Not recovering from an f5 drop during spock test - httpclient

Has anyone ever created a successful Spock test against an f5 dropped connection?
In my f5 rule, if a situation is satisfied - say a bad cookie, I drop the connection
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "badCookie"] } {
if { not ([HTTP::cookie "badCookie"] matches_regex {^([A-Z0-9_\s]+)$}) } {
Testing this manually, in a browser, results in a slow but eventual timeout, time limit depending on the browser. But rather than manual tests for each of the f5 rules, I'd like to instead incorporate my tests into our Spock functional test library.
Using Spock, #Timeout() or #Timeout(value=5) just ends up doing a never ending increase in the timeout like:
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 0.50 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 1.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 2.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 4.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 8.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 16.00 seconds.
Using the waitFor method approach in or does not close out the method using a 5 second specification either.
An example of the code using each of those approaches (timeout class, timeout method, and waitFor) is at
My question is has anyone found a way to successfully run a Spock test to verify f5 rules are dropping connections?

For me using the #ThreadInterrupt annotation alongside the #Timeout annotation worked:
#Timeout(value = 100, unit = MILLISECONDS)
def 'timeout test'() {
while(1) {true}
You'll find the full documentation here:
However, this may not be sufficient to interrupt a script: clicking
the button will interrupt the execution thread, but if your code
doesn’t handle the interrupt flag, the script is likely to keep
running without you being able to effectively stop it. To avoid that,
you have to make sure that the Script > Allow interruption menu item
is flagged. This will automatically apply an AST transformation to
your script which will take care of checking the interrupt flag
(#ThreadInterrupt). This way, you guarantee that the script can be
interrupted even if you don’t explicitly handle interruption, at the
cost of extra execution time.


How to trigger handle_info due to timeout in erlang?

I am using a gen_server behaviour and trying to understand how can handle_info/2 be triggered from a timeout occurring in a handle_call for example:
What i want to do:
I was expecting that if I launch the server and would not use gen_server:call/2 for 5 seconds (in my case) then handle_info would be called, which would in turn issue the stop thus calling terminate.
I see it does not happen this way, in fact handle_info is not called at all.
In examples such as this i see the timeout is set in the return of init/1.What I can deduce is that it handle_info gets triggered only if I initialize the server and issue nothing (nor cast nor call for N seconds).If so why I can provide Timeout in the return of both handle_cast/2 and handle_call/3 ?
I was trying to get the following functionality:
If no call is issued in X seconds trigger handle_info/2
If no cast is issued in Y seconds trigger handle_info/2
I thought this timeouts can be set in the return of handle_call and handle_cast:
{reply,Reply,State,X} //for call
{noreply,State,Y} //for cast
If not, when are those timeouts triggered since they are returns?
To initiate timeout handling from gen_server:handle_call/3 callback, this callback has to be called in the first place. Your Return={reply,State,State,5000}, is not executed at all.
Instead, if you want to “launch the server and would not use gen_server:call/2 for 5 seconds then handle_info/2 would be called”, you might return {ok,State,Timeout} tuple from gen_server:init/1 callback.
You cannot set the different timeouts for different calls and casts. As stated by Alexey Romanov in comments,
Having different timeouts for different types of messages just isn’t something any gen_* behavior does and would have to be simulated by maintaining them inside state.
If one returns {reply,State,Timeout} tuple from any handle_call/3/handle_cast/2, the timeout will be triggered if the mailbox of this process is empty after Timeout.
i suggest you read source code:gen_server.erl
% gen_server.erl
% line 400
loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
after Time ->
decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false).
it helps you to understand the parameter Timeout

