Is there an URL to open the Gmail compose window with a specific message ID in full-screen (pop-out) - email

I use the new Gmail API to create a draft for my user. The API response provides the newly created message ID.
I can then open the compose window with the URL[message-id]. However I would like to open a full-screen (popped-out) compose window. Is there an URL for that ? This URL must of course be parameterised with the message id.
To be more precise, this is what I get, and this is what I want.

Try this:{message_id}
Just replace {message_id} with the actual ID string.


How to set AppClip invocation for URL with QueryParam?

I am trying to set the AppClip invocation for my App which is already released on app store.
I need an url such that it provides me a jobId e.g.:
My use case is that I send the sms with the url to the user, the user clicks on the url and the app gets started. Then for the other user I send the next url with corresponding jobId.
I did setup the AASA file for my domain (contains the JSON with "applinks" and "appclip" objects) which is valid, also the Domain status is valid on App Store Connect. There is a default experience set with title, subtitle, image and action. I also configured an advance experience for the url
However, my app clip doesn't get invoked if I access the url from either sms text or safari. :(
I do not have a web page for therefore I haven't set up the meta data for this.
Is it possible to invoke the AppClip this way? It is really important for me that the URL is dynamic and I pass that jobId every time for each individual booking.
There s no much documentation and I already read at least twice Apple documentation about AppClip.
Because of this:
I do not have a web page for therefore I haven't set up the meta data for this.
The answer to this:
Is it possible to invoke the AppClip this way?
Is no. Sorry, you need to own the domain you're working with, or at the very least have means to access its CNAME config (thus, be able to induce the owner of that domain to change the CNAME configs to what you want it to be, similar to what and AppsFlyer does with its users/clients).

Thunderbird78+: How to check for message create, reply and forward

I am a beginner in thunderbird addons so I really appreciate if you can help me. I am trying to find a way in my background javascript to check whenever a user has opened the window for create a new message, reply a message and forward a message. I want to put a default text in the message window before the user is gonna send it. I know thunderbird 78+ should only uses web extension APIs and i found this Compose API but how to use it in my background script.
It looks like setComposeDetails() is what you want.
setComposeDetails(tabId, details)
Updates the compose window. Specify only fields that you want to change. Currently only the to/cc/bcc/replyTo/followupTo/newsgroups fields and the subject are implemented.
tabId (integer)
details (ComposeDetails)
I have note tried it, but I suppose that either details.body or details.plainTextBody from the ComposeDetails object can be used to pass the default text you want to use. So I would try something like this in the background script:
let details = {
body: "This is my default text",
browser.messages.setComposeDetails(tabId, details);
You might have to combine it with a call to messages.getComposeDetails() if empty fields in details reset the values in the composer window (I don't know).
If you want to call this when the user opens a new compose window, I would look at the window.onCreated event. If you want to do it right before the message is sent instead, you should look at the compose.onBeforeSend event. All of them are described in the API documentation.

How to open a draft created with Gmail API in browser?

Im trying to create a gmail draft using gmail API and open it in a new tab.
When i try to open a draft using the following url : draft id , from a external web it does not open the draft. Instead it lists the drafts.
If i do the same in a Gmail tab it works as expected.
You can reproduce it following this steps
Chose any draft and copy its message id , you can use this
Create a url joining + the message id you got in the last step.
Open a new tab in Chrome and paste it, it will send you to your draft list.
If you paste the same url in the the same tab it will open the draft.
More information about the problem
It does not work with neither
Chrome console throws this error when i try to open a draft from another tab
console error
I noticed if you open a draft the url is like this one , this url works also to open the draft editor from other tabs, but where does the compose value come from?
I know it is not a API error or problem but if somebody had the same problem and know any way to solve it i will apreciate.
So the question is, how can i create a url to open a gmail draft using Gmail API ?
The way to make this url changed, now it works like this:
If you list your drafts you get
"drafts": [
"id": "r5632827412362757569",
"message": {
"id": "174f4fa0dd96af123",
"threadId": "174f4f59344d6321"
So, to open this draft you need the following url :
Your goal:
To be able to open a browser tab directly focused on a specific draft of your choosing, from the drafts in your mailbox. (Correct me if I'm wrong).
You noticed that drafts have a "compose" parameter visible in the url when focused within the UI.
The drafts resource doesn't include the "compose" parameter, so we can't get it from the API, and it also isn't equal to the draft id.
Since the parameter needed is not publicly available via API, you can't achieve your goal at the moment. You can request the feature to Google directly by creating a "Feature Request" for the Gmail API. Here's the link Issue Tracker.

Postman requests keep creating new conversations

I've deployed the "pizza" dialog to my Bluemix account. I'm using Postman to verify the REST interactions prior to my coding implementation. I'm able to retrieve the dialog id using the dialog REST GET. Taking the returned dialog id I establish a new conversation (leave client_id and conversation_id) empty:
I use the returned conversation id to send another conversation request but I first set in the header the conversation_id, and the input value to "A large Pizza"
Rather than getting the next turn in the dialog asking for toppings I get a new conversation id and new client id, and input asking me again for what size pizza I'd like to order.
Should I be able to test the dialog interaction using Postman, and why are my subsequent dialog requests all being treated as new conversation requests?
Appreciate any advice.
You said you are setting the conversation ID in the header so I am going to assume you may be passing that ID parameter incorrectly. According to the Watson Dialog API Explorer it states that if you do not pass in a conversation_id it will start a new conversation. Since you pass the converation_id incorrectly it thinks you did not provide one and will start a new conversation with you.
Since you are using Postman, try setting the conversation_id in the Body of the POST and not in the header.

recognizing a link in an email

Is there a mechanism where I can identify a string in an email, say a order number, and have it route to my iPhone application? I know that base types do this, but not sure if I can create a new type for my app.
You can add a custom URL type through your app (say orderNum://)
Then, if you include a link in the email, say orderNum://1234567890
if the user clicks it, it will open your app, and you will be able to get the data it sent you.
See the LaunchMe example: