Microsoft Flow to update ‘Created By’ column from Email - email

I have a list for Helpdesk items etc. that I created a flow for to look for when an email comes into the IT inbox it creates a share point list item and places relevant data and attachments.
I have one column “Sender Email” that is extracted from the email and inserted in the SharePoint list item.
What I am trying to do is create a Flow to automatically populate the ‘Entered By’ user from the email address or other means if possible. Right now I am manually assigning the ‘Entered By’ user which is becoming a pain.
Any help greatly appreciated, thank you.

I figured this out. I am using the "From" item from Outlook Flow in the "Entered By" column.
That is working great now.


SendGrid issue sending cold email automation. Contacts were connected to the old template

I set up new automation.
Created email templates with personalized tokens, added these tokens in my CSV file.
Uploaded CVS contacts with personalization tokens (created new separate contact list).
Connected uploaded contact list to new automation.
Set up automation "LIVE".
RESULT: system assigned new contacts/emails to the old templates/automation which I didn't have intent to use.
Also was weird, in old templates/automation were similar tokens {firs name}, {company} {line} but they weren't applied, only DEFAUL appeared instead of these tokens. Could you please help me understand how did it happen and avoid it in the future.
My goal is to use SendGrid in cold email outreach where I am going to create 2-3 new automations per week. I am using plain text in builder. Can you please show me the way to do it without mess I described above.
When I send emails using SendGrid automation these emails doesn't appear in my Inbox "Sent" folder.
Can you also help me to fix that
I don't what I need to try to fix that

Google Apps Script > Google Forms - Automatically sending email to address on cell each time a response is submitted

don't know if this is the right place to ask for this:
I'm currently working on a in-house control system in Google Sheets. Everytime a sales rep enters a work order, this work order with info filled in the form needs to be send to the designer team via email.
The form contains a field for the designer's ID (The form is here).
I've got two problems, first the designer's emails are in a different sheet and the email must be send to the designated designer each time a response is submitted.
This is the spreadsheet I am working on this link.
The email must contain all the fields in the form.
Thank in advance.

Edit email content with a plugin on a quick campaign

I'm having trouble to achieve this. What I would like to do is be able to edit the content (description) of an email entity for a qucik campaign before it's sent (or after it's created).
I've tried many different plugins registration without much luck.
Prevalidate Create Email : this one fires ok but only when a user creates and save the email. when the email is created by the quick campaign it is not triggered.
Prevalidate Send Email : this one fires only for when a single email is sent by a user action and does not allow to modify the description anywa
Prevalidate BackgroundSend Email: this one is correctly triggered when the emails created by a quick campaign are sent, but it does not let me modify the description.
Anyone has done that before ?
I'm using CRM 2011 online.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Found the solution which is to simply use the plugin on Create Email Pre-Operation instead of Pre-Validation like I was doing.
For some reasons, the Pre-Validation doesn't trigger when emails are created in the background.

Suggest best way to do this approval workflow for share point form library to send email to the user

I have created the Info path form.
Once the new form created i need to send the email to users which the user selected in the people picker field.
Is that possible to do this using Designer,or VS 2010.
Give some reference to do this.

SharePoint send an email to users specified in a Field

I have a SharePoint list of Issues and have set a column (called Alert) to a “Person or Group” (allowing multiple names).
I would like the system to send an email to all the users listed in the Alert field, if the respective Issue is modified.
How do I set the Workflow to send an email the users as specified by the data in the Alert field (if there is any)? I know how to use the Workflow etc – the problem the “To” part of the Workflow's email.
(Sorry if this item has already been tackled – I've searched Stack Overflow and Googled around but could not find an answer)
Preferably through SharePoint Designer. i.e. preferably with no Code.
I have limited experience with SP Designer workflows, but have you tried the email action with "Workflow Lookup" selected in the To field? This allows you to use specific fields from the submitted list item.
You'll want to use the SPUtility.SentEmail method which will send an email to the string you pass it from using the context of the SharePoint server, saving you from writing the code youself to send it.
Use the "Build Dynamic String" workflow action to compose the list of email addresses. You can then use the dynamic string variable in the TO field. You can find the variable under "Workflow Data" in the lookup dialog.
I believe that the SPD workflows can only send to a person field that allows single selections. If you need to send an email to multiple users you will have to find a custom action (similar to or develop a Windows Workflow Foundation workflow using Visual Studio.
I have found a workaround to make the workflow send emails to multiple users entered under the field type Person/Group:
Create a workflow variable with type String
Assign the variable to Current Item field name and return type String
Then send an email To: Variable Name