error.CannotStartupOSGIPlatform issue when running birt - gwt

I'm in the midst of implementing Birt 4.6.0 into my gwt application. Unfortunately whenever I run a specific section of the program, I get the following error:
error.CannotStartupOSGIPlatform at
I've done some searching and one thread mentioned a permissions error but I am not sure what that entails. What does this mean?
EDIT Just read another article that suggests that it may be an issue with my classpath but I already added all the jar files from ReportEngine/lib to my buildpath. Anyone know what jar files I am supposed to include?
the offending code:
public static synchronized IReportEngine getBirtEngine(ServletContext sc) {
if (birtEngine == null) {
EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig();
java.util.HashMap map = config.getAppContext();;
map.put(EngineConstants.APPCONTEXT_CLASSLOADER_KEY, SegnalazioniDbManager.class.getClassLoader());
IPlatformContext context = new PlatformServletContext(sc);
try {
Platform.startup(config); //problem begins here

Yes it is indeed a permission error.
The relevant file is:
You need to give access to the Birt user.


How to install GSDML file via Siemens TIA openness API into TIA project?

Updating with very useful info using guidance from mrsargent
I am trying to automate following steps in C# (Visual Studio) with following steps:
run and connect to TIA portal
create project
install GSDML device files
add PLC and single device as per GSDML
design application relationship between product and PLC (cpu)
I tried to use OpenNess Demo Application for the same but I am unable to step through the code and there is no option in the Demo GUI to install GSDML files in the same.
I tried to write the following code as per documentation for CAX import of GSDML file but faced errors as described below:
(TiaPortal tiaPortal = new TiaPortal(TiaPortalMode.WithoutUserInterface))
Console.WriteLine("TIA Portal has started");
ProjectComposition projects = tiaPortal.Projects;
Console.WriteLine("Opening Project...");
DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(#"C:\projects\TestProjects\");
string unixTimestamp = Convert.ToString((int)DateTime.Now.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds);
string prj_name = "Prj_" + unixTimestamp;
Project project = null;
project = projects.Create(dinfo, prj_name);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Could not open project {0}", projectPath.FullName));
Console.WriteLine("Demo complete hit enter to exit");
CaxProvider caxProvider = project.GetService<CaxProvider>();
if (caxProvider != null)
// {"Error when calling method 'Import' of type 'Siemens.Engineering.Cax.CaxProvider'.\r\n\r\nThe path of the import file 'C:\\Gaurav\\GSDML-xxxxxxxx.xml' with the extension '.xml' is invalid.\r\n"}
new FileInfo(#"C:\GSDML-xxxx.xml"),
new FileInfo(#"C:\ProjectImport_Log.log"),
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Project {0} is open", project.Path.FullName));
// IterateThroughDevices(project);
Console.WriteLine("Demo complete hit enter to exit");
Following error is observed:
{"Error when calling method 'Import' of type 'Siemens.Engineering.Cax.CaxProvider'.\r\n\r\nThe path of the import file 'C:\GSDML-xxx.xml' with the extension '.xml' is invalid.\r\n"}
Yes this is a difficult thing to do. However it is possible. First you need proper documentation that is a little difficult to find. The manual is very detailed and good found here
You need the import the GSD file as a CAx that is found page 939 of the documentation.
//Access the CaxProvider service
Project project = tiaPortal.Projects.Open(...);
CaxProvider caxProvider = project.GetService<CaxProvider>();
if(caxProvider != null)
// Perform Cax export and import operation
To create this CAx (an xml document) you need to look starting at page 988 of this manual. It will tell you how to configure. It is far too much to explain and list in this forum but the documentation does a good job of explaining after you read it 5 times ;)
It is probably best to read this entire import/export section in order to get a full understanding of how to do this. Hope this helps!

How to compile documents and run Jshop2 in Eclipse?

