consistent hashing on Multiple machines - hash

I've read the article: about the idea for consistent hashing, but I'm confused about the method on multiple machines.
The basic process is:
Hash an input long url into a single integer;
Locate a server on the ring and store the key--longUrl on the server;
Compute the shorten url using base conversion (from 10-base to 62-base) and return it to the user.(How does this step work? In a single machine, there is a auto-increased id to calculate for shorten url, but what is the value to calculate for shorten url on multiple machines? There is no auto-increased id.)
Convert the shorten url back to the key using base conversion (from 62-base to 10-base);
Locate the server containing that key and return the longUrl. (And how can we locate the server containing the key?)

I don't see any clear answer on that page for how the author intended it. I think this is basically an exercise for the reader. Here's some ideas:
Implement it as described, with hash-table style collision resolution. That is, when creating the URL, if it already matches something, deal with that in some way. Rehashing or arithmetic transformation (eg, add 1) are both possibilities. This means, naively, a theoretical worst case of having to hit a server n times trying to find an available key.
There's a lot of ways to take that basic idea and smarten it, eg, just search for another available key on the same server, eg, by rehashing iteratively until you find one that's on the server.
Allow servers to talk to each other, and coordinate on the autoincrement id.
This is probably not a great solution, but it might work well in some situations: give each server (or set of servers) separate namespace, eg, the first 16 bits selects a server. On creation, randomly choose one. Then you just need to figure out how you want that namespace to map. The namespaces only really matter for who is allowed to create what IDs, so if you want to add nodes or rebalance later, it is no big deal.
Let me know if you want more elaboration. I think there's a lot of ways that this one could go. It is annoying that the author didn't elaborate on this point; my experience with these sorts of algorithms is that collision resolution and similar problems tend to be at the very heart of a practical implementation of a distributed system.


Generating sub-systems based on user input (MATLAB/SimMechanics)

The user in this webinar;
can create new levels of links for the scissor lift by copy pasting the sub systems.
I was wondering if there was any way the number of subsystems and the joints could be automated via user input.
i.e a gui which allows the user to input the number of levels in the scissor lift and that number of levels (subsystems) is generated in SimMechanics.
If someone could provide a solution I could adapt it to the problem I'm trying to solve.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, you can automate it, as long as you know what susbsytems and what joints you want to add. The functions of interest are:
add_block(path_to_your_subsystem,path_to_destination_subsystem) (I assume your susbsystem is stored in a library). You probably want to specify the 'Position` parameter so that all blocks don't end up on top of each other. It will take some experimenting to find coordinates that work for your model and that are parameterised based on the number of susbystems to add.
add_line(path_to_subsystem_of_interest,path_to_output_port,path_to_input_port). You'll need to know which port you want to connect to which and figure out how many times you need to do this based on the number of subsystems to add. Simscape and SimMechanics are a special type of ports, and you need to refer to them correctly otherwise it won't work, see Programatically connect two subsystems for more details (note: this is undocumented as far as I know and is therefore likely to change in a future release).
So in short, yes it's possible (I've done it in the past), but it's by no means easy. See this blog for a very simple introduction.

Running out of NHibernate HiLo-ids resulting in negative numbers

We're running an ASP.NET database application which uses HiLo to generate ids for entities. On top of this application, we have several websites using the same database. What we're seeing is that we run out of ids and the ID-column becomes a negative number.
We suspect this has something to do with the generator. As multiple websites run on top of the same codebase and database and probably the HiLo algorithm quickly starts generating ids which are outside of the bigint-range (with quickly being relative of course).
Is it possible to configure the generator in such a way that it also uses the gaps (of which there are quite a few) in the Id-sequences, instead of bluntly increasing the value whenever it feels that's necessary?
Would that be a solution? Or should we be doing something else altogether?
what is your max_lo set to?
The formula to generate id is as follows
h = high sequence (starting at 0)
l_size = size of low block
l = low sequence (starting at 1)
ID = h*l_size + l
Maybe your max_lo is set to high?
You can switch to Guid.Comb generator if this is possible or use int64 for ids. Take a look here for making final decision regarding what generator to use.
I've come across the same problem and also haven't been able to find a suitable answer.
We also have a site which is being ran as separate websites with each site in its own separate application pool, all on the same webserver.
Pragmatically, you'd be better off just switching to Identity mapping, if your databas supports it. It shouldn't be too hard to do, you should be able to modify your database schema with a bit of TSQL and the ID mappings with a bit of search/replace.
Do you have a concept similar to UoW in your application? Because a downside to identity generation is that it'll break the UoW (early inserts in order to get the identifier). It might be a price worth paying, though.
In my case the system could easily exist as a single site/app pool (it's multi-tenant on a single database, with single shared connection string, and is designed to run as a single instance on a webserver) so I'm going to test that before I make the jump to database-identities..