Gatling load testing and running scenarios

I am looking to create three scenarios:
The first scenario will run a bunch of GET requests for 30s
The second and third scenarios will run in parallel and wait until the first is finished.
I want the requests from the first scenario to be excluded from the report.
I have the basic outline of what I want to achieve but not seeing expected results:
val myFeeder = csv("somefile.csv")
val scenario1 = scenario("Get stuff")
.during(30 seconds) {
val scenario2 = ...
val scenario3 = ...
constantUsersPerSec(20) during (30 seconds)
nothingFor(30 seconds), //wait 30s
nothingFor(30 seconds), //wait 30s
I am seeing the first scenario being run throughout the entire test. It doesn't stop after the 30s?
For the first scenario I would like to cycle through the CSV file and perform a request for each line. Perhaps 5-10 requests per second, how do I achieve that?
I would also like it to stop after the 30s and then run the other two in parallel. Hence the nothingFor in last two scenarios above.
Also how do I exclude from report, is it possible?
You are likely not getting the expected results due to the combination of settings between your injection profile and your "Get Stuff" scenario.
constantUsersPerSec(20) during (30 seconds)
will start 20 users on scenario "Get Stuff" every second for 30 seconds. So even during the 30th second, 20 users will START "Get Stuff". The injection pofile only controls when a user starts, not how long they are active for. So when a user executes the "Get Stuff" scenario, they make the 'get' request repeatedly over the course of 30 seconds due to the .during loop.
So at the very least, you will have users executing "Get Stuff" for 60 seconds - well into the execution of your other scenarios. Depending on the execution time for you getStuff call, it may be even longer.
To avoid this, you could work out exactly how long you want the "Get Stuff" scenario to run, set that in the injection profile and have no looping in the scenario. Alternatively, you could just set your 'nothingFor' values to be >60s.
To exclude the Get Stuff calls from reports, you can add silencing to the protocol definition (assuming it's not shared with your other requests). More details at

ignore.synchronization=true/ browser.waitforAngularEnabled(true) takes so long when compared to browser.sleep()

While executing e2e tests in protractor when we are using ignore.synchronization=true/ browser.waitforAngularEnabled(true) to handle waits is too slow when compared to browser.sleep(10000) to proceed to next step. How to address these kind of wait issues to make the script execution faster?
ignore.synchronization=true/ browser.waitforAngularEnabled(true) are used to make protractor wait until all the angular modules are loaded.
browser.sleep(// time in ms) is raw way of stopping the protractor for the given particular ms.
To handle wait issues:
use browser.waitforAngularEnabled(false) after getting your base url. Then you can use expected waits which makes the protractor wait until that expectation is completed.
Refer for more details
Hope it helps you

How to call the controller task on each 1 min interval

I have created task on controller and there is loop which is loading for 100 times.
Now I want to load it for 25 times and pause that loop for 1 min and after that it will execute next 25 items same for next 25.
I have checked it with sleep but its not working.
Can you please advise me if is there any way on plugin event or any other method.
This is actually unrelated to Joomla! Since you're creating a long running process you need to start it with something else than a browser. A CRON job is a good idea here if you want to execute this operation multiple times. Otherwise it can run via command line. Make sure the max_execution time setting of PHP does not cause any trouble.
If you still need this within Joomla please have a look at the CLI documentation.!_Platform

protractor what does the timeout in expected conditions stand for?

Protractor: Version 1.8.0
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element), 3000);
what exactly does the 3 seconds stand for? and is there an error thrown when 3 seconds have passed and element cannot be found? or does the test just continue?
I ran a test with:
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element(by.xpath(BAD-LOCATOR)), 3000));
BAD-LOCATOR is just a xpath referencing a element that doesn't exists. but upon evaluating this line, the test waits beyond this time until it hits the jasmine defaultTimeoutInterval timeout (I set for 25sec). Why does it not fail in 3 secs since the promise did not get resolved in 3secs? I'm expecting the wait() to fail and the 2nd sendKeys command to execute since its next in control flow.
So the above block of code will print 'foo' into the textbox and on the next command wait until the jasmine timeout to error out (Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.). I'm expecting an error within 3secs. 'bar'never gets printed.
It's the time out, i mean after 3 seconds if the element isn't present until now it will time out.
For the jasmine error you are getting i suggest that you add the call back
describe("long asynchronous specs", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
}, 1000);
You can also refer to Jasmine Asynchronous Support