Magento - Product Order - email

I want to list all the items ordered in alphabetical order on the email confirmation and also in invoice (email version). In addition, I would love to list the products in this list by category, if that's possible. Any ideas how to do this? I would of thought it would be fairly easy, but I'm struggling to work it out. Thanks in advance!


Microsoft Flow to update ‘Created By’ column from Email

I have a list for Helpdesk items etc. that I created a flow for to look for when an email comes into the IT inbox it creates a share point list item and places relevant data and attachments.
I have one column “Sender Email” that is extracted from the email and inserted in the SharePoint list item.
What I am trying to do is create a Flow to automatically populate the ‘Entered By’ user from the email address or other means if possible. Right now I am manually assigning the ‘Entered By’ user which is becoming a pain.
Any help greatly appreciated, thank you.
I figured this out. I am using the "From" item from Outlook Flow in the "Entered By" column.
That is working great now.

Signup to more lists in MailChimp signup-form

I have a question regarding the signup-forms in MailChimp.
Is it possible to create the signup form including some checkboxes, so the users can descide which lists they want to sign up for?
Let's say that I have four lists, and I create a signup form for one of the lists. Then the form should include a name-field, e-mail-field and three checkboxes.
So when a user signs up, they are going on my primary lists, and they have the option of going on the three other lists as well, by checking the checkboxes in the form.
I hope someone can help me out.
Thanks in advance.
As each list is a different group of subscribers, they all have to subscribe and unsubscribe independently from one another. A better way to do it is to run one BIG list instead.
By having one big list of everyone, you can have custom fields designating each sub-list. They can then edit their preferences/subscribe/unsubscribe for all lists in one form.

QBXML, QBFC - Customer Statement

I may be missing something in the OSR, but what query do I use to retrieve a customer statement? I cant seem to identify the right query.
Would greatly appreciate some insight.
None of the QuickBooks APIs (QBFC and QBXML included) support fetching customer statements.
You could probably build your own by querying for the customers invoices, payments, etc. and displaying the summary data.

How can we send a follow up email for Wishlist?

How can we send a email to the user reminding them that some products are available in their wishlist?
I have seen this functionality on many sites and I wish someone would have Implemented it by now.
There should be a way to Do this program way.
Also There is no way available in magento to see wishlist report,like which item is most available in wishlist or top 5 wishlist products.Is there a way to Implement Both the things
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately there is no out of the box solution for both of your issues.
There does exist a $14.99 module that will give you more insight on wishlisted items and the relative customers:
As for sending emails to those customers, this type of functionality exists in Magento Enterprise Edition. You have the ability to automatically send emails to customers with wishlisted items - unless you are willing to shell out $15,000 for the enterprise version, you are a bit out of luck here.
You can either utilize a email blast service like MailChimp which integrates directly into magento to send focused email blasts OR do some custom development work.
You can do this with MageMail. (Full disclosure: I'm the founder of MageMail).
In case you're looking to build this custom, you basically just want to pull in the wishlist_item table and join on the customer table to get the customer associated with the wishlist item.
One gotcha to keep in mind is that all of the wishlist items are included in the same wishlist, regardless of when they were added (they're not like quotes in that regard). So if you're building this custom, you'll want to make sure to build it in such a way that it will follow-up based on the date the wishlist item was added and not the date of the wishlist record itself.
I think that Enterprise has support for multiple wishlists but I haven't seen it in use much in the wild.
I think you can do exactly what you need the following way:
1. Segment your customers according to their wishlist records with Market Segmentation Suite extension. You can put users with particular wishlist item into a group or form a customer group of all users with non-empty wishlists. You can then export those segmented lists for future use.
2. Follow up your customers according to segmented lists you made with emails tailored to specific customer groups with Follow Up Email.
As for wishlist reports you can track which products have been added to customers’ wishlists, when the product has been added, how many days this item is in the wishlist with Advanced reports unit named Users Wishlists by aheadWorks.
So, these are 3 different extensions, but they definitely cope with the task you describe.

A personalized email algorithm

I've been delving into a lot of recommendation algorithms lately (collaborative filtering mostly) and I've found quite a lot of answers on recommending an item based on either a specific user or item (which is part of what I want to do, so that works out). I also want to sent out somewhat-personalized emails, meaning given an email with a certain set of products, pick a set of users to send out the email to.
What would be the best way/algorithm to go about doing this?
For this, you simply turn around the usual collaborative filtering process: instead of recommending items to users, you recommend users to items. You are therefore guessing which users will most like a given item.
Just feed in product IDs as "user IDs", and your real user IDs as "item IDs" into a collaborative filtering system like Apache Mahout. It will recommend users ("items") that would be best for any given email ("user").
Of course you still need input data. Perhaps you have collected a past history of which users have rated or bought or viewed products. That is still your input.