Where do you find the JDBCProvider Interface? - eclipse

As part of my ongoing JDBC/Oracle saga, I solicited the help of one of our Java/JDBC experts and after receiving some more input via my last question "For JDBC in XPages, how does the server know the connection information?" we imbarked on creating a plugin for my ojdbc14.jar file. We got the plugin created and tried to complile it. It complained that it could not find the JDBCProvider Interface. My question is where do I find this? Is this part of the Extension Library files on the Server or is this something completely different?
As always, any help will be greatly appreciated.

You'll want to pick com.ibm.commons.Extension in the Extension Point dialog, and then set the type as com.ibm.commons.jdbcprovider. Set the class to your JDBC driver provider class (named com.ZetaOne.JDBC.drivers.DB2.DB2DriverProvider for example) which i've provided sample code for below that looks like this (customized to your particular driver, etc)
package com.ZetaOne.JDBC.drivers.DB2;
import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import com.ibm.commons.jdbc.drivers.IJDBCDriverAlias;
import com.ibm.commons.jdbc.drivers.JDBCProvider;
public class DB2DriverProvider implements JDBCProvider {
public DB2DriverProvider() {
public Driver loadDriver(String className) throws SQLException {
if(classNmae.equals(com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver.class.getName())) {
return new com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver();
return null;
Assuming you've done everything else needed for the plugin, you should be able to export / create your update site and install the driver.
BTW, you'll be able to read how to setup & deploy and use the JDBC package in ExtLibX in our upcoming book "XPages Extension Library: A Step by Step Guide to the Next Generation of XPage Controls" - available on amazon pre-order at http://www.amazon.com/XPages-Extension-Library-Step---Step/dp/0132901811
Hope this helps.


How to install GSDML file via Siemens TIA openness API into TIA project?

Updating with very useful info using guidance from mrsargent
I am trying to automate following steps in C# (Visual Studio) with following steps:
run and connect to TIA portal
create project
install GSDML device files
add PLC and single device as per GSDML
design application relationship between product and PLC (cpu)
I tried to use OpenNess Demo Application for the same but I am unable to step through the code and there is no option in the Demo GUI to install GSDML files in the same.
I tried to write the following code as per documentation for CAX import of GSDML file but faced errors as described below:
(TiaPortal tiaPortal = new TiaPortal(TiaPortalMode.WithoutUserInterface))
Console.WriteLine("TIA Portal has started");
ProjectComposition projects = tiaPortal.Projects;
Console.WriteLine("Opening Project...");
DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(#"C:\projects\TestProjects\");
string unixTimestamp = Convert.ToString((int)DateTime.Now.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds);
string prj_name = "Prj_" + unixTimestamp;
Project project = null;
project = projects.Create(dinfo, prj_name);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Could not open project {0}", projectPath.FullName));
Console.WriteLine("Demo complete hit enter to exit");
CaxProvider caxProvider = project.GetService<CaxProvider>();
if (caxProvider != null)
// {"Error when calling method 'Import' of type 'Siemens.Engineering.Cax.CaxProvider'.\r\n\r\nThe path of the import file 'C:\\Gaurav\\GSDML-xxxxxxxx.xml' with the extension '.xml' is invalid.\r\n"}
new FileInfo(#"C:\GSDML-xxxx.xml"),
new FileInfo(#"C:\ProjectImport_Log.log"),
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Project {0} is open", project.Path.FullName));
// IterateThroughDevices(project);
Console.WriteLine("Demo complete hit enter to exit");
Following error is observed:
{"Error when calling method 'Import' of type 'Siemens.Engineering.Cax.CaxProvider'.\r\n\r\nThe path of the import file 'C:\GSDML-xxx.xml' with the extension '.xml' is invalid.\r\n"}
Yes this is a difficult thing to do. However it is possible. First you need proper documentation that is a little difficult to find. The manual is very detailed and good found here
You need the import the GSD file as a CAx that is found page 939 of the documentation.
//Access the CaxProvider service
Project project = tiaPortal.Projects.Open(...);
CaxProvider caxProvider = project.GetService<CaxProvider>();
if(caxProvider != null)
// Perform Cax export and import operation
To create this CAx (an xml document) you need to look starting at page 988 of this manual. It will tell you how to configure. It is far too much to explain and list in this forum but the documentation does a good job of explaining after you read it 5 times ;)
It is probably best to read this entire import/export section in order to get a full understanding of how to do this. Hope this helps!

Custom mail driver in Laravel 8

I'm using a custom mail driver with Laravel 8. It's good to work with direct mailing. But after using it should queue, an issue was found.
"Target class [mail.manager] does not exist."
I have already registered at config/app.php for customMailServiceProvider. The problem is only for when using shouldqueue at Notifications with mail. Any ideas or any suggestions? I was following the instruction for the following article.
Add This code line at app/bootstrap.php
$app->alias('mail.manager', Illuminate\Mail\MailManager::class);
This is worked for me. Laravel Queue don't know the facades name "mail.manager".
Don't forget to run compose dump after code update.
In Providers/CustomMailServiceProvider.php change from:
class CustomMailServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
class CustomMailServiceProvider extends MailServiceProvider

