Accessing args in Perl Hash Ref - perl

record => $record,
listing => [ $foo, $bar, $baz ],
passedargs => { something => $val, another => $val2 }
accessing args within a hashref.
So if I wanted to access record I would
my $record = $args->{record};
If I wanted to access listing I would
my #listing = $args->{listing};
How would I access Passedargs? If I just wanted to access "something" or "another"?

If you want assign the values in listing to an array, please note that you'll need to dereference it:
my #listing = #{ $args->{listing} };
To access the fields in passedargs, you simply need to use the following syntax:
my $something = $args->{passedargs}{something};
For more details, take a look at: perldsc - Perl Data Structures Cookbook

$args->{passedargs} is a hashref itself, so you would do:
my $something = $args->{passedargs}->{something};


How do I decipher an array of hashes?

I totally got this question wrong. Am using the method from TMDB:
my #results = $search->find(id => 'tt0114694', source => 'imdb_id');
I thought the output was in JSON format, so that's what confused me, which kept me running in circles because I was looking at it all wrong.
Didn't realize the data below, from Dumper, was the actual hashes the I had to go through.
This is where I am running into a wall, So the data below is a hash with five keys. The fifth key, the I want, contains another array. It is that array I cannot read into. I try dereferencing that into a hash, and that is where I fail.
The code I am trying is:
foreach my $narray (#results){
print $narray->{"movie_results"};
my #newarray = $narray->{"movie_results"};
foreach my $otherarray (#newarray){
my %innerhash = $otherarray;
print %innerhash;
print "\n";
It will print out an array, but I am unable to read the hash in that array.
p.s. I had to format this output as code, or else it came out with no line breaks.
$VAR1 = {
'tv_season_results' => [],
'tv_results' => [],
'person_results' => [],
'tv_episode_results' => [],
'movie_results' => [
'adult' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'vote_average' => '6.8',
'original_title' => 'Tommy Boy',
'vote_count' => 635,
'id' => 11381,
'release_date' => '1995-03-31',
'overview' => 'Party animal Tommy Callahan is a few cans short of a six-pack. But when the family business starts tanking, it\'s up to Tommy and number-cruncher Richard Hayden to save the day.',
'genre_ids' => [
'title' => 'Tommy Boy',
'video' => $VAR1->{'movie_results'}[0]{'adult'},
'poster_path' => '/g32WbO9nbY5ydpux5hIoiJkLEQi.jpg',
'original_language' => 'en',
'backdrop_path' => '/bZ4diYf7oyDVaRYeWG42Oify2mB.jpg',
'popularity' => '13.945'
You mention that you thought you'd get JSON output, but got something else. The module made a web request for you, received the JSON response, and translated that to a Perl data structure. That Perl version of the JSON is what you see in the dump.
A JSON object turns into a Perl hash, so that's what you see in the top level of the data structure. That's the single thing find returns (more on that in a moment):
Here's what you have, removing the outer foreach loop:
my #newarray = $narray->{"movie_results"};
foreach my $otherarray (#newarray){
my %innerhash = $otherarray;
print %innerhash;
print "\n";
The value in $narray->{"movie_results"} is an array reference. All references are scalars, and those scalars point to some data structure. When you assign that scalar to an array, you just end up with a one element array that's the same reference. Instead, you can
my $movie_results = $narray->{"movie_results"};
You then dereference that reference to treat it as an array:
foreach my $result ( #$movie_results ){ ... }
Or, the v5.24 postfix dereferencing way that I find slightly more pleasing since it reads better, especially when you skip the intermediate variable:
foreach my $result ( $movie_results->#* ){ ... }
foreach my $result ( $narray->{"movie_results"}->#* ){ ... }
That thing in $result is another hash reference.
References and data structures are about half of the content of Intermediate Perl, but there is also the Perl data structures cookbook (perldsc).
Improving your question a bit
You can help us a lot by showing us a complete, working demonstration of your problem. Here's what I cobbled together:
use v5.10;
use TMDB;
use Data::Dumper;
my $tmdb = TMDB->new( apikey => $ENV{TMDB_API_KEY} );
my #results = $tmdb->search->find(
id => 'tt0114694',
source => 'imdb_id'
say Dumper( \#results );
There was a question about the results of find. The documentation example shows it returning a list (well, the result being assigned to a named array, which implies that), but there's not actual documentation for find. It returns the decoded JSON from the response. Assigning it to a scalar (which will be a reference) works just fine too:
my $result = $tmdb->search->find(
id => 'tt0114694',
source => 'imdb_id'
say Dumper( $results );
The return value comes from TMDB::Sesssion::talk(), which is just this (or the empty list):
return $self->json->decode(
Encode::decode( 'utf-8-strict', $response->{content} ) );
That's not a big deal. That just means you don't need the outer foreach. That's not on you because the example in the docs tells you to do exactly what you did.
Now a better program
Putting all that together, here's a simple program pared down to just what you need:
use v5.10;
use TMDB;
my $tmdb = TMDB->new( apikey => $ENV{TMDB_API_KEY} );
my $result = $tmdb->search->find(
id => 'tt0114694',
source => 'imdb_id'
foreach my $item ( $result->{movie_results}->#* ) {
say "Title: $item->{title}";
Ref aliasing
There's an experimental feature called ref aliasing that lets you assign a reference to a reference of a named variable. It's an alias, so you can access and change the same data, just with a named variable. Something this is handy when you don't like
use v5.10;
use TMDB;
use experimental qw(refaliasing);
my $tmdb = TMDB->new( apikey => $ENV{TMDB_API_KEY} );
# response is a hash ref, so ref alias to a named hash
\my %result = $tmdb->search->find(
id => 'tt0114694',
source => 'imdb_id'
# the part you want is an array ref, so alias that
\my #movie_results = $result{movie_results};
# each item in the array is a hash ref, so alias those too
foreach \my %item ( #movie_results ) {
say "Title: $item{title}";
When dealing with reference, use the same syntax as if you weren't, but replace the name of the variable with a block that returns the reference.
%NAME -> %{ $ref } Or just %$ref
$NAME{...} -> ${ $ref }{...} Although $ref->{...} easier to read.
#NAME -> #{ $ref } Or just #$ref
$NAME[...] -> ${ $ref }[...] Although $ref->[...] easier to read.
Let's give $VAR a better name,
my $response = $VAR1;
This means you want
my $results = $response->{movie_results};
for my $result (#$results) {
for my $key (keys(%$result)) {
say "$key: $result->{$key}";
Perl Dereferencing Syntax
%newhash{$newkey} should be $newhash{$newkey}.

