Why do my Bluemix Live Sync icons disappear sometimes? - ibm-cloud

I'm building a Node.js app called MouseApp. I notice when editing my app, which puts me in the Bluemix DevOpsServices Web IDE, I cannot see the Bluemix live edit, quick, restart and debug icons. They're just gone.
It does not happen for all apps though, I'm just not sure what distinctions I should be looking at between the 'good' and 'bad' apps.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why my icons are disappearing?

I did some digging and learned that there are a couple of reasons why this happens. All of these are in the context of the app you are editing.
The first cause is if the manifest.yml file is not stored at the top level of the app's project. Putting the manifest.yml file at the project root addresses this.
The second cause is if the app is stored in a subdirectory rather than the top level of the project, but the path to the subdirectory is not specified in the manifest.yml file. This was my cause of my problem. Once I added the path to the subdirectory to my manifest.yml file my icons were back.
path: path_to_MouseApp
The third cause is that the app does not contain a package.json file in the same directory as the app.

When the Live Edit icons are missing, it's because one or more of these problems have happened:
DevOps Services couldn't identify your project as a, well, project.
Fix: Create a project.json file at the root. This should cause some new buttons to appear in the toolbar: Create new launch configuration, Deploy, Stop, etc.
DevOps Services couldn't determine what folder your app lives in.
Fix: As suggested in another answer, you can create a manifest.yml at the root, and edit it so that it points at the app's folder with path: path_to_mouseApp. This will work. Or you can just move the app code into the project root.
After you do this, the Deploy button should become enabled.
DevOps Services thinks your app is not a Node.js app.
Fix: Create a package.json file in the app folder.
Once you've gone through these steps, the Live Edit buttons should appear.


Visual Studio 2017 ClickOnce - Unable to view published application

I have an application that I'm trying to publish to my website. The error I'm getting is that when done publishing, it says:
So it looks like it succeeded, but didn't.
My website is located at www.mywebsite.com.
In my build properties, under the publish tab, I click options->deployment, then set deployment webpage title to 'rdl', then I check automatically generate deployment webpage after every publish
I then go through the Publish Wizard:
Specify the location to publish this application: ftp://www.mywebsite.com/
Click next.
Check From a website: Specify the url: http://www.mywebsite.com/
Check Yes, this application will be available online or offline
The final page then states:
The application will be published to:
Users will launch this application from:
Click Finish
I am then left with the error described in the image above.
When I go to cPanel (my web host), I am able to see the Application Files folder which includes my application folder inside it.My .deploy and .application file are also located there along with any assets I had.
This Application Files folder is on the same level as the public_html folder if that matters.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm not exactly sure where I'm going wrong!

Page is empty when deploy create-react-app build folder by nginx?

I just put the build folder to the root folder of nginx server, e.g. /var/www/html, but nothing is visible.
When inspect from browser, the root content is empty?
enter image description here
Check your developer console for possible errors. You can also use React Developer Tools to debug your app. You can provide your non-sensitive code to make us understand it better.

moving the source folder crashes my app

i have a weird problem .. maybe the solution is simple but i'm just a newbie in iPhone app development
the problem is:
i have created xcode iphone project , tested is and it was running well.
copied the project folder to my desktop . opened the project from the new location . tried to run the app, the simulator opens and the application crashes!!
any solution ? is there anything i need to clean in the project
files ?
Maybe you're using absolute paths in your code ?
Maybe something with additional resources you added before.
Try to look first for those kind of things.
In xcode, Go through every file in your project that resides within your project folder, right click on them in the hierarchy tree to the left, select get info, go to the general tab and change the Path Type to "Relative to Project"
What sort of project did you create?
I created a simple View-based application in my Documents folder. I built and ran it in the simulator successfully. I then quit Xcode, dragged the project folder to the desktop. I reopened the project and ran it successfully in the simulator again.
Did you make any changes at all to the project? I can't repeat what you've experienced. Is there anything different between what we did?
How about creating your project on the desktop in the first place? Does that work?
Are you running as an administrator account? Sometimes there are problems with Xcode if you run in an account where the user isn't a member of the Dev group.

