How to call the controller task on each 1 min interval - plugins

I have created task on controller and there is loop which is loading for 100 times.
Now I want to load it for 25 times and pause that loop for 1 min and after that it will execute next 25 items same for next 25.
I have checked it with sleep but its not working.
Can you please advise me if is there any way on plugin event or any other method.

This is actually unrelated to Joomla! Since you're creating a long running process you need to start it with something else than a browser. A CRON job is a good idea here if you want to execute this operation multiple times. Otherwise it can run via command line. Make sure the max_execution time setting of PHP does not cause any trouble.
If you still need this within Joomla please have a look at the CLI documentation.!_Platform


Dash - Run callback in server side

Good morning,
I have created a callback in Dash that makes the job of a scheduler.
Every 10 minutes (with the help of an interval component), my callback is running to fetch the data from a server and to update the csv file that I use in my app.
The problem is that my callback is called only when I have the webpage opened. As soon as I close the page, the scheduler stops and runs again when I open the page again.
As the data process of updating data can be long sometimes, I want the scheduler to always run and fetch the data every 10 minutes.
I assume that a callback is a client side process right? So how can I make it run in server side?
Thank you,
Dash is probably not the right solution for this. I think it would make more sense to set up the Python code you need for this job in a simple .py script file, and set a cron job to run that script every 10 min.
Thank you #coralvanda for the help.
I finally did a python script in my container A that calls the container B every 10 minutes. The container B is fetching the data.
It makes the job.
import schedule
import time
import docker
def worker_restart():
client = docker.from_env()
container = client.containers.get('container_worker')
while True:

Trouble with agent state chart

I'm trying to create an agent statechart where a transition should happen every day at 4 pm (except weekends).
I have already tried:
1. a conditional transition (condition: getHourOfDay() == 16)
2: A timeout transition that will "reinsert" my agent into the chart every 1 s and check if time = 16.
My code is still not running, does anyone have any idea how to solve it?
This is my statechart view. Customer is a single resource that is supposed to "get" the products out of my stock everyday at 4pm. It is supposed to happen in the "Active" state.
I have set a timeout transition (from Active-Active) that runs every 1s.
Inside my "Active" state in the "entrance action" i wrote my code to check if it is 4 pm and run my action if so.
I thought since i set a timeout transition it would check my condition every 1s, but apparently it is not working.
Your agent does not enter the Active state via an internal transition.
Redraw the transition to actually go out of the Active state and then enter it again as below:
Don't use condition-based transitions, for performance reasons. In your case, it also never triggers because it is only evaluated when something happens in the model. Incidentally, that is not the case at 4pm.
re your timeout approach: Why would you "reinsert" your agent into its own statechart? Not sure I understand...
Why not set up a schedule or event with your recurrence requirement and make it send a message to the statechart: stateChart.fireEvent("trigger!");. In your statechart, add a message-based transition that waits for this message. This will work.
Be careful to understand the difference between the Statechart.fireEvent() and the Statechart.receiveMessage() functions, though.
PS: and agree with Felipe: please start using SOF the way it is meant, i.e. also mark replies as solved. It helps us but also future users to quickly find solutions :-) cheers

How to make a jenkins call to retrieve the job details every 'X' minutes in meteor?

What I'm up to is to get the jenkins job details and store it in mongo DB every "X" minutes. I have to make an which I know how to do. My problem is calling it for specific intervals.'GET',buildURL);
buildURL has the Jenkins job URL. I found this link which gives an overview of the code for my problem, but I don't know how and where i should place these code to get it working. I tried all possibility.
Is there any method in meteor which can make this possible to run a specific code to be run for every X min??
Is there any method in meteor which can make this possible to run a specific code to be run for every X min??
Yes, there is.
Meteor.setInterval that can be used to do something repetitively every X interval of time.
You can put your HTTP call within it on the server. Eg:
var timerID = Meteor.setInterval(function(){'GET',buildURL);
// and other things
}, 60000) //60000ms = 1 min
When you want to stop the timer function, simply call Meteor.clearInterval

Sahi scripting wait or time delay

I was wondering if someone could help me. I want to introduce a 10 minute wait or time delay within my sahi script.
Can someone confirm the correct command to use?
Thanks in advance
Just have a look at the docs, the command you are looking for is _wait
Write _wait(parameter); where parameter is your the time in milli-seconds you want to introduce the delay for.
In your case try _wait(600000);
You can also use the setSpeed(parameter); API , in this case Sahi will wait for the time specified in milli-seconds as a parameter , after each task in the script. But I guess waiting 10 mins after each task is not your requirement.
You can use this method:
_wait($timeout, [$condition])
here $timeout is the duration you want to wait for. And $Condition is something that you can customize based on what condition you want to wait for.
Or you can just use the overloaded method _wait($timeout) if you want to wait for a specific duration.
You can also apply a conditional wait:
_wait(timeOut, _isVisible($element));
This will either wait till "timeOut" milliseconds, or till $element is visible. (whichever condition is satisfied earlier)

Quartz.Net - delay a simple trigger to start

I have a few jobs setup in Quartz to run at set intervals. The problem is though that when the service starts it tries to start all the jobs at once... is there a way to add a delay to each job using the .xml config?
Here are 2 job trigger examples:
<description>Triggers the ProductSaleIn job</description>
<description>Triggers the CustomersOut job</description>
As you see there are 2 triggers, the first repeats every day, the next repeats twice a day.
My issue is that I want either the first or second job to start a few minutes after the other... (because they are both in the end, accessing the same API and I don't want to overload the request)
Is there a repeat-delay or priority property? I can't find any documentation saying so..
I know you are doing this via XML but in code you can set the StartTimeUtc to delay say 30 seconds like this...
trigger.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30);
This isn't exactly a perfect answer for your XML file - but via code you can use the StartAt extension method when building your trigger.
/* calculate the next time you want your job to run - in this case top of the next hour */
var hourFromNow = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1);
var topOfNextHour = new DateTime(hourFromNow.Year, hourFromNow.Month, hourFromNow.Day, hourFromNow.Hour, 0, 0);
/* build your trigger and call 'StartAt' */
TriggerBuilder.Create().WithIdentity("Delayed Job").WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInSeconds(60).RepeatForever()).StartAt(new DateTimeOffset(topOfNextHour))
You've probably already seen this by now, but it's possible to chain jobs, though it's not supported out of the box.