low resolution of preview-latex in emacs in latex mode on mac with retina display - emacs

if I am running latex preview within emacs on mac with retina display, unfortunately I am not getting the proper resolution but rather some fuzzy looking (I guess half the resolution) images. Still, the size of the image is correct.
Skreenshot showing that text has a razor sharp resolution whilst the preview-latex is quite blurry
Might be a good info: I am running OSX Catalina and Emacs which I installed through
brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
brew cask install emacs-mac
PS: As I am confused by the different available emacs for mac. Using brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport I am using the emacs distribution from emacsformacosx


VS code Blurs out when mouse is not on it

I have a 1070ti and my VS code used to run perfectly I fresh installed Windows and now VS code blurs out and can't see if my mouse moves away.
I have already tried turning off "Fix Apps that are blurry"
I have already tried adding it to NVIDIA settings, and I have no problems playing heavy rendering games. Only when I am coding and it is driving me crazy.
i solved this problem , you should open nvidia and do restore

Electron transparent window on raspberry pi (4)

As demoed here Can't succeed in making transparent window in Electron (javascript), I manage to run the hello world application on a debian buster with background transparency.
However, when I try this demo on a raspberry pi 4 (raspbian desktop), it doesn't work out of the box. I read here https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/315/how-to-create-a-transparent-window-with-electron-framework that it could be caused by some driver bugs.
Can someone help me understand the issue with more depth ?
The need in my project is to display an HD video in the background and a few buttons in the foreground. Chromium-browser does not benefit as much from the hardware acceleration as omxplayer does (and drops frames), so I'm trying not to embed the video in the browser. Instead, I plan to have the smooth omxplayer run in the background and display an electron app with transparency.
(Pi 4B)
Doing some looking into openbox, the docs here say that you can use:
xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55 &
I tested it, and it works with the parameters specified here. You can set the xcompmgr command to run in an autostart file when X initializes.
EDIT: In my testing, the latest electron build where transparency works correctly is electron#9.2.1.

Emacs on Windows 8.1 with font scaling for 4K monitor

I'm using Emacs on a Windows 8.1 computer with a 4K resolution monitor. I scaled up all the Windows fonts to 200%, since otherwise it is difficult to read. In most applications, the scaled fonts look great, but in Emacs they look fuzzy and pixelated. If I set the Windows font scaling to 100% and choose a larger font for Emacs, then the Emacs font looks great, but then it is difficult to read text in other applications. Is there any way to set the Windows font scaling to 200% and also have a font in Emacs that looks good?
Right click on the emacs.exe binary, go to Properties > Compatibility. Then check "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". This disables the automatic scaling performed by Windows 8.1, like the 100% setting that you attempted, but only for Emacs. You will then have to configure Emacs for larger fonts as before, and everything should look okay.
The disadvantage of this method is that Emacs will not rescale properly like other applications when switching monitors or connecting remotely. Perhaps a future version of Emacs will be resolution-aware, resolving the problem.

Is there a way to adjust the icon size in the Eclipse workspace?

I am running an Eclipse IDE via Parallels on a Retina MacBook Pro.
Parallels automatically configures the font sizes in Windows to deal with the Retina display resolution. So all that looks good.
The problem is that the icons in the workspace are still the same size and as such render so tiny it is almost impossible to see them.
I would like to be able to tell Eclipse to resize the icons (probably by x2 or x4). I don't care if they look blocky, only that I can see them.
Is such a thing possible?
To pre-empt the obvious answers:
I need to use the IDE in windows (due to JNI libraries).
Also restarting straight into Bootcamp won't solve the issue either unless I lower the resolution. Which defeats the purpose of the extra screen real estate.
Referring to the User Interface Guidelines of Eclipse 3.x this is not possible at the moment. The icons (Toolbar for example) have a maximal size of 16px.
The majority of Eclipse style icons are designed within an area of 16 x 16 pixels. That is the final cut size of the image.
The icons can be found here:

Platform 4.0.3 x86 - How to run the emulator in phone mode at higher resolutions

Any idea how to run the emulator in phone mode for 720x1280 res in 4.0.3 platform?
(without using avd)
Running with the parameter: emulator-x86 -skin WXGA720 starts the emulator in tablet mode. (curiously in 4.0.4 it starts in phone mode - hardware.ini and layer files have no difference)
Anybody has the answer?
Can you define what you mean by "phone mode" and "tablet mode"? As far as I'm aware, Android makes no such distinction.
If you want to run with a custom screen resolution, you can set the resolution manually rather than using a skin name when running the emulator creation command, e.g. to get a Nexus 7-like device, where it's in portrait by default:
android create avd --name nexus7 --target android-16 --skin 720x1280
Though as there currently isn't a way to set the screen density (or other hardware properties) from the command line; if you want to do so, it's better to do this from the android GUI.
In platform 4.0.3, when running "emulator -skin WXGA720", for some reason the emulator does not read the hardware.ini file under development/tools/emulator/skins/WXGA720/
The reason that the emulator opens in tablet mode is insufficient lcd density. In hardware.ini it is set to 320 but the emulator does not interpret that and sets density to 160.
The solution that I was able to find is hacking emulator hw load properties.
in external/qemu/vl-android.c
change the line
long density = android_hw->hw_lcd_density;
long density = 320;
Of course at the end, make the platform.
Note: If you would like to show the system bar (the home and back buttons)
in external/qemu/android/hardware-properties.ini
set hw.mainkeys to no
Asi Mugrabi