Terrain turns white when zooming closer in unity3d - unity3d

Got a strange problem with unity3d which turns my terrain whiter the closer i get to it. I have tried creating new projects with plain terrain and it is still the same.
See screenshots below. The closer i get the whiter the terrain turns.

The solution was to decrease the base map distance for the terrain.


Unity Terrain Texture Stretching

I am new to Unity's terrain system and was trying to create a terrain for a game. I finished my terrain and then wanted to begin texturing it, to my dismay the textures that I'd try would become extremely stretched due to the height I have some parts of the terrain set at. I have been looking for a solution to this problem and I tried to do the Triplanar Shader mapping but it seems to not work either or I did it wrong. All of the floors look fine its just the sides of the terrain that get stretched. What should I do to try to fix this issue? Am beginner

How to get lighting information on a 2D Sprite's front-side?

I'm using 2D Sprites for NPCs in a 3D game. My problem is when a sprite NPC turns away from the light source (eg. Directional Light) it becomes completely dark. So for almost 180 degrees when not facing the light source the sprite is all black. I need to prevent this from happening and find a way to set a minimum light/color for my NPCs so the player can see them. What would be a good way to find out how much light is affecting the forward facing side of a gameobject?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Not a complete answer, but I did spend a fair amount of time looking into this for a recent project.
One suggestion that might work is to map the graphics to quads instead of using the sprite renderer, since they will use the 3D-lighting.

Unity Raycast doesn't hit flat terrain

I started to learn about Unity, and I have a problem with the Raycasting. So I have this code
if(Physics.Raycast(cam.position,cam.forward,out hit,100f,layer)){
and it works fine with objects and anything else, except the terrain. If the terrain is Flat, the raycast doesn't detect it, but if I make some mountains it works fine. Flat terrain, zero log / Tiny hill, it detects I tried to change the distance, but it didn't work.
I found the problem. In the script i used the fps character as camera, and it didn't detect the vertical rotation :D Thanks for the help!

unity zfighting or objects climbing on top and bottom of each other?

I'm having an issue with 3d objects doing some kind of weird z fighting or climbing on top of each other depending on where the camera is moved to. I have posted some pictures to help illustrate the problem. Each rectangular "building" contains textured cubes of all the same size. The corner cubes do overlap somewhat. As you can see from the picture, every object is the same height. This is seen in the scene editor as well as the final rendered product. Can anyone explain what is causing this and how it can it possibly be fixed? Thank you :)
So the problem was the texture using transparency shader. After googling there seemed to be all kinds of issues with the unity transparency shader that involve workarounds. Two solutions to this is to either turn off transparency, or put the camera in orthographic mode.

unity 3d terrain flatten heightmap height uneditable

I made all my objects in blender, sketched out what classes I would need and had a good idea of most of the goals I wanted for my game. The plan was to create the terrain in unity, place all my blender objects on the terrain, add the unity fps controller then implement\attach the necessary scripts.
One problem. Step one creating the terrain. When I go to flatten heightmap I can't change the value in the height box. I try to set it to 40 but it always reverts back to one. Please help! If it matters I'm trying for an island. The idea being that if I raise the terrain I can reduce the height around the edges creating slopes and curves that will be covered in with water.
Got it working. Not exactly sure what fixed it but I think it had something to do with prefabs,