Netbeans FTP Auto download latest file from remote - netbeans

I am using Netbeans remote ftp for a while now. I have my projects all configured correctly. Usually when i work on something i right click the file download it manually and then edit and save (save auto upload set on config)
This is quite some manual work and I often forget to download latest before editing which results in loss of work.
Is there any option to set netbeans to auto download the file (when i open it to edit)?

It figures to be very dangerous to auto download the latest files without any personal monitoring.
I am now using version control system git with bitbucket. Its pretty easy to use and has private repositories in the cloud.
I am using a desktop app called sourceTree that is recommended with bitbucket but it appears netbeans has a basic features for git built in. I find it much more userfriendly to use sourceTree though.


Eclipse files does not exist in workspace but does in remote system

I have a remote project in eclipse. Usually it works fine but sometimes, my explorer, says a file does not exist when I open it. The files does exist in my remote system explorer and in my local explorer file list, it just cant open.
Even if I refresh the project. Any suggestions.
Possible suggestions
You might be having your workspace in virtual machine, which keeps refreshing at regular intervals. Recommending to save your workspace in myDrive or myDesktop (yours) where it would be safe.
You eclipse might have synced up with version control( like svn/cvs) at remote. Always disconnect from your version control while you have with development work for the day. And i recommend you to make a local copy of remote repository in your desktop.

Eclipse send local edited files with Eclipse FTP

I'm really new with Eclipse. I'm a programmer and i have 2 site that i work on.
One is setup with a GIT.. so when i edit a file, i commit the change et the file is send to my server.
For the other site, i use Notepad ++, and when i edit my files, i use filezila to send it to the server..
My question, is, can i use Eclipse to edit the file and then send it via FTP ?
So i will not need Notepad++ and Filezilla anymore!
Here what i did: i create a new project (local), so i can edit the file in Eclipse. But to send it via FTP i see this topic How do I add FTP support to Eclipse?
and i created my connection with Remote System! And everythings works..
But the problem is, what i have to do to 'commit' or 'upload' my edited files ?
Because if y right click on my project, and i go hover de TEAM, only 2 options appears: Apply Patch, Share Project
There is no commit or send or upload...
What should I do?
RES works a little differently than the Team plugins. You have to use the RSE perspective and create a connection to your FTP server. Then you can interact with files through that connection (not through the Team menu).
See this video for a demonstration; it's an older version but should be close enough to get you going.

How to deploy my project to localhost?

I'm working on a website and right now I am using FileZilla to make changes to it. Every time I make a change, I have to re-upload the file to the website through FTP and then wait for it to update online. I want to just deploy my project to localhost so I can get instant results and then just upload the whole project when it's finished. How do I do this? All I have is a set of directories with the files in them.
You really need to use a web/application server such as IIS/Apache.
For PHP projects go for WampServer/XAMPP.Easy to setup and works very well.
(maybe too obvious)
If you are working only static content based on html/css/js you can just edit and view changes directly by opening the local file in your browser and refresh each time.
Furthermore for css and html you can edit your code "live", directly into browser and see changes immidiately.
Another option is to edit files with an editor that supports ftp like notepad++, you can connect via ftp, open and edit files directly from server (like php,html,css,js) because once you save the editor will automatically upload your changes.
Heres a good explanation about notepad++ and ftp plugin.
If you work with php (and even only with html/css) the best choise is to run a local server that rappresents a real environment in which your code will run. As said by others XAMPP is a good choise for begginers because of simple installation and management.
XAMPP download
XAMPP tutorial
Once installed put your folder inside C:/xampp/htdocs/yourCodeFolder
Run the xampp control panel and start the Apache server.
Finally navigate with your browser to: http://localhost/yourCodeFolder/

Netbeans - Open remote folder/new project

I have been using Netbeans for several months now and like it a lot. I am trying to enable a way to create a project which accesses live files on my server to make changes. When I create a project using a remote source, it starts downloading all the server files to my computer. This would be just fine, except for the fact that (a) the server has a few gigs of files on it and (b) there are two of us that will be making changes on the server.
In the past, I have worked with IDEs that just open an FTP or SFTP connection and will download the file you want to edit, and then upload that file back to the server when you save it. Preferably, this is what I would like Netbeans to do.
I have tried adding a FTP folder in Windows, but Netbeans won't open it. I have tried using Swish and setting up an SFTP folder, and Netbeans won't find the Swish folder altogether.
On a side note, I understand what I am doing is horrible practice, but it is a small site and I am usually the only one working on it. I haven't worked on the website in the past several weeks and just thought it would be easier to get access directly than re-downloading the entire server's worth of code/images/videos/etc. Any help would be appreciated.
NetBeans does not support what you want to do. However, if you put your site under Subversion/Git (revision control), you could check out the content, modify it locally and push modification back remotely.
This would also help avoiding code clashes when your friends work on your website too.
Actually Netbeans supports this for php projects.
Just choose :
PHP Application from remote server
(but git is the best solution anw as it gives you version control as well but the above is useful if you want your server files to be updated when you just press ctr+s)

Deleting files on remote server

I have a PHP project in NetBeans with remote files (over sftp). When I create, modify anything these changes happening both locally and on my web server. However when I'm trying to delete a file or a folder it gets erased only locally. What could be the problem?
Permissions seems to be ok, all files belong to the user I'm using to access the server.
I'm using Netbeans 6.9.1, default configuration, all updates installed.
Netbeans does not have a synchronization function. It is limited to downloading and uploading files. What you can do is to use some external tool, for example WinSCP is capable of synchronizing local and remote directories.
I read what you wrote... but I think it could be a permissions problem.
I also use NetBeans and when I delete a file from the project window it first erase it locally and then syncs with my server.
I login through sftp (using vsftp) as root, which is a bad thing, but you could try this too to be sure if it's a permission issue.
You mistakenly turned off the settings. Please follow these steps:
Right click on the project name
Select properties
From the list of the left select 'Run configuration'
On the left almost down, look for the setting 'Upload files:'
Make sure you set that to 'On Save'
All the best man