Search duplicates in Hash of Hash

i cant resolv this in my mind, its too much to me, perhaps someone can help me:
#Hosts = ("srv1","db1","srv2","db3","srv3","db3","srv3","db4","srv3","db5");
my $count = #Hosts;
$count= $count / 2;
my %hash;
$i = 0;
$ii = 1;
$j = 0;
$jj = 0;
while ($jj < $count) {
$hash{$j}{$Hosts[$i]} = $Hosts[$ii];
$i = $i + 2;
$ii = $ii +2;
print Dumper(\%hash);
$VAR1 = {
'4' => {
'srv4' => 'db3'
'1' => {
'srv2' => 'db3'
'3' => {
'srv3' => 'db3'
'0' => {
'srv1' => 'db1'
'2' => {
'srv3' => 'db3'
'5' => {
'srv3' => 'db5'
I Know this i ugly code, i dont know how to do that better, what i need to do is find douple servers and douple dbs, and put the positions and the string of the duplicates in an array ore something like that, i want to generate a Nagvis Map file out of that.
The Icinga Config file contains am Member string like this:
members srv1, db1, srv2, db3, srv3, db3, srv3, db3, srv4
It has pairs server, db, server, db, here is a sample of the Nagvis Config:
define host {
define service {
define host {
define service {
Thanks in advance
You need to clarify exactly what you want. It's very difficult to tell by your description.
And, your code is in very poor condition. Indenting loops and if statements like this:
while ($jj < $anzahl) {
$hash{$j}{$Hosts[$i]} = $Hosts[$ii];
$i = $i + 2;
$ii = $ii +2;
Makes your code much easier to understand. You also use generic names. What data is stored in #array? Is it a list of systems. Call it #systems. What is $i and $jj suppose to represent? What do you want $hash{$j}{$Hosts[$i]} to represent?
You should always, always, always add the following lines to the top of your program:
use strict;
use warnings;
If you use strict, you must declare all of your variables with my. This makes sure you don't do things like have #array in one place and #Hosts in another. These two lines will catch about 90% of your errors.
I don't know if you want a list of all the DB system that connect to the various servers or if you want a list of the various servers that connect to the DB systems. Therefore, I'll give you both.
I am guessing that your #array is a list of all of your machines and databases in one list:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say); # Allows me to use "say" instead of "print"
use Data::Dumper;
my #systems = qw( # The qw(...) is like putting quotes around each word.
svr1 db1 # A nice way to define an array...
srv2 db3
srv3 db3
srv3 db4
srv3 db5
my %db_systems; # Database systems with their servers.
my %servers; # Servers with their database systems.
for (;;) { # Loop forever (until I say otherwise)
my $server = shift #systems;
# Let's check to make sure that there's a DB machine for this server
if ( not #systems ) {
die qq(Cannot get database for server "$server". Odd number of items in array);
my $database = shift #systems;
$servers{$server}->{$database} = 1;
$db_systems{$database}->{$server} = 1;
last if not #systems; # break out of loop if there are no more systems
say "Servers:" . Dumper \%servers;
say "Databases: " . Dumper \%db_systems;
This produces:
Servers:$VAR1 = {
'srv3' => {
'db4' => 1,
'db3' => 1,
'db5' => 1
'svr1' => {
'db1' => 1
'srv2' => {
'db3' => 1
Databases: $VAR1 = {
'db4' => {
'srv3' => 1
'db3' => {
'srv3' => 1,
'srv2' => 1
'db5' => {
'srv3' => 1
'db1' => {
'svr1' => 1
Is this close to what you want?
Hi this is working!! Now i need to understand how to access the Values to print them in my file. This hash of hash thing is kind off ruff to mee. Thanks for that quick Help!