What ist a RESTful-resource in the context of large data sets, i.E. weather data?

So I am working on a webservice to access our weather forecast data (10000 locations, 40 parameters each, hourly values for the next 14 days = about 130 million values).
So I read all about RESTful services and its ideology.
So I understand that an URL is adressing a ressource.
But what is a ressource in my case?
The common use case is that you want to get the data for a couple of parameters over a timespan at one or more location. So clearly giving every value its own URL is not pratical and would result in hundreds of requests. I have the feeling that my specific problem doesn't excactly fit into the RESTful pattern.
Update: To clarify: There are two usage patterns of the service. 1. Raw data; rows and rows of data for several locations and parameters.
Interpreted data; the raw data calculated into symbols (Suns & clouds, for example) and other parameters.
There is not one 'forecast'. Different clients have different needs for data.
The reason I think this doesn't fit into the REST-pattern is, that while I can actually have a 'forecast' ressource, I still have to submit a lot of request parameters. So a simple GET-request on a ressource doesn't work, I end up POSTing data all over the place.
So I am working on a webservice to access our weather forecast data (10000 locations, 40 parameters each, hourly values for the next 14 days = about 130 million values). ... But what is a ressource in my case?
That depends on the details of your problem domain. Simply having a large amount of data is not a good reason to avoid REST. There are smart ways and dumb ways to model and expose that data.
As you rightly see, your main goal at this point should be to understand what exactly a resource is. Knowing only enough about weather forecasting to follow the Weather Channel, I won't be much help here. It's for domain experts like yourself to make that call.
If you were to explain in a little more detail the major domain concepts you're working with, it might make it a little easier to give specific advice.
For example, one resource might be Forecast. When weatherpeople talk about Forecasts, what words keep coming up? When you think about breaking a forecast down into smaller elements, what words do you use to describe the pieces?
Do this process recursively, and you'll probably be able to make a list of important terms. Don't forget that these terms can describe things or actions. Think about what these terms really mean, what data you can use to model them, how they can be aggregated.
At this point you'll have the makings of something you can start building a RESTful system around - but not before.
Don't forget that a RESTful system is not a data dump wrapped in HTTP - it's a hypertext-driven system.
Also don't forget that media types are the point of contact between your server and its clients. A media type is only limited by your imagination and can model datasets of any size if you're clever about it. It can contain XML, JSON, YAML, binary elements such as a Bloom Filter, or whatever works for the problem.
Firstly, there is no once-and-for-all right answer.
Each valid url is something that makes sense to query, think of them as equivalents to providing query forms for people looking for your data - that might help you narrow down the scenarios.
It is a matter of personal taste and possibly the toolkit you use, as to what goes into the basic url path and what parameters are encoded. The debate is a bit like the XML debate over putting values in elements vs attributes. It is not always a rational or logically decided issue nor will everybody be kind in their comments on your decisions.
If you are using a backend like Rails, that implies certain conventions. Even if you're not using Rails, it makes sense to work in the same way unless you have a strong reason to change. That way, people writing clients to talk to Rails-based services will find yours easier to understand and it saves you on documentation time ;-)
Maybe you can use forecast as the ressource and go deeper to fine grained services with xlink.
Would it be possible to do something like this,Since you have so many parameters so i was thinking if somehow you can relate it to a mix of id / parameter combo to decrease the url size
/WeatherForeCastService//day/hour // (where x is number of days) // (where h is number of hours)

