (F1) and deployed in activiti-rest.war. For simplicity, I have take a simple start-end flow.
I have written a REST client to execute the flow (F1) in parallel threads (20) with its required parameters for 1000 http requests.
Problem: I can see the flows are running sequentially, one by one response for the 20 parallel threads. It took a time of around 60 secs to complete with 20 threads (even when increased to 50 threads) it is the same.
Activiti Version : 5.15
What should be the problem here ?. Any help will be really useful.
activiti-rest/service/runtime/process-instances - Rest URL used to start the instance

At last i found the solution.
It could be of two reasons
1) Make sure task's "Exclusive" property is set to false. But it needs more analysis on how your process task will be running. Refer the below link for further information
2) If you run the activity rest application and the client process on a dual-core machine. It might be difficult to assess the response time.


How to perform multiple HTTP DELETE operation on same Resource with different IDs in JMeter?

I have a question regarding **writing test for HTTP DELETE method in JMeter using Concurrency Thread Group**. I want to measure **how many DELETEs** can it perform in certain amount of time for certain amount of Users (i.e. Threads) who are sending Concurrent HTTP (DELETE) Requests.
Concurrency Thread Group parameters are:
Target Concurrency: 50 (Threads)
RampUp Time: 10 secs
RampUp Steps Count: 5 secs
Hold Target Rate Time (sec): 5 secs
Threads Iterations Limit: infinite
The thing is that HTTP DELETE is idempotent operation i.e. if inovked on same resource (i.e. Record in database) it kind of doesn't make much sense. How can I achieve deletion of multiple EXISTING records in database by passing Entity's ID in URL? E.g.:
...where ID is being incremented for each User (i.e. Thread)?
My question is how can I automate deletion of multiple EXISTING rows in database (Postgres 11.8)...should I write some sort of script or is there other easier way to achieve that?
But again I guess it will probably perform multiple times same thing on same resources ID (e.g. HTTP DELETE will be invoked more than once on http://localhost:8080/api/authors/5).
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
P.S. I'm doing this to performance test my SpringBoot, Vert.X and Dropwizard RESTful Web service apps.
Sorry, I've didn't fully specify reason for writing these Test Use Case for my Web Service apps which communicate with Postgres DB. MAIN reason why I'm actually doing this testing is to test PERFORMANCES of blocking and NON-blocking WEB Server implementations for mentioned frameworks (SpringBoot, Dropwizard and Vert.X). Web servers are:
Blocking impelementations:
1.1. Apache Tomcat (SpringBoot)
1.2. Jetty (Dropwizard)
Non-blocking: Vert.X (uses own implementation based on Netty)
If I am using JMeter's JDBC Request in my Test Plan won't that actually slow down Test execution?
The easiest way is using either Counter config element or __counter() function in order to generate an incrementing number on each API hit:
More information: How to Use a Counter in a JMeter Test
Also the list of IDs can be obtained from the Postgres database via JDBC Request sampler and iterated using ForEach Controller

What queuing tools or algorithms support fair queuing of jobs

I am hitting a well known problem, but I can't find a simple answer that tells me how to solve it.
I would appreciate you directing me by answering which feature I should look for in available queuing software or suitable algorithms if the solution requires programming in addition to the tools. and if you can direct me to Python supported tools, it would be helpful
My problem is that I get over the span of the day jobs which deploy 10, 100 or 1000 tests (I exaggerate , but it helps make a point). Many jobs deploy 10 tests, some deploy 100 tests and one or two deploy 1000 tests.
I want to deploy the tests in such a manner that the delay in execution is spread in a fair manner between all jobs. Let me explain myself.
If the very large job takes 2 hours on a idle server, it would be acceptable if it completes after 4 hours.
If a small job takes 3 minutes on an idle server, it would be acceptable if it completes after 15 minutes.
I want the delay of running the jobs to be spread in a fair way, so jobs that started earlier don't get too delayed. If it looks that the job is going to be delayed more than allowed it's priority will increase.
I think that prioritizing queues may be the solution, so dynamically changing the weights on a large queue will make it faster when needed.
Is there a queue software that knows how to do the above automatically. Lets say that I give each job some time limit and the queue software knows how to prioritize the tests from each queue so that no job is delayed too much?
Adding information following Jim's comments.
Not enough information to supply an answer. Is a job essentially just a list of tests? Can multiple tests for a single job be run concurrently? Do you always run all tests for a job? – Jim Mischel 14 hours ago
Each job deploys between 10 to 1000 tests.
The test can run concurrently to all other tests from the same or other users without conflicts.
All tests that were deploy by a job, are planned to run.
Additional info:
I've learned so far that Prioritized Queues are actually about applying weights to items in a single queue, where items with the hightest are pulled first. If two or more items have the same highest priority, the first item to arrive will be executed first.
When I pondered about Priority Queues it was more in the way of:
Multiple Queues, where each queue has a priority assigned to the entire queue.
The priority can be changed dynamically in runtime, based on some condition, e.g. setting a time limit on the execution of the entire queue.