You need to read the Perl tutorial on References and the Perl Reference Page on References.
In Perl, all data is scalar which means that variables talk about single values. In other programming languages, you have structures or records, but not Perl.
Even arrays and hashes are nothing but collections of individual bits of data. What happens when you need something a bit more complex?
A reference is a memory location of another Perl data structure. You could have references to scalar variables like $foo, but that wouldn't do you much good in most circumstances. Where this is helpful is when you have a reference pointing to an array or a hash. This way, you could have much more complex structures that can be used to represent this data.
Imagine an array of ten items ($foo[0] to $foo[9]). Each entry in the array is pointing to another array of ten items. There are now 101 separate arrays being referenced here. We can treat them as a single structure, but it's important to remember that they are separate arrays.
I have a reference to an array at $foo[0]. How do I get access to the array itself? I do what is known as a dereference. To do that, I use curly braces with the right sigil in front. (The sigil is the $, #, or % you see in front of Perl variables:
$foo[0]; # Reference to an array
my #temp = #{ $foo[0] }; # Dereferencing.
my $temp[0]; # Now I can access that inner array
Having to use a temporary array each time I have to dereference it is rather clumsy, so I don't have to:
$foo[0]; # Reference to an array
my $value = ${ $foo[0] }[0]; # Getting the value of an item in my array reference
You can see that last is a bit hard to read. Imagine if I have a hash of a hash of an array of items:
my $phone = ${ ${ ${ $employee{$emp_number} }{phone} }[0] }{NUMBER};
It's a bit unwieldy. Fortunately, Perl allows you a few shortcuts. First, I can nest the references and use the default precedence:
my $phone = $employee{$emp_number}{phone}[0]{NUMBER};
I prefer using the -> notation:
my $phone = $employee{$emp_number}->{phone}->[0]->{NUMBER};
The arrow notion is cleaner because it separates the parts out, and it reminds you these are references!. and, not some complex structure data structure. This helps remind you when you have to do a dereference such as when you use the key, pop, or push commands:
for my $field ( keys %{ $employee } ) { # Dereference the hash
say "Field $field = " . $employee{$emp_number}->{$field}
if ( not ref $employee{$emp_number}->{$field} );
Look up the ref to see what it does and why I am only interested in printing out the field if ref returns an empty string.
By now, you should be able to see how to access your hash of hashes using the -> syntax:
my $db_for_server = $servers{$server}->{$database};
And you can use two loops:
for my $server ( keys %servers } {
my %db_systems = %{ $servers{$server} }; # Dereferencing
for my $db_system ( keys %db_systems } {
say "Server $server has a connection to $db_systems{$db_system}";
Or, without an intermediate hash...
for my $server { keys %servers } {
for my $db_system ( keys %{ $servers{$server} } ) {
say "Server $server has a connection to " . $servers{$server}->{$db_system};
Now, go out there and get a good book on Modern Perl. You need to learn good programming techniques like using good variable names, indenting, and using strict and warnings in order to help you write better programs that are easier to decipher and support.