LDAP callback functionality

I'm trying to implement LDAP callback functionality by referring to this article under "CALLBACKS"
I've configured LDAP without issue. My requirement is assign ldap user to CRX group depending on attribute in DS server. Now As per my understanding, when LDAP user will attempt login first time then CQ will automatically call my class which implements Callback interface. Please correct me if I am wrong.
So, I decided to create bundle which implements Callback interface. With my little knowledge I have done this so far -
i) In CRXDE lite, I added one bundle under geometrixx project and attached is the simple code but during building bundle I got error saying that Callback cannot be resolved to a type.
import org.apache.jackrabbit.api.security.user.User;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.api.security.user.Group;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;
import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;
import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls;
import javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials;
public class SyncUser implements com.day.crx.security.ldap.sync.Callback{
public void onUserSync(User userToBeSynched, Map<String, Value[]> attributes,
ValueFactory valueFactory) throws RepositoryException {
Iterator iter = attributes.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry mEntry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
javax.jcr.Value val = (javax.jcr.Value)mEntry.getValue();
// Error** [Ljavax.jcr.Value; cannot be cast to javax.jcr.Value
System.out.println(mEntry.getKey() + " : " + val.getString());
public void onGroupSync(Group group,
Map<String, Value[]> attributes,
ValueFactory vf) throws RepositoryException{
System.out.println("Hello onGroupSync");//do my stuff
I could not find any documentation about this com.day.crx.security.ldap.sync.Callback interface. Kindly guide me. Appreciate your help
Here is at least some documentation for com.day.crx.security.ldap.sync.Callback: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/core/administering/ldap_authentication.html#Callbacks
The doc you referenced says this:
The callback interface is located in the crx-auth-ldap module and has
the following methods that need to be implemented:
You need at least the following dependencies (jar files) to create and
build a callback class:
Both are bundled with the CRX Explorer Web Application and can be
extracted from the war file.
After you compiled and packaged the callback class you need to make it
available to CRX. The easiest way is to place the the custom callback
implementation along with the CRX webapp at

EventLogInstaller Full Setup with Categories?

It appears the MSDN docs are broken concerning creating an Event Log completely along with a definitions file for messages. I am also lost on how to setup Categories (I have custom numbers in the 3000's for messages).
Can anyone point me to a link or show sample code on how to make this right?
You should start (if you haven't done so already) here:
EventLogInstaller Class (System.Diagnostics)
The sample provided there is the foundation for what you want to do. To sum it up, build a public class inheriting from System.Configuration.Install.Installer in an assembly (could be the same DLL where you have the rest of your application, a separate DLL, or an EXE file), decorate it with the RunInstaller attribute, and add your setup code in the constructor:
using System;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class MyEventLogInstaller: Installer
private EventLogInstaller myEventLogInstaller;
public MyEventLogInstaller()
// Create an instance of an EventLogInstaller.
myEventLogInstaller = new EventLogInstaller();
// Set the source name of the event log.
myEventLogInstaller.Source = "NewLogSource";
// Set the event log that the source writes entries to.
myEventLogInstaller.Log = "MyNewLog";
// Add myEventLogInstaller to the Installer collection.
When you have your assembly compiled, you may use the InstallUtil tool available through the Visual Studio Command Prompt to run the installer code.
Regarding the message definition file (which includes category definitions), the MSDN documentation for EventLogInstaller.MessageResourceFile mentions that you should create an .mc file, compile it, and add it as a resource to your assembly. Digging around, I found an excellent post which should guide you to the end, here:
C# with .NET - Event Logging (Wayback Machine)

Eclipse RCP: How to access internal classes of plugins?

I want to use the default XML editor (org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui) of Eclipse in an RCP application. I need to read the DOM of the xml file currently open. The plugin doesn't offer any extension point, so I'm trying to access the internal classes. I am aware that the I should not access the internal classes, but I don't have another option.
My approach is to create a fragment and an extension point to be able to read data from the plugin. I'm trying not to recompile the plugin, that's why I thought that a fragment was necessary. I just want to load it and extract the data at runtime.
So, my question is: is there another way to access the classes of a plugin? if yes, how?
Any tutorial, doc page or useful link for any of the methods is welcome.
Since nobody answered my question and I found the answer after long searches, I will post the answer for others to use if they bump into this problem.
To access a plugin at runtime you must create and extension point and an extension attached to it into the plugin that you are trying to access.
Adding classes to a plugin using a fragment is not recommended if you want to access those classes from outside of the plugin.
So, the best solution for this is to get the plugin source from the CVS Repository and make the modifications directly into the source of the plugin. Add extension points, extensions and the code for functionality.
Getting the plugin from the CVS Repository:
Creating extensions and extension points and accessing them:
I ended up extending XMLMultiPageEditorPart like this:
public class MultiPageEditor extends XMLMultiPageEditorPart implements
IResourceChangeListener {
public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public Document getDOM() {
int activePageIndex = getActivePage();
StructuredTextEditor fTextEditor = (StructuredTextEditor) getSelectedPage();
IDocument document = fTextEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(
IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager()
Document modelDocument = null;
try {
if (model instanceof IDOMModel) {
// cast the structured model to a DOM Model
modelDocument = (Document) (((IDOMModel) model).getDocument());
} finally {
if (model != null) {
return modelDocument;
This is not a clean implementation, but it gets the job done.