Redirect Gradle's test output into file - scala

Is there a way how to tell Gradle, that I want to redirect test output into text file under 'reports' directory?
I have som Scala test sources, from which I want to capture output. I previously (in Maven) sued "scalatest-maven-plugin", with attribute "filereports" for doing this.

There is no way to tell Gradle to redirect its test console output to a file, but the generated HTML report does capture test standard out/err.


How to generate a .csv file from rythm

I currently have code to generate an xml file using a rythm template. I am wondering how i can use the same code to generate a .csv file? Is there a way to do it?
please advise.
Just use csv format to create the template file, and better give it a name xxx.csv.
Checkout the full demo at
You can run it with mvn compile exec:java if you download the whole demo to you local disk

Pass a text file into a Java program as a parameter in Eclipse

I'm trying to pass a .txt file as a paramater into my java program.
My program is titled SetTest and the file I'm trying to read is Ted.txt. From a Windows 7 command prompt I create a temp folder and compile my program there creating SetTest.class. Also in that folder is Ted.txt. From that temp directory I then issue the command:
java SetTest < Ted.txt
Everything works as expected. The program reads in the file and outputs what I'm looking for. All good.
My question is how do I duplicate this using Eclipse? I believe my text file is in the proper location, listed under JRE System Library as seen in the Package Explorer. I've been trying the following from Eclipse: Run -> Run Configurations... Then in the (x)= Arguments section, in the Program arguments field I enter Ted.txt then click on Run. Unfortunately nothing seems to happen. No error message, but I don't see the console output I'm looking for either.
To rephrase your question - you want to send a file to your application's standard input, while it is running in Eclipse.
You can write (copy & paste) data into console (that's where the standard input is taken from). However I am not aware of any possibility how you can redirect file contents directly to the standard input.
UPDATE with correct keywords you might be able to find more resources:
Eclipse reading stdin ( from a file

Separate stdin and stdout file in Eclipse

The launch configuration dialog is
Am I right that if one needs the input from a file then output also goes into a file? Why it must be the same file? I do not see any option to have two separate connections.
The UI is admittedly confusing, but the file will only be used for output. There's no similar way to use a file as input, thus the "necessary for input" hint.
I/O redirection in eclipse?
Eclipse reading stdin ( from a file
How can we redirect eclipse console output to a file?

Netbeans and PHPUnit Skeletion Generator: No such file or directory

I use netbeans 7.2.1 and newest phpunit. When I want to generate a unit test in netbeans by right-clicking on the php class then Tools-> Create phpUnit test the Skeleton generator throws an error: No such file or directory.
require_once(/sharedResources/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory
The issue is that the path displayed in require_once is wrong. It is generatedliek this:
$sharedResources = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/sharedResources";
and should resolve to the absolute file path. This works fine when application is running in apache. However it seems that getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") is just wrong when running from netbeans. My question is how I can set it correctly? My application is under
getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/MyApp";
and the file I'm creating a test for is in
Under Project properties there is an option web root but it is greyed out and it is impossible to set it to a folder one level higher than your application.
How can I solve this?
Further clarification:
I initially had a relative filepath to sharedResources which did not work also. the I changed to this one and of coruse ti makes sense it is not working as DOCUMENT_ROOT is set by apache and hence not set when running in netbeans. So a temprary fix is to add
$docRoot = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT");
to the head of every class. of course that is not a very practical or good solution. I would need to tell netbeans to set this environment variable or to use correct relative path.
Well here is my solution. It's not ideal but simple and works. The issue is that DOCUMENT_ROOT is obviously empty when script is not called by Apache but by netbeans. Hence it must somehow be set. To do that I edited the php file phpunit-skelgen(it does not have a file ending but it's a php file).
Below the license text as first php line I added
That did the trick.

Howto set outputdirectory with google eclipse plugin?

I'm using the Google Eclipse Plugin for GWT development.
To do the configuration stuff there's a folder .settings with two files and
These files are a kind of propertie-files.
Now I'm trying to set two different directories for source and output files.
But I can't find any documentation about these files.
What I got till now is this.
But using this, at compilationtime it opens a filechooser-Dialog on myoutputdirectory every time, waiting for confirmation.
So I ask, is there a solution to setup a different outputdirectory or does anybody know where I can find more Information about the usage of these setting-files.
My version of that file has an absolute path to the lastWarOutDir.
Maybe it keeps prompting you because it can't find myoutputdirectory (or maybe you just changed it for privacy's sake here).
In any case, if you right-click on the project > Run As > Run Configurations, go to the (x)= Arguments tab and you will see the -war argument containing the value of lastWarOutDir.
If you want to be prompted so that you can change the directory, you could delete all of the arguments, forcing the Google plugin to reconfigure.
I hope that helps. If not, please let us know what you really want to do here.
Maybe I misunderstand your problem. But why don't you just tell the GWT compiler where to output the files using the -war (-workDir, -gen and -extra) command line option? Same thing works for the GWT development mode...