How to trigger handle_info due to timeout in erlang? - server

I am using a gen_server behaviour and trying to understand how can handle_info/2 be triggered from a timeout occurring in a handle_call for example:
What i want to do:
I was expecting that if I launch the server and would not use gen_server:call/2 for 5 seconds (in my case) then handle_info would be called, which would in turn issue the stop thus calling terminate.
I see it does not happen this way, in fact handle_info is not called at all.
In examples such as this i see the timeout is set in the return of init/1.What I can deduce is that it handle_info gets triggered only if I initialize the server and issue nothing (nor cast nor call for N seconds).If so why I can provide Timeout in the return of both handle_cast/2 and handle_call/3 ?
I was trying to get the following functionality:
If no call is issued in X seconds trigger handle_info/2
If no cast is issued in Y seconds trigger handle_info/2
I thought this timeouts can be set in the return of handle_call and handle_cast:
{reply,Reply,State,X} //for call
{noreply,State,Y} //for cast
If not, when are those timeouts triggered since they are returns?

To initiate timeout handling from gen_server:handle_call/3 callback, this callback has to be called in the first place. Your Return={reply,State,State,5000}, is not executed at all.
Instead, if you want to “launch the server and would not use gen_server:call/2 for 5 seconds then handle_info/2 would be called”, you might return {ok,State,Timeout} tuple from gen_server:init/1 callback.
You cannot set the different timeouts for different calls and casts. As stated by Alexey Romanov in comments,
Having different timeouts for different types of messages just isn’t something any gen_* behavior does and would have to be simulated by maintaining them inside state.
If one returns {reply,State,Timeout} tuple from any handle_call/3/handle_cast/2, the timeout will be triggered if the mailbox of this process is empty after Timeout.

i suggest you read source code:gen_server.erl
% gen_server.erl
% line 400
loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
after Time ->
decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false).
it helps you to understand the parameter Timeout


How to implement retry logic?

I'm trying to use pytransitions to implement retransmit logic from an initialization state. The summary is that during the init state if the other party isn't responding after 1 second resend the packet. This is very similar to what I see here:
I tried this patch, and even though I see the timeouts/failures happening, my callback is only called the first time. This is true with before/after and on_enter/exit. No matter what I've tried, I can't get the retransmit to occur again. Any ideas?
Even though this question is a bit dated I'd like to post an answer since Retry states have been added to transitions in release 0.9.
Retry itself will only count how often a state has been re-entered meaning that the counter will increase when transition source and destination are equal and reset otherwise. It's entirely passive and need another mean to trigger events. The Timeout state extension is commonly used in addition to Retry to achieve this. In the example below a state machine is decorated with Retry and Timeout state extensions which allows to use a couple of keywords for state definitions:
timeout - time in seconds before a timeout is triggered after a state has been entered
on_timeout- the callback(s) called when timeout was triggered
retries - the number of retries before failure callbacks are called when a state is re-entered
on_failure - the callback(s) called when the re-entrance counter reaches retries
The example will re-enter pinging unless a randomly generated number between 0 and 1 is larger than 0.8. This can be interpreted as a server that roughly answers only every fifth request. When you execute the example the retries required to reach 'initialized' can vary or even fail when retries are reached.
from transitions import Machine
from transitions.extensions.states import add_state_features, Retry, Timeout
import random
import time
# create a custom machine with state extension features and also
# add enter callbacks for the states 'pinging', 'initialized' and 'init_failed'
#add_state_features(Retry, Timeout)
class RetryMachine(Machine):
def on_enter_pinging(self):
print("pinging server...")
if random.random() > 0.8:
def on_enter_initialized(self):
print("server answered")
def on_enter_init_failed(self):
print("server did not answer!")
states = ["init",
{"name": "pinging",
"timeout": 0.5, # after 0.5s we assume the "server" wont answer
"on_timeout": "to_pinging", # when timeout enter 'pinging' again
"retries": 3, # three pinging attempts will be conducted
"on_failure": "to_init_failed"},
# we don't pass a model to the machine which will result in the machine
# itself acting as a model; if we add another model, the 'on_enter_<state>'
# methods must be defined on the model and not machine
m = RetryMachine(states=states, initial="init")
assert m.is_init()
while m.is_pinging():

Webflux: OnErrorResume after repeats are exhausted is not being triggered

I am trying to execute the code after repeat exhaustion using onErrorResume but onErrorResume is not being trigger.
Here is the code sample
.map(aBoolean -> performSomeOperationIfConditionIsSatified(request))
.repeatWhenEmpty(Repeat.onlyIf(i -> true)
.exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofSeconds(5)), Duration.ofSeconds(10))
.onErrorResume(throwable -> {
log.warn("Max timeout reached", throwable);
return Mono.just(false);
onErrorResume is never trigged. I am trying to use it as a fallback. My goal is if the repeat exhaustion is hit, return the false value.
My unit test complains of
expectation "expectNext(false)" failed (expected: onNext(false); actual: onComplete())
Any help or suggestion would be helpful.
since an empty source is valid by itself, repeatWhenEmpty doesn't necessarily propagate an exception after exhausting its attempts. The Repeat util from addons doesn't, even when the "timeout" triggers (as hinted in the timeout parameter's javadoc: "timeout after which no new repeats are initiated", ok that could be clearer).
since you're using repeatWhenEMPTY, I'm guessing that the empty case is always "irrelevant" to you and thus defaultIfEmpty(false) should be the acceptable solution.

