call MATLAB in Java via - eclipse

Recently I am trying to write a java application that can execute matlab code but faced some problems.
First of all, I refer to the link:
It has some tips to execute matlab code under java application. I included the as well as jmi.jar, following the steps it gives.
but when I try to test just a piece of simple code as follows
package jmat;
public class MainProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MatlabControl mc = new MatlabControl();
mc.eval(new String("x=5;"));
the console outputed the error as follows
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.PostMatlabRunnable(JZ)V
at com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.PostMatlabRunnable(Native Method)
at com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.postMatlabRunnable(
at com.mathworks.jmi.MatlabLooper.postMatlabRunnable(
at com.mathworks.jmi.Matlab.whenMatlabReady(
at jmat.MatlabControl.eval(
at jmat.MainProgram.main(
I have no idea why it failed in my program, does any one can help me?
MATLAB version: R2009b
OS: Win7 32bits

Actually, you will need more than just in order to use Matlabcontrol. I'm assuming you picked up the source file from Option #3 in the link; that's just how options #1 and #2 work inside.
Go to that link that you posted and look at Option #1. Go to the link posted there, and click on Downloads. The first jar, matlabcontrol-4.1.0.jar is the one you want.
Download that and include it in the build path of your project. Then follow the walkthrough guides that are posted online. Let me know if you have any additional questions.


How to compile documents and run Jshop2 in Eclipse?

I am a student who begin to study SHOP2 from China.
My teacher told me to run JSHOP2 in Eclipse.Now I can run original zenotravel problem and generate GUI and plans.Likewise, I want to put other domain and problems to SHOP2 and produce plans.
But the problem is that I don't know how to compile them and My teacher only asked me to run the the main function in Internaldomain but it can't succeed.Follow is the original code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
This code can run zenotravel.Then I put domain and problems named pfile1 and
tdepots respectively into SHOP2 folder.Change the codes to:
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
It warns "domainpdfiles cannot be resolved to a variable".
//-- run the planning algorithm
It turns out:
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.compile(
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.main("
720 is main funcition above.And 748 is compile function:
public static void compile(String[] args) throws Exception
//-- The number of solution plans to be returned.
int planNo = -1;
//-- Handle the number of solution plans the user wants to be returned.
if (args.length == 2 || args[0].substring(0, 2).equals("-r")) {
if (args[0].equals("-r"))
planNo = 1;
else if (args[0].equals("-ra"))
planNo = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else try {
planNo = Integer.parseInt(args[0].substring(2));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Finally,according to the advice of the friend,I put the two pddls into src folder and use “java Jshop2.InternalDomain domaintdepots”in CMD commad but an error appeared:"the main class Interdomain can't be found or loaded".But I have set the class path accurately and the Zenotravel planning can run.So how
and where can I use the command ?
And what is written in the bracket"compile()" in Eclipse?
I am also not familiar with JAVA so it's better if there is concrete instruction.Thanks a lot.
Please describe what are you trying to build, what is it supposed to do, what is the expected end result.
If you do have a valid PDDL domain and problem file, you could try to load them into the online editor using the File > Load menu. Then press the Solve button and confirm which of the file is the domain and which is problem. If the PDDL model is valid (and the underlying solver can handle the requirements), you will get a plan back.
If you are trying to build a software solution that needs a PDDL-based planning engine as one of its component, perhaps you could use one of the available implementations:
If you are trying to build your own planning engine in Java using the Eclipse IDE, you probably need a Java-based PDDL parser. Here is a tutorial, how to use pddl4j for that purpose:
If you need to use Jshop2 in particular, it looks from their documentation ( that you need to indeed compile the domain and problem PDDL into Java code using following commands:
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain domainFileName
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problemFileName
Edited on June 19th
Java package names (e.g. JSHOP2) and class names (InternalDomain) are case sensitive, so make sure you type them as per the documentation. That is probably why you are getting the "main class not found error".
It is difficult to say what the lines numbers 748 and 720 exactly correspond to, because in the GitHub repo the code is different from yours. Can you indicate in your questions which lines those are exactly?
The make file shows how to execute an out-of-the-box example in the distribution:
cd examples\blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problem300
Does that work for you?

error.CannotStartupOSGIPlatform issue when running birt

I'm in the midst of implementing Birt 4.6.0 into my gwt application. Unfortunately whenever I run a specific section of the program, I get the following error:
error.CannotStartupOSGIPlatform at
I've done some searching and one thread mentioned a permissions error but I am not sure what that entails. What does this mean?
EDIT Just read another article that suggests that it may be an issue with my classpath but I already added all the jar files from ReportEngine/lib to my buildpath. Anyone know what jar files I am supposed to include?
the offending code:
public static synchronized IReportEngine getBirtEngine(ServletContext sc) {
if (birtEngine == null) {
EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig();
java.util.HashMap map = config.getAppContext();;
map.put(EngineConstants.APPCONTEXT_CLASSLOADER_KEY, SegnalazioniDbManager.class.getClassLoader());
IPlatformContext context = new PlatformServletContext(sc);
try {
Platform.startup(config); //problem begins here
Yes it is indeed a permission error.
The relevant file is:
You need to give access to the Birt user.

Where do you find the JDBCProvider Interface?