Architecture for Azure Functions App using an external REST API

I want to try out Azure Functions with the following project:
Triggered by time (every 30 minutes) my initial function1 puts some data in a queue1.
This queue1 triggers another function2 that calls an external REST API, modifies the response and puts the results in another queue3.
This queue3 starts another functions3 doing the rest.
My problem is that the REST API has a rate limiting. So if my function1 puts 100 items in the queue1 and the function2 is called 100 times parallel, my API calls will be blocked. I therefore need some kind of throttling.
How would you achieve that? I could tell function2 to wait a specific time and then add the item back to queue1, but since everything is parallel I might run in to a deadlock?
Thanks in advance for ideas!
I would recommend that you take a look at Azure Durable Functions here. The Durable Functions framework allows you to orchestrate complex workflows and manage state. In your example, you could use Durable Functions to work around the rate limiting issue
is called 100 times parallel
You can limit this (to some extent) by configuring host.json:
batchSize for Storage Queues
maxConcurrentCalls for Service Bus
If that's not enough, you could do something more sofisticated:
Function 1 knows how many items it has to process, so it could calculate the "ideal" distribution of those for the next 30 minutes
When adding messages to queue1, it could set the time when the message should be picked up (ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc for Service Bus or initialVisibilityDelay for CloudQueue)
Function2 will be called "on schedule" which should prevent throttling, if the total amount of messages is not too high

How to trigger a method call every x minutes in Scala?

I'm planning a mechanism whose usage scenarios would be like cron's. It's a clock-ish mechanism that attempts task execution at prespecified times. Cron doesn't seem suitable, because these tasks trigger Scala method calls and the queue stored on a cloud database.
I imagine it like this: every x minutes, tasks' execution dates are retrieved from the database, and compared against current time, if the task is over-due it is executed and removed from queue.
My question is: how do I run the aforementioned check every x minutes on a distributed environment?
All advice encouraged.
I think the Akka scheduler might be what you are looking for. Here's a link to the Akka documentation and here's another link describing how to use Akka in Play.
Update: as Viktor Klang points out Akka is not a scheduler, however it does allow you to run a task periodically. I've used it in this mode quite successfully.
The best known library for this is Quartz Scheduler.

High Throughput and Windows Workflow Foundation

Can WWF handle high throughput scenarios where several dozen records are 'actively' being processed in parallel at any one time?
We want to build a workflow process which handles a few thousand records per hour. Each record takes up to a minute to process, because it makes external web service calls.
We are testing Windows Workflow Foundation to do this. But our demo programs show processing of each record appear to be running in sequence not in parallel, when we use parallel activities to process several records at once within one workflow instance.
Should we use multiple workflow instances or parallel activities?
Are there any known patterns for high performance WWF processing?
You should definitely use a new workflow per record. Each workflow only gets one thread to run in, so even with a ParallelActivity they'll still be handled sequentially.
I'm not sure about the performance of Windows Workflow, but from what I have heard about .NET 4 at Tech-Ed was that its Workflow components will be dramatically faster then the ones from .NET 3.0 and 3.5. So if you really need a lot of performance, maybe you should consider waiting for .NET 4.0.
Another option could be to consider BizTalk. But it's pretty expensive.
I think the common pattern is to use one workflow instance per record. The workflow runtime runs multiple instances in parallel.
One workflow instance runs one thread at a time. The parallel activity calls Execute method of each activity sequentially on this single thread. You may still get performance improvement from parallel activity however, if the activities are asynchronous and spend most of the time waiting for external process to finish its work. E.g. if activity calls an external web method, and then waits for a reply - it returns from Execute method and does not occupy this thread while waiting for the reply, so another activity in the Parallel group can start its job (e.g. also call to a web service) at the same time.