What are anonymous hashes in perl?

$hash = { 'Man' => 'Bill',
'Woman' => 'Mary,
'Dog' => 'Ben'
What exactly do Perl's “anonymous hashes” do?
It is a reference to a hash that can be stored in a scalar variable. It is exactly like a regular hash, except that the curly brackets {...} creates a reference to a hash.
Note the usage of different parentheses in these examples:
%hash = ( foo => "bar" ); # regular hash
$hash = { foo => "bar" }; # reference to anonymous (unnamed) hash
$href = \%hash; # reference to named hash %hash
This is useful to be able to do, if you for example want to pass a hash as an argument to a subroutine:
foo(\%hash, $arg1, $arg2);
sub foo {
my ($hash, #args) = #_;
And it is a way to create a multilevel hash:
my %hash = ( foo => { bar => "baz" } ); # $hash{foo}{bar} is now "baz"
You use an anonymous hash when you need reference to a hash and a named hash is inconvenient or unnecessary. For instance, if you wanted to pass a hash to a subroutine, you could write
my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2);
but if there is no need to access the hash through its name %hash you could equivalently write
mysub( {a => 1, b => 2} );
This comes in handy wherever you need a reference to a hash, and particularly when you are building nested data structures. Instead of
my %person1 = ( age => 34, position => 'captain' );
my %person2 = ( age => 28, position => 'boatswain' );
my %person3 = ( age => 18, position => 'cabin boy' );
my %crew = (
bill => \%person1,
ben => \%person2,
weed => \%person3,
you can write just
my %crew = (
bill => { age => 34, position => 'captain' },
ben => { age => 28, position => 'boatswain' },
weed => { age => 18, position => 'cabin boy' },
and to add a member,
$crew{jess} = { age => 4, position => "ship's cat" };
is a lot neater than
my %newperson = ( age => 4, position => "ship's cat" );
$crew{jess} = \%newperson;
and of course, even if a hash is created with a name, if its reference is passed elsewhere then there may be no way of using that original name, so it must be treated as anonymous. For instance in
my $crew_member = $crew{bill}
$crew_member is now effectively a reference to an anonymous hash, regardless of how the data was originally constructed. Even if the data is (in some scope) still accessible as %person1 there is no general way of knowing that, and the data can be accessed only by its reference.
It's quite simple. They allow you to write
push #hashes, { ... };
f(config => { ... });
instead of
my %hash = ( ... );
push #hashes, \%hash;
my %config = ( ... );
f(config => \%config);
(If you want to know the purpose of references, that's another story entirely.)
Anything "anonymous" is a data structure that used in a way where it does not get a name.
Your question has confused everyone else on this page, because your example shows you giving a name to the hash you created, thus it is no longer anonymous.
For example - if you have a subroutine and you want to return a hash, you could write this code:-
return {'hello'=>123};
since it has no name there - it is anonymous. Read on to unwind the extra confusion other people have added on this page by introducing references, which are not the same thing.
This is another anonymous hash (an empty one):
This is an anonymous hash with something in it:
This is an anonymous (empty) array:
This is an anonymous array with something in it:
Most of the time when people use these things, they are really trying to magically put them inside of other data structures, without the bother of giving them a waste-of-time temporary name when they do this.
For example - you might want to have a hash in the middle of an array!
that array has 3 elements - the last element is a hash! ($array[2]->{foo} is 3)
perl -e '#array=(1,2,{foo=>1});use Data::Dumper;print Data::Dumper->Dump([\#array],["\#array"]);'
$#array = [
'foo' => 1
Sometimes you want to don't want to pass around an entire data structure, instead, you just want to use a pointer or reference to the data structure. In perl, you can do this by adding a "\" in front of a variable;
%hashcopy=%myhash; # this duplicates the hash
$myhash{test}=2; # does not affect %hashcopy
$hashpointer=\%myhash; # this gives us a different way to access the same hash
$hashpointer->{test}=2;# changes %myhash
$$hashpointer{test}=2; # identical to above (notice double $$)
If you're crazy, you can even have references to anonymous hashes:
perl -e 'print [],\[],{},\{}'
and sometimes perl is clever enough to know you really meant reference, even when you didn't specifically say so, like my first "return" example:
perl -e 'sub tst{ return {foo=>bar}; }; $var=&tst();use Data::Dumper;print Data::Dumper->Dump([\$var],["\$var"]);'
$var = \{
'foo' => 'bar'
perl -e 'sub tst{ return {foo=>bar}; }; $var=&tst(); print "$$var{foo}\n$var->{foo}\n"'