As part of my ongoing JDBC/Oracle saga, I solicited the help of one of our Java/JDBC experts and after receiving some more input via my last question "For JDBC in XPages, how does the server know the connection information?" we imbarked on creating a plugin for my ojdbc14.jar file. We got the plugin created and tried to complile it. It complained that it could not find the JDBCProvider Interface. My question is where do I find this? Is this part of the Extension Library files on the Server or is this something completely different?
As always, any help will be greatly appreciated.
You'll want to pick in the Extension Point dialog, and then set the type as Set the class to your JDBC driver provider class (named com.ZetaOne.JDBC.drivers.DB2.DB2DriverProvider for example) which i've provided sample code for below that looks like this (customized to your particular driver, etc)
package com.ZetaOne.JDBC.drivers.DB2;
import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class DB2DriverProvider implements JDBCProvider {
public DB2DriverProvider() {
public Driver loadDriver(String className) throws SQLException {
if(classNmae.equals( {
return new;
return null;
Assuming you've done everything else needed for the plugin, you should be able to export / create your update site and install the driver.
BTW, you'll be able to read how to setup & deploy and use the JDBC package in ExtLibX in our upcoming book "XPages Extension Library: A Step by Step Guide to the Next Generation of XPage Controls" - available on amazon pre-order at
Hope this helps.

EventLogInstaller Full Setup with Categories?

It appears the MSDN docs are broken concerning creating an Event Log completely along with a definitions file for messages. I am also lost on how to setup Categories (I have custom numbers in the 3000's for messages).
Can anyone point me to a link or show sample code on how to make this right?
You should start (if you haven't done so already) here:
EventLogInstaller Class (System.Diagnostics)
The sample provided there is the foundation for what you want to do. To sum it up, build a public class inheriting from System.Configuration.Install.Installer in an assembly (could be the same DLL where you have the rest of your application, a separate DLL, or an EXE file), decorate it with the RunInstaller attribute, and add your setup code in the constructor:
using System;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class MyEventLogInstaller: Installer
private EventLogInstaller myEventLogInstaller;
public MyEventLogInstaller()
// Create an instance of an EventLogInstaller.
myEventLogInstaller = new EventLogInstaller();
// Set the source name of the event log.
myEventLogInstaller.Source = "NewLogSource";
// Set the event log that the source writes entries to.
myEventLogInstaller.Log = "MyNewLog";
// Add myEventLogInstaller to the Installer collection.
When you have your assembly compiled, you may use the InstallUtil tool available through the Visual Studio Command Prompt to run the installer code.
Regarding the message definition file (which includes category definitions), the MSDN documentation for EventLogInstaller.MessageResourceFile mentions that you should create an .mc file, compile it, and add it as a resource to your assembly. Digging around, I found an excellent post which should guide you to the end, here:
C# with .NET - Event Logging (Wayback Machine)

How do I verify that an NUnit Addin has been loaded?

From what I can tell, the assembly containing the addin must be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.5.7\bin\net-2.0\addins. I think my assembly is being loaded because I have to close NUnit-gui before I can replace the assembly in the addins directory. The problem, however, is that I don't see any of the effects of the addin (None of the event handlers are being called)
So how do I verify that my addin has been loaded? I'd love to step through with the debugger but I'd be perfectly happy with print line debugging. When I tried doing a File.WriteAllText() the addin failed to load but gave no reason. Also, how do I debug the loading process?
The NUnit docs are helpful, but they're bare bones at best when it comes to extensibility and there isn't any intellisense available for classes in NUnit.Core.
You should use some tracing library like this one which you can download here.
Now you can decorate your relevant methods with using statements like this:
using ApiChange.Infrastructure;
class MyAddin
static TypeHashes myType = new TypeHashes(typeof(MyAddin);
void RelevantMethod()
using (Tracer t = new Tracer(myType, "RelevantMethod"))
if(bLoaded == false)
t.Error("Could not load adding because of {0}", reason);
Then you can enable tracing via the environment variable _TRACE
set _Trace=debugoutput
DebugOutput can be viewed with the SysInternals tool DbgView (no attach simply start it and watch the traces).
Or you trace to a file
set _Trace=file
The trace file is located where the executable is e.g. Nunit.exe.txt. If you set _TRACE to some random string it will trace the help to console and OutputDebugString to give you help.
Why this trace library? It is actually the ONLY one which is able to trace any exception when your method is left. This does work when the method contains using statements for tracing like the one above. If it is actually your fault that NUnit does choose to ignore your plugin you can find out now.
The output will look like this:
* ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.Demo_Show_Leaving_Trace_With_Exception
18:57:46.665 03064/05180 <{{ > ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.SomeMethod
18:57:46.668 03064/05180 <{{ > ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.SomeOtherMethod
18:57:46.670 03064/05180 < }}< ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.SomeOtherMethod Exception thrown: System.NotImplementedException: Hi this a fault
at ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.FaultyMethod()
at ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.SomeOtherMethod()
at ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.SomeMethod()
at ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.Demo_Show_Leaving_Trace_With_Exception()
18:57:46.670 03064/05180 < }}< ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.SomeOtherMethod Duration 2ms
18:57:46.689 03064/05180 < }}< ApiChange.IntegrationTests.Diagnostics.TracingTests.SomeMethod Duration 24ms
That should make it easy to find out why your Addin was not used at all. And you do not need a debugger ;-).
Alois Kraus