I am a student who begin to study SHOP2 from China.
My teacher told me to run JSHOP2 in Eclipse.Now I can run original zenotravel problem and generate GUI and plans.Likewise, I want to put other domain and problems to SHOP2 and produce plans.
But the problem is that I don't know how to compile them and My teacher only asked me to run the the main function in Internaldomain but it can't succeed.Follow is the original code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
This code can run zenotravel.Then I put domain and problems named pfile1 and
tdepots respectively into SHOP2 folder.Change the codes to:
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
It warns "domainpdfiles cannot be resolved to a variable".
//-- run the planning algorithm
It turns out:
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.compile(
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.main("
720 is main funcition above.And 748 is compile function:
public static void compile(String[] args) throws Exception
//-- The number of solution plans to be returned.
int planNo = -1;
//-- Handle the number of solution plans the user wants to be returned.
if (args.length == 2 || args[0].substring(0, 2).equals("-r")) {
if (args[0].equals("-r"))
planNo = 1;
else if (args[0].equals("-ra"))
planNo = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else try {
planNo = Integer.parseInt(args[0].substring(2));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Finally,according to the advice of the friend,I put the two pddls into src folder and use “java Jshop2.InternalDomain domaintdepots”in CMD commad but an error appeared:"the main class Interdomain can't be found or loaded".But I have set the class path accurately and the Zenotravel planning can run.So how
and where can I use the command ?
And what is written in the bracket"compile()" in Eclipse?
I am also not familiar with JAVA so it's better if there is concrete instruction.Thanks a lot.
Please describe what are you trying to build, what is it supposed to do, what is the expected end result.
If you do have a valid PDDL domain and problem file, you could try to load them into the online editor using the File > Load menu. Then press the Solve button and confirm which of the file is the domain and which is problem. If the PDDL model is valid (and the underlying solver can handle the requirements), you will get a plan back.
If you are trying to build a software solution that needs a PDDL-based planning engine as one of its component, perhaps you could use one of the available implementations:
If you are trying to build your own planning engine in Java using the Eclipse IDE, you probably need a Java-based PDDL parser. Here is a tutorial, how to use pddl4j for that purpose:
If you need to use Jshop2 in particular, it looks from their documentation ( that you need to indeed compile the domain and problem PDDL into Java code using following commands:
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain domainFileName
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problemFileName
Edited on June 19th
Java package names (e.g. JSHOP2) and class names (InternalDomain) are case sensitive, so make sure you type them as per the documentation. That is probably why you are getting the "main class not found error".
It is difficult to say what the lines numbers 748 and 720 exactly correspond to, because in the GitHub repo the code is different from yours. Can you indicate in your questions which lines those are exactly?
The make file shows how to execute an out-of-the-box example in the distribution:
cd examples\blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problem300
Does that work for you?

call MATLAB in Java via

Recently I am trying to write a java application that can execute matlab code but faced some problems.
First of all, I refer to the link:
It has some tips to execute matlab code under java application. I included the as well as jmi.jar, following the steps it gives.
but when I try to test just a piece of simple code as follows
package jmat;
public class MainProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MatlabControl mc = new MatlabControl();
mc.eval(new String("x=5;"));
the console outputed the error as follows
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.PostMatlabRunnable(JZ)V
at com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.PostMatlabRunnable(Native Method)
at com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.postMatlabRunnable(
at com.mathworks.jmi.MatlabLooper.postMatlabRunnable(
at com.mathworks.jmi.Matlab.whenMatlabReady(
at jmat.MatlabControl.eval(
at jmat.MainProgram.main(
I have no idea why it failed in my program, does any one can help me?
MATLAB version: R2009b
OS: Win7 32bits
Actually, you will need more than just in order to use Matlabcontrol. I'm assuming you picked up the source file from Option #3 in the link; that's just how options #1 and #2 work inside.
Go to that link that you posted and look at Option #1. Go to the link posted there, and click on Downloads. The first jar, matlabcontrol-4.1.0.jar is the one you want.
Download that and include it in the build path of your project. Then follow the walkthrough guides that are posted online. Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Proper format for log4j2.xml RollingFile configuration