Perl: dispatch hashes and shared variables

I have a module with a set of functions implemented as a dispatch hash with a helper function thus:
my $functions = {
'f1' => sub {
my %args = #_;
## process data ...
return $answer;
sub do_function {
my $fn = shift;
return $functions->{$fn}(#_);
This is used by some scripts that process tab-delimited data; the column being examined is converted by the appropriate subroutine. When processing a value in a column, I pass a hash of data to the sub, and it generates a scalar, the new value for the column.
Currently the subs are called thus:
my $new_value = do_function( 'f1', data => $data, errs => $errs );
and the variables in the arguments are all declared as 'my' - my $data, my $errs, etc.. Is it possible to update other values in the arguments that are passed into the subs without having to return them? i.e. instead of having to do this:
... in $functions->{f1}:
my %args = #_;
## process data ...
## alter $args{errs}
## ...
return { answer => $answer, errs => $args{errs} };
## call the function, get the response, update the errs
my $return_data = do_function( 'f1', data => $data, errs => $errs );
my $new_value = $return_data->{answer};
$errs = $return_data->{errs}; ## this has been altered by sub 'f1'
I could do this:
my $new_value = do_function( 'f1', data => $data, errs => $errs );
## no need to update $errs, it has been magically updated already!
You can pass reference to value and update it inside of subroutine.
For example:
sub update {
my ($ref_to_value) = #_;
$$ref_to_value = "New message";
return "Ok";
my $message = "Old message";
my $retval = update(\$message);
print "Return value: '$retval'\nMessage: '$message'\n";
And as far as I can see from your code snippets, $errs is already reference to hash.
So, actually, all you have to do - just comment out line $errs = $return_data->{errs}; and try
If I get your code right, $errs gets updated. And then you should just change your return value to $answer and do:
my $new_value = do_function( 'f1', data => $data, errs => $errs );
first change your definition of do_function to:
sub do_function {
my $fn = shift;
goto &{$functions->{$fn}}
that is the proper way to dispatch to a new subroutine. this form of goto replaces the currently executing subroutine with the new coderef, passing #_ unchanged, and removing do_function from the call stack (so caller works right). you probably want some error checking in there too, to make sure that $fn is a valid name.
inside your function, you can simply modify cells of #_ directly, and you do not need to pass anything by reference (since perl already did that for you).
sub add1 {$_[0]++}
my $x = 1;
add1 $x;
say $x; # 2
to support key => value arguments without passing by reference you could write it this way:
in $functions->{f1}:
my %args;
while (#_) {
$args{$_} = /errs/ ? \shift : shift for shift
## process data ...
## alter ${$args{errs}}
## ...
HOWEVER since in your case $errs is a hash reference, you don't need to do any extra work. all references are passed by reference automatically. in your existing code, all you have to do is modify a key of $args{errs} (as you are doing right now) and it will modify every reference to that hash.
if you wanted a function local hash, you need to make a copy of the hash*:
my %errs = %{$args{errs}};
where %errs is private, and once you are done, you can push any values you want to make public into $args{errs} with $args{errs}{...} = ...;. but be sure not to replace $args{errs} with the copy (as in $args{errs} = \%errs) since that will break the connection to the caller's error hash. if you want to copy all the new values in, you could use one of:
%{$args{errs}} = %errs; # replace all keys
#{$args{errs}}{keys %errs} = values %errs; # replace keys in %errs
... and $args{errs}{$_} = $errs{$_} for keys %errs; # conditional replace
*or localize some/all of the keys

How do I pass a hash to subroutine?

