Init a new project by using Mean.Io -

I have created a new Mean project. Now I would create my own project. I have realized that I should create a new package. I have execute the command mean package myOwnPackage and a new package has been added to the folder packages. Inside that one there are other package. I don't understand how to run the project through grunt that show only my application instead of the built in packages articles

In packages folder, delete /packages/articles, when grunt, you will see your package name in navigation bar. system, access and users cannot be delete, or it will cause errors.

mean init - looks like you did that.
delete the 'articles' package, it's an example
customize your app:
These templates load your Angular app into the browser.
- packages/system/server/views/index.html - this extends default.html.
- packages/system/server/views/layouts/default.html - this is the bottom-most template in your app.
- packages/system/server/views/includes/foot.html,head.html - these are used by default.html to build a homepage. Note that head.html is head tag not menu.
Now Browser has loaded your app. It's an angular app, so angular starts to change the DOM of the loaded page.
- packages/system/public/views/index.html - This is what angular puts on the \ route
- packages/system/public/views/header.html - This is what angular puts in the menu
Does that answer your question?
If you want to make a black website, figure out where you want the black to be.


How to create/provide multiple example apps for a flutter plugin?

Flutter seems to have a very strict/rigid structure for plugins with example folder and all contents inside that folder.
I want to provide multiple examples with my plugin. Something like examples folder and then examples/demo1 and examples/demo2 as two different app examples.
I tried doing this but flutter run or pub get command breaks with this change. it's gets stuck with below error which wasn't thrown with exact same code in previous structure before change. Also my app actually follow embedding v2 code so this error is completely false too.
The plugin `<MY PLUGIN>` requires your app to be migrated to the Android embedding v2. Follow the steps on and re-run this command.
Somehow is it expecting that there should be only one example and that too with example folder only ?
Can someone help, and if possible point me to a plugin project where it's using multiple examples ?
After trying multiple ways to deal with the situation,
I ended up with a good enough solution.
I moved entire flutter repo inside an sdk directory, and then Introduced a samples folder at root level which can contain multiple sample applications.
sdk itself has a default sample app under example folder which I kept so sdk can ship with one example project.
Final structure look like below,
- Root
- sdk
- Flutter plugin project (like android/example/ios/lib directory etc.)
- samples
- sampleOne
- sampleTwo
I then mentioned relative path to sdk for sampleOne or sampleTwo inside their pubspec.yaml like path: ../../sdk/
When I want to open sampleOne in AndroidStudio, I import sampleOne directory and it works like charm. Make sure you don't import entire samples directory or sampleOne/Android.
For any regular Flutter commands for plugin, I run them inside sdk directory and everything works fine as expected. So I would run publish or pub get inside root/sdk directory

I cannot initialize Flutter for web after adding flavors to my project

I have a Flutter project that currently builds for iOS and Android. I created the project around Flutter v1.9 or so. Since creating the project, I have added flavor support to my project (dev, prod) via the guide found here
However, after having done this, it doesn't seem like I am able to add web support to my project. Following Flutter's official instructions to enable web for a pre-existing project, I try to run flutter create . in the root directory of the project. When I do this I get the output:
The Xcode project defines schemes: dev, prod You must specify a --flavor option to select one of the available schemes.
So I try to run: flutter create . --flavor=dev and get Multiple output directories specified. Try moving --flavor=dev to be immediately following create
Soooo, I try: flutter create --flavor=dev . and get Could not find an option named "flavor".
Does anyone know how I can initialize web for this project? Thanks.
You need to do the following:
Goto root folder and rename manually ios folder temporarily to something like ios1
Goto terminal and make sure you are standing in root, then run this line:
flutter create --platforms=web .
Return to project folder and rename back manually ios1 to ios

Service Unavailable (503) No TypoScript template found

I tried to install the introduction package in Typo3 cms.
But I receive the following error:
Service Unavailable (503) No TypoScript template found!
You might need to include the package into your core template in Typo3.
Whenever you are using a new package/extension which having template files, you are needed to added those in your root template.
Go to Template Menu in the typo3 backend
Select the root page from the treelist on the left side panel (it might be Congratulations).
Choose the info/modify from the top list
click on Edit the whole template record button.
Choose the includeTab
Add the package related to it.

How to create a page extension in Directus 7

I have a working Directus CMS environment and would like to include some custom pages in there as well. According to the documentation!, I "can build page modules for custom dashboards, reporting, point-of-sale systems, or anything else".
The CMS is downloaded from directus, installed in localhost and then moved with FTP to the server as my client doesn't have terminal access allowed.
I already tried the boilerplate from, created a vue page with it, ran npm to transpile it, but now I don't know where to put it. If I put it to public > extensions > custom > pages (I put here the whole created folder), it's not shown anywhere and I can't really find any tutorial or help on how to do it. Not even in the docs.
You have to copy only the dist subdirectory of the extension to your server.
directus-extensions create page orders
directus-extensions build
rsync ./dist/
You should now see your page extension listed in the sidebar when you log in to your Directus app (provided your user role is configured to display extensions in the sidebar).

Why do my Bluemix Live Sync icons disappear sometimes?

I'm building a Node.js app called MouseApp. I notice when editing my app, which puts me in the Bluemix DevOpsServices Web IDE, I cannot see the Bluemix live edit, quick, restart and debug icons. They're just gone.
It does not happen for all apps though, I'm just not sure what distinctions I should be looking at between the 'good' and 'bad' apps.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why my icons are disappearing?
I did some digging and learned that there are a couple of reasons why this happens. All of these are in the context of the app you are editing.
The first cause is if the manifest.yml file is not stored at the top level of the app's project. Putting the manifest.yml file at the project root addresses this.
The second cause is if the app is stored in a subdirectory rather than the top level of the project, but the path to the subdirectory is not specified in the manifest.yml file. This was my cause of my problem. Once I added the path to the subdirectory to my manifest.yml file my icons were back.
path: path_to_MouseApp
The third cause is that the app does not contain a package.json file in the same directory as the app.
When the Live Edit icons are missing, it's because one or more of these problems have happened:
DevOps Services couldn't identify your project as a, well, project.
Fix: Create a project.json file at the root. This should cause some new buttons to appear in the toolbar: Create new launch configuration, Deploy, Stop, etc.
DevOps Services couldn't determine what folder your app lives in.
Fix: As suggested in another answer, you can create a manifest.yml at the root, and edit it so that it points at the app's folder with path: path_to_mouseApp. This will work. Or you can just move the app code into the project root.
After you do this, the Deploy button should become enabled.
DevOps Services thinks your app is not a Node.js app.
Fix: Create a package.json file in the app folder.
Once you've gone through these steps, the Live Edit buttons should appear.