I currently have code to generate an xml file using a rythm template. I am wondering how i can use the same code to generate a .csv file? Is there a way to do it?
please advise.
Just use csv format to create the template file, and better give it a name xxx.csv.
Checkout the full demo at https://github.com/greenlaw110/Rythm/tree/master/samples/demo_fo_SO_150529
You can run it with mvn compile exec:java if you download the whole demo to you local disk
GitHub supports asciidoc readme files, but it looks like "include" is not supported.
I want to use doctoolchain which can render and export to html and pdf (and maybe into other formats). This tool works great.
I could use raw.githack.com to show the generated html file from the GitHub repository.
But I think it would be a good idea to have the result also as one (1) readme.adoc file.
How to export into one (1) asciidoc file, which I could use as it is as readme file so that github will render it and show? Best would be to use doctoolchain, when this tool will render my documentation it could also generate the one-file-asciidoc-documentation.
I think internally asciidoctor collects and merge all these "include" files. So maybe this file is already available in any place? The doctoolchain build folder contains only the target files.
You are right there is a long dicussion why includeis not supported by github.
You can achieve your goal with doctoolChain and pandoc(https://pandoc.org/). Following steps are required:
configure your docDir/Config.groovy
inputFiles should have docbook defined
inputFiles = [[file: 'yourfile', formats['docbook']]]
run the doctoolchain task generateDocbook - it creates ???.xml file somewhere in docDir/build
generate from the generated docbook again an asciidoctor file - `pandoc <FILENAME_OF_GENERATED_DOCBOOK.XML> -f docbook -t asciidoctor -o <FILENAME_OF_ASCIIDOCTOR_WHICH_HAS_EVERYTHING>
make sure it runs automatically and you commit it regulary
now you are ready
This script can be used to resolve includes and to generate one (1) output file:
some information about the script and possible next steps you can read here:
AsciiDoc Backend (AsciiDoc 2 AsciiDoc) for preprocessing
to use it, ruby and asciidoc must be installed:
I am working on Bot framework Virtual Assistant Template. There is a deployment folder where .LU files resides. But i created LUIS app in LUIS site and can export LUIS app as JSON format. Currently i am generating .lu file manually. Is there any option that i can generate .lu file using command lines or cli or some thing with help of JSON file that i exported.
Have a look to LUDown tool in BotBuilder tools, and in particular to its refresh method:
LUDown github is here
Refresh is here:
You can use the refresh command to re-generate .lu files from your
LUIS JSON and / or QnAMaker JSON files.
Below is command line to generate .lu from json file
Note: We have to change directory to npm.
C:\Users\local\AppData\Roaming\npm>ludown refresh -i "
Currently all of my TypeScript typings are located under Scripts/typings/Library. By default, TypeLite is just under Scripts. Is there a way to specify the output directory so it is under a custom Library name? ie Scripts/typings/MyCSharpProj?
TypeLite uses T4 templates for generating output files and I am afraid it isn't possible to change the output directory for the template. The output file is always generated alongside the template.
If you move Manager.ttinclude TypeLite.tt and TypeLite.Net4.tt to another directory and the output files will be generated there.
Is there a way how to tell Gradle, that I want to redirect test output into text file under 'reports' directory?
I have som Scala test sources, from which I want to capture output. I previously (in Maven) sued "scalatest-maven-plugin", with attribute "filereports" for doing this.
There is no way to tell Gradle to redirect its test console output to a file, but the generated HTML report does capture test standard out/err.
I want to create a file using nant script. Like mkdir any command is awailable in nant script for creating a text or doc file?
You can use <touch> task to create files (or update their timestamps). Using <echo> you can output plain text to a file. <xmlpoke> allows manipulating XML files.