Unity Terrain Texture Stretching - unity3d

I am new to Unity's terrain system and was trying to create a terrain for a game. I finished my terrain and then wanted to begin texturing it, to my dismay the textures that I'd try would become extremely stretched due to the height I have some parts of the terrain set at. I have been looking for a solution to this problem and I tried to do the Triplanar Shader mapping but it seems to not work either or I did it wrong. All of the floors look fine its just the sides of the terrain that get stretched. What should I do to try to fix this issue? Am beginner


Sprite shadow in 3D world

I am trying to project shadows from sprites on 3D objects, i followed some tips here and there but i still have issues.
I created a material that use Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse and add it to my sprite, i also enable ShadowCastingMode and receiveShadows on the SpriteRenderer.
The result is that my sprite actually cast a shadow now, but the sprite itself is also shadowed, which is not the result i am looking for.
Without the shader:
With the shader:
I know absolutely nothing about materials and shader so this is me just walking in the dark.
Also this is a brand new project and i am using the template 3D with extra if it makes any difference.

How to achieve Terraria/Starbound 2d lighting?

I am making a 2d game in the perspective of Terraria/Starbound. I want the lighting to look similar to this:
Ive tried to get lighting like this by adding a material on all the sprites in my game and then giving them a sprite diffuse shader. Then I made a point light wherever I needed light. There where two problems with this though: 1) Where the light was most intense, it was draining the color of a sprite and made it lighter. 2) I noticed a big FPS drop (And I only had 1 point light!).
Is there any way of achieving lighting like this without having to write my own lighting engine? Ive search the asset store and Ive searched to see if unity has any way of handing 2D lighting from this angle but I have found nothing.
If I do have to write my own lighting engine, would that be to complex for someone who is relatively new to unity and has only had ~ 8 months experience?
Assume you are using tile map.
You need to have a field of view map, which can be achieved by reading this: http://www.redblobgames.com/articles/visibility/
Using such map, you know exactly the color tinting for each tile. Now, just blend the color to the SpriteRenderer of every tile on the map.
Somebody already created a line of sight plugin:
Here's my hacky solution on GitHub
There's 2 cameras.
Empty tiles on the tilemap are filled in with white blocks (only one camera renders this)
A gaussian blur is applied to the camera rendering the white blocks
Then, blend the two cameras, darkening everything not covered by the white blur.
You can adjust the "light" penetration by changing the white tile's sprite's Pixels Per Unit.

Terrain turns white when zooming closer in unity3d

Got a strange problem with unity3d which turns my terrain whiter the closer i get to it. I have tried creating new projects with plain terrain and it is still the same.
See screenshots below. The closer i get the whiter the terrain turns.
The solution was to decrease the base map distance for the terrain.

Unity3D: terrain object's textures flickering on long distances

I'm making RTS project on Unity3D.
I created terrain with Unity's standard Terrain tool, and added textures of grass, mood etc. on it. Then, for creating "man-made" objects of terrain (roads, sidewalks, road curbs etc) - I'm created this objects in separate assets, and placed on terrain.
And I have one issue with this solution. On moving camera away from the terrain, terrain's texture(e.g. mood) are flickering under roads, sidewalks and other objects. AFAIK, this bug caused by insuficcient accuracy of floating-point coordinates in Unity3D engine (?).
Now, as I concerned, my approach to creating terrain objects is not correct. I must create one mesh with terrain, and all manmade objects in 3D modeling software, and then create UV-map for texturing all of it. Is this approach correct? If "yes", is any special approach for modelling and texturing so large and complex object as terrain?
I had the same issue time ago and I solve it by increasing camera's near plane value. I had many objects on the plane that were flickering when moving the camera and was due to having the near plane value at 0.01. I change it to 0.5 and none of the objects where flickering anymore.
I hope this helps!

unity 3d terrain flatten heightmap height uneditable

I made all my objects in blender, sketched out what classes I would need and had a good idea of most of the goals I wanted for my game. The plan was to create the terrain in unity, place all my blender objects on the terrain, add the unity fps controller then implement\attach the necessary scripts.
One problem. Step one creating the terrain. When I go to flatten heightmap I can't change the value in the height box. I try to set it to 40 but it always reverts back to one. Please help! If it matters I'm trying for an island. The idea being that if I raise the terrain I can reduce the height around the edges creating slopes and curves that will be covered in with water.
Got it working. Not exactly sure what fixed it but I think it had something to do with prefabs,