a simple/practical example of fuzzy c-means algorithm

I am writing my master thesis on the subject of dynamic keystroke authentication. To support ongoing research, I am writing code to test out different methods of feature extraction and feature matching.
My current simple approach just checks if the reference password keycodes matches the currently typed in keycodes and also checks if the keypress times (dwell) and the key-to-key times (flight) are the same as reference times +/- 100ms (tolerance). This is of course very limited and I want to extend it with some sort of fuzzy c-means pattern matching.
For each key the features look like: keycode, dwelltime, flighttime (first flighttime is always 0).
Obviously the keycodes can be taken out of the fuzzy algorithm because they have to be exactly the same.
In this context, how would a practical implementation of fuzzy c-means look like?
Generally, you would do the following:
Determine how many clusters you want (2? "Authentic" and "Fake"?)
Determine what elements you want to cluster (individual keystrokes? login attempts?)
Determine what your feature vectors will look like (dwell time, flight time?)
Determine what distance metric you will be using (how will you measure the distance of each sample from each cluster?)
Create exemplar training data for each cluster type (what does an authentic login look like?)
Run the FCM algorithm on the training data to generate the clusters
To create the membership vector for any given login attempt sample, run it through the FCM algorithm using the clusters you found in step 6
Use the resulting membership vector to determine (based on some threshold criteria) whether the login attempt is authentic
I'm not an expert, but this seems like an odd approach to determining whether a login attempt is authentic or not. I've seen FCM used for pattern recognition (eg. which facial expression am I making?), which makes sense because you're dealing with several categories (eg. happy, sad, angry, etc...) with defining characteristics. In your case, you really only have one category (authentic) with defining characteristics. Non-authentic keystrokes are simply "not like" authentic keystrokes, so they won't cluster.
Perhaps I am missing something?
I don't think you really want to do clustering here. You might want to do some proper fuzzy matching though instead of just allowing some delta on each value.
For clustering, you need to have many data points. Additionally, you'd need to know the proper number of means you need.
But what are these multiple objects meant to be? You have one data point for every keycode. You don't want to have the user type the password 100 times to see if he can do it consistently. And even then, what do you expect the clusters to be? You already know which keycode comes at which position, you don't want to find out what keycodes the user use for his password...
Sorry, I really don't see any clustering here. The term "fuzzy" seems to have mislead you to this clustering algorithm. Try "fuzzy logic" instead.

Hashes vs Numeric id's

When creating a web application that some how displays the display of a unique identifier for a recurring entity (videos on YouTube, or book section on a site like mine), would it be better to use a uniform length identifier like a hash or the unique key of the item in the database (1, 2, 3, etc).
Besides revealing a little, what I think is immaterial, information about the internals of your app, why would using a hash be better than just using the unique id?
In short: Which is better to use as a publicly displayed unique identifier - a hash value, or a unique key from the database?
Edit: I'm opening up this question again because Dmitriy brought up the good point of not tying down the naming to db specific property. Will this sort of tie down prevent me from optimizing/normalizing the database in the future?
The platform uses php/python with ISAM /w MySQL.
Unless you're trying to hide the state of your internal object ID counter, hashes are needlessly slow (to generate and to compare), needlessly long, needlessly ugly, and needlessly capable of colliding. GUIDs are also long and ugly, making them just as unsuitable for human consumption as hashes are.
For inventory-like things, just use a sequential (or sharded) counter instead. If you migrate to a different database, you will just have to initialize the new counter to a value at least as large as your largest existing record ID. Pretty much every database server gives you a way to do this.
If you are trying to hide the state of your counter, perhaps because you're counting users and don't want competitors to know how many you have, I suggest avoiding the display of your internal IDs. If you insist on displaying them and don't want the drawbacks of a hash, you might consider using a maximal-period linear feedback shift register to generate IDs.
I typically use hashes if I don't want the user to be able to guess the next ID in the series. But for your book sections, I'd stick with numerical id's.
Using hashes is preferable in case you need to rebuild your database for some reason, for example, and the ordering changes. The ordinal numbers will move around -- but the hashes will stay the same.
Not relying on the order you put things into a box, but on properties of the things, just seems.. safer.
But watch out for collisions, obviously.
With hashes you
Are free to merge the database with a similar one (or a backup), if necessary
Are not doing something that could help some guessing attacks even a bit
Are not disclosing more private information about the user than necessary, e.g. if somebody sees a user number 2 in your current database log in, they're getting information that he is an oldie.
(Provided that you use a long hash or a GUID,) greatly helping youself in case you're bought by YouTube and they decide to integrate your databases.
Helping yourself in case there appears a search engine that indexes by GUID.
Please let us know if the last 6 months brought you some clarity on this question...
Hashes aren't guaranteed to be unique, nor, I believe, consistent.
will your users have to remember/use the value? or are you looking at it from a security POV?
From a security perspective, it shouldn't matter - since you shouldn't just be relying on people not guessing a different but valid ID of something they shouldn't see in order to keep them out.
Yeah, I don't think you're looking for a hash - you're more likely looking for a Guid.If you're on the .Net platform, try System.Guid.
However, the most important reason not to use a Guid is for performance. Doing database joins and lookups on (long) strings is very suboptimal. Numbers are fast. So, unless you really need it, don't do it.
Hashes have the advantage that you can check if they are valid or not BEFORE performing any check to your database whether they exist or not. This can help you to fend off attacks with random hashes as you don't need to burden your database with fake lookups.
Therefor, if your hash has some kind of well-defined format with for example a checksum at the end, you can check if it's correct without needing to go to the database.