I am getting the following exception in my glassfish 4 application that uses log4j2:
SEVERE: ERROR StatusLogger Invalid URL C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/log4j2.xml Unknown protocol: c
I have the following section in my log4j2.xml:
<RollingFile name="RollingFile" fileName="C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/ucsvc.log"
I understand that if it's looking for a URL, then "C:/glassfish4/..." is not the correct format.
However, the rolling file part actually works: I see a log file and the rolled log files where I expect them.
If I change to a URL (e.g. file:///C/glassfish4/...) that doesn't work at all.
So should I ignore the exception? (everything seems to be working ok). Or can someone explain the correct format for this section of the configuration?
I have not yet fully determined why it is that the config file works for me as well as the OP, but, I can confirm that changing the path reference to a file:// url solves the problem (ie: gets rid of the error/warning/irritant).
In my IntelliJ Run/Debug configurations, for VM options, I have:
I can confirm that '\' are translated to '/' so, no worries there.
Okay, the whole thing works because they (the apache guys) try really hard to load the configuration and they do, in fact, load from the file as specified via the c:\... notation. They just throw up a rather misleading exception before continuing to try.
In ConfigurationFactory::getConfiguration:
**source = getInputFromURI(FileUtils.getCorrectedFilePathUri(config));**
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Ignore the error and try as a String.
if (source == null) {
final ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
**source = getInputFromString(config, loader);**
The first bolded line tries to load from a URL and fails, throwing the exception. The code then continues, pops into getInputFromString:
try {
final URL url = new URL(config);
return new ConfigurationSource(url.openStream(), FileUtils.fileFromURI(url.toURI()));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final ConfigurationSource source = getInputFromResource(config, loader);
if (source == null) {
try {
**final File file = new File(config);
return new ConfigurationSource(new FileInputStream(file), file);**
Where it tries to load the config again, fails and falls into the catch, tries again, fails and finally succeeds on the bolded lines (dealing with a File).
Okay, the code lines I wanted in emphasize with bold are actually just wrapped in **; guess the site doesn't permit nested tags? Anyway, y'all get the meaning.
It's all a bit of a mess to read, but that's why it works even though you get that nasty-looking (and wholly misleading) exception.
Thanks Jon, i was searching all over.. this helped!
This is on Intellij 13, Tomcat 7.0.56
The problem is not the contents of your log4j2.xml file.
The problem is that log4j2 cannot locate your log4j2.xml config file. If you look carefully at the error, the URL that is reported as invalid is C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/log4j2.xml: the config file.
I'm not sure why this is. Are you specifying the location of the config file via the system property -Dlog4j.configurationFile=path/to/log4j2.xml?
Still, if the application and logging works then perhaps there is no problem. Strange though. You can get more details about the log4j configuration by configuring <Configuration status="trace"> at the top of your log4j2.xml file. This will print log4j initialization details to the console.

GetExportedValues<MyType> returns nothing, I can see the parts

I have a strange MEF problem, I tested this in a test project and it all seems to work pretty well but for some reason not working in the real project
This is the exporting code
public void RegisterComponents()
_registrationBuilder = new RegistrationBuilder();
var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(MyType).Assembly, _registrationBuilder));
var directoryCatalog = new DirectoryCatalog(PathToMyTypeDerived, _registrationBuilder);
_compositionContainer = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
var exports = _compositionContainer.GetExportedValues<MyType>();
Console.WriteLine("{0} exports in AppDomain {1}", exports.Count(), AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName);
exports count is 0 :( Any ideas why?
IN the log file I have many of this
System.ComponentModel.Composition Information: 6 : The ComposablePartDefinition 'SomeOthertype' was ignored because it contains no exports.
Though I would think this is ok because I wasn' interested in exporting 'someOtherType'
UPDATE: I found this link but after debuging over it I am not wiser but maybe I m not following up properly.
Thanks for any pointers
I just had the same problem and this article helped me a lot.
It describes different reasons why a resolve can fail. One of the more important ones is that the dependency of a dependency of the type you want to resolve is not registered.
What helped me a lot was the the trace output that gets written to the Output window when you debug your application. It describes exactly the reasons why a type couldn't be resolved.
Even with this output. you might need to dig a little bit, because I only got one level deep.
I wanted to resolve type A and I got a message like this:
System.ComponentModel.Composition Warning: 1 : The ComposablePartDefinition 'Namespace.A' has been rejected. The composition remains unchanged. The changes were rejected because of the following error(s): The composition produced multiple composition errors, with 1 root causes. The root causes are provided below. Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.
1) No exports were found that match the constraint:
ContractName Namespace.IB
RequiredTypeIdentity Namespace.IB
Resulting in: Cannot set import 'Namespace.A..ctor (Parameter="b", ContractName="namespace.IB")' on part 'Namespace A'.
Element: Namespace.A..ctor (Parameter="b", ContractName="Namespace.IB") --> Namespace.A --> AssemblyCatalog (Assembly="assembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=...")
But I clearly saw a part for Namespace.IB. So, in the debugger, I tried to resolve that one. And I got another trace output. This time it told me that my implementation of Namespace.IB couldn't be resolved because for one of its imports there was a missing export, so basically the same message as above, just with different types. And this time, I didn't find a part for that missing import. Now I knew, which type was the real problem and figure out, why no registration happened for it.