Not recovering from an f5 drop during spock test

Has anyone ever created a successful Spock test against an f5 dropped connection?
In my f5 rule, if a situation is satisfied - say a bad cookie, I drop the connection
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "badCookie"] } {
if { not ([HTTP::cookie "badCookie"] matches_regex {^([A-Z0-9_\s]+)$}) } {
Testing this manually, in a browser, results in a slow but eventual timeout, time limit depending on the browser. But rather than manual tests for each of the f5 rules, I'd like to instead incorporate my tests into our Spock functional test library.
Using Spock, #Timeout() or #Timeout(value=5) just ends up doing a never ending increase in the timeout like:
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 0.50 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 1.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 2.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 4.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 8.00 seconds.
[spock.lang.Timeout] Method 'abc' has not yet returned - interrupting. Next try in 16.00 seconds.
Using the waitFor method approach in or does not close out the method using a 5 second specification either.
An example of the code using each of those approaches (timeout class, timeout method, and waitFor) is at
My question is has anyone found a way to successfully run a Spock test to verify f5 rules are dropping connections?
For me using the #ThreadInterrupt annotation alongside the #Timeout annotation worked:
#Timeout(value = 100, unit = MILLISECONDS)
def 'timeout test'() {
while(1) {true}
You'll find the full documentation here:
However, this may not be sufficient to interrupt a script: clicking
the button will interrupt the execution thread, but if your code
doesn’t handle the interrupt flag, the script is likely to keep
running without you being able to effectively stop it. To avoid that,
you have to make sure that the Script > Allow interruption menu item
is flagged. This will automatically apply an AST transformation to
your script which will take care of checking the interrupt flag
(#ThreadInterrupt). This way, you guarantee that the script can be
interrupted even if you don’t explicitly handle interruption, at the
cost of extra execution time.

How to find all set intervals using CoffeeScript?

The first handler listens some channel of messages and if there is an incoming message, it sets interval:
toggleFlagInterval = setInterval (-> toggleFlag), 500
Messages can be arbitrarily much, but I need to set only one interval.
Second handler reads the message and in it I want to remove the interval:
clearInterval toggleFlagInterval
I want to control that was always zero or one interval .
To do this, I need to find all set intervals.
How to find all set intervals using CoffeeScript?
I would be very grateful for your help.
Thanks to all.
That doesn't make sense. You cannot find all functions registered with setInterval, with or without CoffeeScript (that would be a JavaScript question, it has nothing to do with CoffeeScript). You just need to keep track of them yourself.
It seems like in this specific case, you simply need to choose to conditionally not set an interval, if one is already set.
To do so, your setting code would use ?=:
toggleFlagInterval ?= setInterval (-> toggleFlag), 500
And your clearing code would reset toggleFlagInterval to null:
clearInterval toggleFlagInterval
toggleFlagInterval = null
Alternatively, you need to cancel any already set interval at the point when you set a new one:
clearInterval(toggleFlagInterval) if toggleFlagInterval?
toggleFlagInterval = setInterval (-> toggleFlag), 500

UIAutomation timeouts usage

Guys help me to understand the timeouts usage. The documentation gives quite a couple of words about them:
popTimeout- Retrieves the previous timeout value from a stack, restores it as the current timeout value, and returns it.
pushTimeout - Stores the current timeout value on a stack and sets a new timeout value.
They also provide some code:
target = UIATarget.localTarget();
// attempt element access
But I don't exactly understand how and when to use them. Can anybode give an example?
During automation testing, some elements might not become visible right away. so instruments uses a timeout (default 5 seconds) to wait for requested elements. They call this the grace period.
Sometimes the default grace period might not be what you need, so you can change the timeout to a shorter or longer value.
Using the pushTimeout and popTimeout makes sure that the previous grace period is restored after calling popTimeout, without the need to remember the previous grace period.
For example: in one of my tests, I don't want to wait for a popover to become active, but I just want to know if there is a popover active, and dismiss it if there is:
if ( target.isDeviceiPad() && ! isNull( popOver= app.mainWindow().popover() ) )
UIALogger.logDebug(" dismiss popup by tapping somewhere");
BTW, the isNull() is a custom function I made, but you probably understand what is going on.