Is there a difference between joshcooper-powershell and puppetlabs-powershell? - powershell

I tried to install puppetlabs-powershell v1.0.1 on my puppet master, but it complained that joshcooper-powershell v0.0.6 is already installed.
Are they the same? Compatible?
Which version is newer?
I have the opportunity to force the install using 'puppet module install --force'. Good or bad idea?
For reference, this is the command I used:
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-powershell --version 1.0.1

TL;DR use puppetlabs-powershell in favor of joshcooper-powershell.
The git repository for both modules is puppetlabs/puppetlabs-powershell.
Note that Josh is (now) a PuppetLabs employee and likely moved his module to the official supported ones. His module has not seen a release since 2013, so it's safe to assume that it's been superseded by PuppetLabs' module.


Puppet rpm mirror server

I am trying to create a local mirror repository using Puppet and MREPO Puppet module (, however, the package MREPO cannot be found on CentOS 6.
Does anyone knows any other Puppet module which will help me create a RPM Mirroring server?
mrepo is available in EPEL for CentOS 6.
Though tools like Spacewalk, Katello and Pulp (as msuchy indicated) are all potential alternatives as well.
As is just running createrepo yourself.
Does it need to be Puppet module? If not, then I suggest you to use:

CPAN install module failed: don't know what it is

I am installing this module in Ubuntu:
with bash command:
sudo cpan CatalystX::DynamicComponent::ModelsFromConfig
However I always get this message:
Warning: Cannot install CatalystX::DynamicComponent::ModelsFromConfig, don't know what it is.
Is this means this module is not a standard module?
There is no stable, indexed release of that module, only a developer preview release. With a recent version of cpanminus you could do
cpanm --dev CatalystX::DynamicComponent::ModelsFromConfig
with regular you should be able to do
cpan BOBTFISH/CatalystX-DynamicComponent-0.000000_01.tar.gz
That or come onto #catalyst and talk to t0m about the module and whether it makes sense for you to be using it — it seems to be abandoned since 2009. I think the sensible replacement is CatalystX::ComponentsFromConfig.

gnu fileutils upgrade for rtems install

To install RTEMS and all the requirements, I need the install bin to work correctly and it seems not to be the case.
Indeed, when I try "install -c -d tmp/foo/bar" it doesn't create the directories as it should.
On the RTEMS doc, they say I need to upgrade GNU fileutils, but how should I do so? I've search the internet but found nothing...
You can see the concerned RTEMS getting started page here.
I'm running a centos 6.3 virtual machine.
For the original issue, you need to install an updated GNU coreutils. Nowadays, you should use the RTEMS Source Builder (RSB) to get started with RTEMS, because RSB will build all the dependencies you need in a host-independent fashion.

Trying to install Moose-2.000 via PPM/Activestate 5.12 on Win32 - 404 not found

This is a peculiar error that hasn't come up before. I'm using PPM in Windows to install modules for Perl. Works fine with tons of modules. But it seems like something is screwy with the Moose-2.000 package and I have no idea how to fix this.
To duplicate the error:
Install newest version of Activestate on windows machine
PPM into the cmd
search "moose"
mark Moose for install and install it
it says:
Moose marked for install
Installing package ...
Downloading Moose-2.0000 ... not found
Installing package failed
ERROR: 404 Not Found
I added virtually all the repos i could find but this seems to be coming from activestate's.
Forgive me, but I actually have no idea how to install a module manually (without the very simple GUI). I've downloaded the tar file, unzipped it and ran ''. I copied the lib files to the /perl/site/lib folder.
Unfortunately, PPM expects a PPD wrapper (or something) so I can't do a command line install like "ppm install URL-of-package".
Can anyone attempt this and let me know if you have any luck? If not, please give a step by step on how to install this particular package. I'd be grateful since a bunch of other stuff (like a Twitter package) depends on it!
ok it looks like v2.000 simply doesn't exist yet for Win32. so i was able to install v1.25 in the following workaround, explained in the activestate bugtracker (see comments)
1) Find the latest available version for your platform here:
Mouse over the icons in the PPMX column to see the target platform and Perl
2) Copy the URL of the .ppmx file
3) Use the URL as an argument to 'ppm install'. For example, for 5.12 Win x86:
ppm install
I can see same problem - it looks like quirk on ActiveState side. On their package index there is still only 1.25 available. Maybe just the changes are yet to be propaged to mirrors.
Edit: I recently upgraded to Moose 2.0001, which seems to be fixed. However I got conflict with Class-MOP that comes with ActivePerl 5.12. It turned out that Class::MOP and Moose has been merged together. Solution was to remove both Class-MOP and Moose prior installation:
ppm rem Class::MOP --force
ppm rem Class::MOP --area perl --force
ppm rem Moose --area perl --force
ppm inst Moose

using libcluttermm-1.0 problem

i have installed clutter-1.0 from gnome site using terminal.
But when i run the application, error is notified as libcluttermm-1.0 not found. Has this
library not available as of now. if not what is the alternative that i can use.
What did you install exactly? libcluttermm (C++ interface to Clutter) is provided by the cluttermm package. On my Fedora system, I ran:
# yum install cluttermm
# locate libcluttermm
Of course, if you are doing development against it install cluttermm-devel instead.
Use libclutter instead, as libcluttermm is not in Ubuntu repositories.