What queuing tools or algorithms support fair queuing of jobs - queue

I am hitting a well known problem, but I can't find a simple answer that tells me how to solve it.
I would appreciate you directing me by answering which feature I should look for in available queuing software or suitable algorithms if the solution requires programming in addition to the tools. and if you can direct me to Python supported tools, it would be helpful
My problem is that I get over the span of the day jobs which deploy 10, 100 or 1000 tests (I exaggerate , but it helps make a point). Many jobs deploy 10 tests, some deploy 100 tests and one or two deploy 1000 tests.
I want to deploy the tests in such a manner that the delay in execution is spread in a fair manner between all jobs. Let me explain myself.
If the very large job takes 2 hours on a idle server, it would be acceptable if it completes after 4 hours.
If a small job takes 3 minutes on an idle server, it would be acceptable if it completes after 15 minutes.
I want the delay of running the jobs to be spread in a fair way, so jobs that started earlier don't get too delayed. If it looks that the job is going to be delayed more than allowed it's priority will increase.
I think that prioritizing queues may be the solution, so dynamically changing the weights on a large queue will make it faster when needed.
Is there a queue software that knows how to do the above automatically. Lets say that I give each job some time limit and the queue software knows how to prioritize the tests from each queue so that no job is delayed too much?
Adding information following Jim's comments.
Not enough information to supply an answer. Is a job essentially just a list of tests? Can multiple tests for a single job be run concurrently? Do you always run all tests for a job? – Jim Mischel 14 hours ago
Each job deploys between 10 to 1000 tests.
The test can run concurrently to all other tests from the same or other users without conflicts.
All tests that were deploy by a job, are planned to run.
Additional info:
I've learned so far that Prioritized Queues are actually about applying weights to items in a single queue, where items with the hightest are pulled first. If two or more items have the same highest priority, the first item to arrive will be executed first.
When I pondered about Priority Queues it was more in the way of:
Multiple Queues, where each queue has a priority assigned to the entire queue.
The priority can be changed dynamically in runtime, based on some condition, e.g. setting a time limit on the execution of the entire queue.


Reliably running hundreds of scheduled functions every minute

I am building an application that will need to run hundreds of short running tasks every minute. These functions are not doing anything special other than making calls to an HTTP endpoint. I need a reliable mechanism for scheduling these invocations every minute indefinitely. Failures to run at the scheduled time cannot be tolerated. I have considered the following options for the scheduler:
AWS Lambda
Mesosphere Chronos
Python Celery
Obviously there is a trade off between cost, maintainability (I will need to update the logic of these functions every once in a while), and reliability.
My question is, which of these options would be the most appropriate if I am most concerned about consistency/reliability? Are there options I'm missing that I should consider?
As you already mentioned, there are multiple technologies that could help you do this, I would say that the trick is more to find the logic flow/model to use.
For example, If the number of tasks are not fixed, a publish/subscribe pattern could apply, for this something like rabbitMQ or AWS SQS could be used.
There are multiple ways about how to submit a task to the queue and also how to de-queue, you could have multiple workers reading/waiting for events in where they could read one by one or by chunks (based on the num of cores per server) all this bound to the speed and precision you may want.
Scaling I would say is easier since if need more speed (precision to do all tasks every minute) just need to add more workers.
For more ideas check this article Using AWS Lambda with Amazon DynamoDB it covers a stream-based model / event-sourcing.

Scheduling jobs in Quartz as a process

Is jobs in quartz are executed as process or thread?
If it is executed as a thread then will it effect the performance of quartz scheduler when heavy jobs or time consuming jobs are executed.
If so then please suggest the solution.
If we execute 10 time consuming jobs simultaneously what is the effect?
I read the tutorials but didnt find the solution.
Please suggest the solution.
Read the documentation regarding Configuring the thread pool which explains how the quartz thread pool can be suited for your needs. More specifically the org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount configuration property can be set according to your needs as the documentation explains:
The number of threads available for concurrent execution of jobs. You
can specify any positive integer, although only numbers between 1 and
100 are practical. If you only have a few jobs that fire a few times a
day, then one thread is plenty. If you have tens of thousands of jobs,
with many firing every minute, then you want a thread count more like
50 or 100 (this highly depends on the nature of the work that your
jobs perform, and your systems resources).
In the specific example you mentioned regarding 10 jobs firing simultaneously, if you have configured above property with more than 10 threads, then each job will run concurrently on its own thread. Otherwise if you have configured less, some will start first, and the others will wait for threads to become available. If no threads become available until a configured period of time, the misfire instructions you have set will handle the action to be taken, which usually is to trigger delayed jobs as soon as possible but this is also a configurable setting.

How can I create a Scheduled Task that will run every Second in MarkLogic?