Appcelerator Titanium Mobile: app.js not found

I created an app with Appcelerator's Titanium Mobile on my home machine. The path was /Users/[myusername]/Projects/ProjectName.
I checked my code into Mercurial.
The next day, at my office computer, I cloned the Mercurial repo, and then added the existing app. I tried to run it in the simulator and received the error:
could not find the file app.js.
I looked at the log and noticed that the path it was looking for was the path on my home computer, not the path on my office computer.
What can I do to make my app run on two different computers? I imagine that if I created a new app and then copied my code into it, it would probably work on the office machine. But if I checked my code in, and got latest at home it would probably be broken there.
Open tiapp.xml
Remove the line. f01a795a-46e7-4627-8558-465e5998c99d
Do a full rebuild
Bring guid tag back (just to make sure you still have it on tiapp.xml)
Do a full rebuild again.
Here's the source:
Can you re-create a new project? copy your files tiapp.xml as well as folder Resources to your new project and build again.
This issue mainly caused by JavaScript minification,either you have syntax error in one or more js files or which is hard to predict may you have some other files in you project that are not js files and cause this failure to build and then this common error .
my two cents open up you project files and look carefully for any file or files that are not supposed to be in it.

ClickOnce and mageUI adding custom file folder problems

What I do: Publishing .Net 3.5 application via VS, or msbuild (whatever), and now I need to insert to the published application separate directory (Modules - not added as a reference to the project - our project architecture does not allow this). So I'm copying the folder to published location then runs mageUI.exe select the application manifest and then the problems starts. As I press the populate button it's adding also hidden directory? So I remove the directory, after I want to save the manifest file I get the
"Warning MSB3110: Assembly 'NAME.Shell.application.deploy' has mismatched identity 'NAME.Shell.application', expected file name: 'NAME.Shell.application.application'".
Did you have the same problems, according to http://smartclient.codeplex.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?DownloadId=5060 it should be easy as 1-2-3 but it's not.
On the irony side, I am currently updating the SCSF documentation for ClickOnce deployment for .NET 4.0, and now I know exactly what the problem it.
First, you want to publish to a disk location, not directly to the webserver. So do that, and then copy the dll's you want to add to the deployment into the version folder with the application manifest (.manifest). Rename them yourself -- just add .deploy on the end.
Bring up MageUI and open the application manifest in that folder, then uncheck the box that says "add .deploy to the file names". Click "populate".
Then remove the deployment manifest from the list; it's called something like appname.application. You don't want it to be included in the manifest's list of files.
Now you can save and sign the application manifest. Then without exiting mageUI, open the deployment manifest that is in the root folder (NOT the one in the version folder). Click on "Application Reference", then click Select Manifest. Dig down to the application manifest in the version folder that you just signed and select it. Then just save and sign the deployment manifest. It puts a relative path in there, so if you modify the .application file in the version folder, it won't work right when deployed.
Now take that .application file from the root folder and copy it into the version folder (replacing the one that's there) so you have the right copy for that version in case you need it later.
Now copy the whole shebang out to the webserver. it should work.
I think you are saying you need to add a folder of stuff to your ClickOnce deployment? What exactly are you adding? You say modules -- are they going to be compiled in, or is it something else?
If you want to add files to the deployment you have already created, you need to use MageUI to edit the application manifest, which is called something like appname.exe.manifest. (The appname.application is actually called the deployment manifest, which is confusing but true.) After adding the files, you will need to re-sign the deployment manifest as well (assuming you signed it in the first place).
It would be easier just to add what you want included to your project and re-publish. Depending on what it is, you can set the build action to 'content' (jpegs, html, etc) or 'none' (dll's) and then set "copy to output directory" to true, and it will include it in your deployment.
I'm not sure exactly what you are including. Give me more info, and I can provide more specific help.