Emacs on Windows 8.1 with font scaling for 4K monitor - emacs

I'm using Emacs on a Windows 8.1 computer with a 4K resolution monitor. I scaled up all the Windows fonts to 200%, since otherwise it is difficult to read. In most applications, the scaled fonts look great, but in Emacs they look fuzzy and pixelated. If I set the Windows font scaling to 100% and choose a larger font for Emacs, then the Emacs font looks great, but then it is difficult to read text in other applications. Is there any way to set the Windows font scaling to 200% and also have a font in Emacs that looks good?

Right click on the emacs.exe binary, go to Properties > Compatibility. Then check "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". This disables the automatic scaling performed by Windows 8.1, like the 100% setting that you attempted, but only for Emacs. You will then have to configure Emacs for larger fonts as before, and everything should look okay.
The disadvantage of this method is that Emacs will not rescale properly like other applications when switching monitors or connecting remotely. Perhaps a future version of Emacs will be resolution-aware, resolving the problem.


low resolution of preview-latex in emacs in latex mode on mac with retina display

if I am running latex preview within emacs on mac with retina display, unfortunately I am not getting the proper resolution but rather some fuzzy looking (I guess half the resolution) images. Still, the size of the image is correct.
Skreenshot showing that text has a razor sharp resolution whilst the preview-latex is quite blurry
Might be a good info: I am running OSX Catalina and Emacs which I installed through
brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
brew cask install emacs-mac
PS: As I am confused by the different available emacs for mac. Using brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport I am using the emacs distribution from emacsformacosx

Orange doesn't work well on 4k screen

I'm running Orange 3.3 on a 4k display (laptop) with Windows 10.
Orange is not scaling and shows as a very tiny application interface.
I have (and know that I can) scale my entire desktop - but, is there a scaling option (other than scaling my whole desktop)?
If not, this is something Orange devs should look into.

When can the Native resolution not be actual resolution?

I was writing some programs that were sensitive to screen size, and for the life of me I cannot figure out how this is possible. The display settings in the nvidia and windows control panel are set to 1920x1200 (native), while GeForce experience and www.whatismyscreenresolution.com both report 1280x800. It is like the actual resolution differs from that which is set. How is this possible?
OK after a lot of digging, apparently the resolution is changed behind the scenes if you have selected "Larger" under Right Click Desktop --> Personalize --> Display. I set this to "Smaller (default)" and everything is reporting correctly now. I'm not sure, but somehow Windows 7 must change the resolution by a factor of 1.5 behind the scenes if you choose the 150% option.

Is there a way to adjust the icon size in the Eclipse workspace?

I am running an Eclipse IDE via Parallels on a Retina MacBook Pro.
Parallels automatically configures the font sizes in Windows to deal with the Retina display resolution. So all that looks good.
The problem is that the icons in the workspace are still the same size and as such render so tiny it is almost impossible to see them.
I would like to be able to tell Eclipse to resize the icons (probably by x2 or x4). I don't care if they look blocky, only that I can see them.
Is such a thing possible?
To pre-empt the obvious answers:
I need to use the IDE in windows (due to JNI libraries).
Also restarting straight into Bootcamp won't solve the issue either unless I lower the resolution. Which defeats the purpose of the extra screen real estate.
Referring to the User Interface Guidelines of Eclipse 3.x this is not possible at the moment. The icons (Toolbar for example) have a maximal size of 16px.
The majority of Eclipse style icons are designed within an area of 16 x 16 pixels. That is the final cut size of the image.
The icons can be found here:

how to implement windows 7/vista window flip on windows xp?

I have try using DirectX to capture and rotate output,
but the output effect is static,
not like in windows 7 win+tab.
If you're talking about making it so that the windows in the "Flip" mode dynamically update as the applications redraw, then what you ask for is not possible in Windows XP.
Applications on Windows XP draw directly onto the screen, while applications on Windows Vista/7 draw on a compositing engine called Aero (if it is enabled). Since Aero captures all graphical output from the applications, it is able to update the preview windows in Windows Flip.
Well I have not personally tested it, but there is a software called WinFlip.
Once you download and run that exe file, the windows flip (windows+tab) should work like in windows 7 or vista