MarkLogic Scheduled Tasks cannot be configured to run at an interval less than a minute.
Is there any way I can execute an XQuery module at an interval of 1 second?
Considering the situation where the Task Server is fully loaded and I need to make sure that the secondly scheduled task gets the Task Server thread whenever it needs.
Please let me know if there is anything in MarkLogic that can be used to achieve this.
Wanting rapid-fire scheduled tasks may be a hint that the design needs rethinking.
Even running a task once a minute can be risky, and needs careful thought to manage the possibilities of overlapping tasks and runaway tasks. If the application design calls for a scheduled task to run once a second, I would raise that as a potentially serious problem. Back up a few steps, and if necessary ask a new question about the higher-level problem that led to looking at scheduled tasks.
There was a sub-question about managing queue priority for tasks. Task priorities can handle some of that. There are two priorities: normal and higher. The Task Server empties the higher-priority queue first, then the normal queue. But each queue is still a simple queue, and there's no way to change priorities after a task has been spawned. So if you always queue tasks with priority=higher, then they'll all be in the higher priority queue and they'll all run in order. You can play some games with techniques like using server fields as signals to already-running tasks. But wanting to reorder tasks within a queue could be another hint that the design needs rethinking.
If, after careful thought about all the pitfalls and dangers, I decided I needed a rapid-fire task of some kind.... I would probably do it using external requests. Pick any scripting language and write a simple while loop with an HTTP request to the MarkLogic cluster. Even so, spend some time thinking about overlapping requests and locking. What happens if the request times out on the client side? Will it keep running on the server? Will that lead to overlapping requests and require deadlock resolution? Could it lead to runaway resource consumption?
Avoid any ideas that use xdmp:sleep. That will tie up a Task Server thread during the sleep period, and then you'll have two problems.

Is this an intelligent use case for optaPlanner?

I'm trying to clean up an enterprise BI system that currently is using a prioritized FIFO scheduling algorithm (so a priority 4 report from Tuesday will be executed before priority 4 reports from Thursday and priority 3 reports from Monday.) Additional details:
The queue is never empty, jobs are always being added
Jobs range in execution time from under a minute to upwards of 24 hours
There are 40 some odd identical app servers used to execute jobs
I think I could get optaPlanner up and running for this scenario, with hard rules around priority and some soft rules around average time in the queue. I'm new to scheduling optimization so I guess my question is what should I be looking for in this situation to decide if optaPlanner is going to help me or not?
The problem looks like a form of bin packing (and possibly job shop scheduling), which are NP-complete, so OptaPlanner will do better than a FIFO algorithm.
But is it really NP-complete? If all of these conditions are met, it might not be:
All 40 servers are identical. So running a priority report on server A instead of server B won't deliver a report faster.
All 40 servers are identical. So total duration (for a specific input set) is a constant.
Total makespan doesn't matter. So given 20 small jobs of 1 hour and 1 big job of 20 hours and 2 machines, it's fine that it takes all small jobs are done after 10 hours before the big job starts, given a total makespan of 30 hours. There's no desire to reduce the makespan to 20 hours.
"the average time in the queue" is debatable: do you care about how long the jobs are in the queue until they are started or until they are finished? If the total duration is a constant, this can be done by merely FIFO'ing the small jobs first or last (while still respecting priority of course).
There are no dependencies between jobs.
If all these conditions are met, OptaPlanner won't be able to do better than a correctly written greedy algorithm (which schedules the highest priority job that is the smallest/largest first). If any of these conditions aren't met (for example you buy 10 new servers which are faster), then OptaPlanner can do better. You just have to evaluate if it's worth spending 1 thread to figure that out.
If you use OptaPlanner, definitely take a look at real-time scheduling and daemon mode, to replan as new reports enter the system.

Least load scheduler

I'm working on a system that uses several hundreds of workers in parallel (physical devices evaluating small tasks). Some workers are faster than others so I was wondering what the easiest way to load balance tasks on them without a priori knowledge of their speed.
I was thinking about keeping track of the number of tasks a worker is currently working on with a simple counter and then sorting the list to get the worker with the lowest active task count. This way slow workers would get some tasks but not slow down the whole system. The reason I'm asking is that the current round-robin method is causing hold up with some really slow workers (100 times slower than others) that keep accumulating tasks and blocking new tasks.
It should be a simple matter of sorting the list according to the current number of active tasks, but since I would be sorting the list several times a second (average work time per task is below 25ms) I fear that this might be a major bottleneck. So is there a simple version of getting the worker with the lowest task count without having to sort over and over again.
EDIT: The tasks are pushed to the workers via an open TCP connection. Since the dependencies between the tasks are rather complex (exclusive resource usage) let's say that all tasks are assigned to start with. As soon as a task returns from the worker all tasks that are no longer blocked are queued, and a new task is pushed to the worker. The work queue will never be empty.
How about this system:
Worker reaches the end of its task queue
Worker requests more tasks from load balancer
Load balancer assigns N tasks (where N is probably more than 1, perhaps 20 - 50 if these tasks are very small).
In this system, since you are assigning new tasks when the workers are actually done, you don't have to guess at how long the remaining tasks will take.
I think that you need to provide more information about the system:
How do you get a task to a worker? Does the worker request it or does it get pushed?
How do you know if a worker is out of work, or even how much work is it doing?
How are the physical devices modeled?
What you want to do is avoid tracking anything and find a more passive way to distribute the work.