Need help figuring out how to do this. My code:
my %hash;
$hash{'1'}= {'Make' => 'Toyota','Color' => 'Red',};
$hash{'2'}= {'Make' => 'Ford','Color' => 'Blue',};
$hash{'3'}= {'Make' => 'Honda','Color' => 'Yellow',};
sub printInfo{
my (%hash) = %_;
foreach my $key (keys %_{
my $a = $_{$key}{'Make'};
my $b = $_{$key}{'Color'};
print "$a $b\n";
The easy way, which may lead to problems when the code evolves, is simply by assigning the default array #_ (which contains all key-value-pairs as an even list) to the %hash which then rebuilds accordingliy. So your code would look like this:
sub printInfo {
my %hash = #_;
The better way would be to pass the hash as reference to the subroutine. This way you could still pass more parameters to your subroutine.
sub PrintInfo {
my %hash = %{$_[0]};
An introduction to using references in Perl can be found in the perlreftut
You're so very, very close. There is no %_ for passing hashes, it must be passed in #_. Luckily, Hashes are assigned using a list context, so
sub printInfo {
my %hash = #_;
will make it work!
Also note, using the & in front of the subroutine call has been, in most cases, unnecessary since at least Perl 5.000. You can call Perl subroutines just like in other languages these days, with just the name and arguments. (As #mob points out in the comments, there are some instances where this is still necessary; see perlsub to understand this more, if interested.)
The best way to pass hashes and arrays is by reference. A reference is simply a way to talk about a complex data structure as a single data point -- something that can be stored in a scalar variable (like $foo).
Read up on references, so you understand how to create a reference and dereference a reference in order to get your original data back.
The very basics: You precede your data structure with a backslash to get the reference to that structure.
my $hash_ref = \%hash;
my $array_ref = \#array;
my $scalar_ref = \$scalar; #Legal, but doesn't do much for you...
A reference is a memory location of the original structure (plus a clue about the structure):
print "$hash_ref\n";
Will print something like:
To get the reference back into a useable format, you simply put the reference into the correct sigil in front:
my %new_hash = %{ $hash_ref };
You should learn about using references since this is the way you can create extremely complex data structures in Perl, and how Object Oriented Perl works.
Let's say you want to pass three hashes to your subroutine. Here are the three hashes:
my %hash1 = ( this => 1, that => 2, the => 3, other => 4 );
my %hash2 = ( tom => 10, dick => 20, harry => 30 );
my %hash3 = ( no => 100, man => 200, is => 300, an => 400, island => 500 );
I'll create the references for them
my $hash_ref1 = \%hash1;
my $hash_ref2 = \%hash2;
my $hash_ref3 = \%hash3;
And now just pass the references:
mysub ( $hash_ref1, $hash_ref2, $hash_ref3 );
The references are scalar data, so there's no problem passing them to my subroutine:
sub mysub {
my $sub_hash_ref1 = shift;
my $sub_hash_ref2 = shift;
my $sub_hash_ref3 = shift;
Now, I just dereference them, and my subroutine can use them.
my %sub_hash1 = %{ $sub_hash_ref1 };
my %sub_hash2 = %{ $sub_hash_ref2 };
my %sub_hash3 = %{ $sub_hash_ref3 };
You can see what a reference is a reference to by using the ref command:
my $ref_type = ref $sub_hash_ref; # $ref_type is now equal to "HASH"
This is useful if you want to make sure you're being passed the correct type of data structure.
sub mysub {
my $hash_ref = shift;
if ( ref $hash_ref ne "HASH" ) {
croak qq(You need to pass in a hash reference);
Also note that these are memory references, so modifying the reference will modify the original hash:
my %hash = (this => 1, is => 2, a => 3 test => 4);
print "$hash{test}\n"; # Printing "4" as expected
sub mysub ( \%hash ); # Passing the reference
print "$hash{test}\n"; # This is printing "foo". See subroutine:
sub mysub {
my $hash_ref = shift;
$hash_ref->{test} = "foo"; This is modifying the original hash!
This can be good -- it allows you to modify data passed to the subroutine, or bad -- it allows you to unintentionally modify data passed to the original subroutine.
I believe you want
my %hash;
$hash{'1'}= {'Make' => 'Toyota','Color' => 'Red',};
$hash{'2'}= {'Make' => 'Ford','Color' => 'Blue',};
$hash{'3'}= {'Make' => 'Honda','Color' => 'Yellow',};
sub printInfo{
my %hash = #_;
foreach my $key (keys %hash){
my $a = $hash{$key}{'Make'};
my $b = $hash{$key}{'Color'};
print "$a $b\n";
In the line printInfo(%hash) the %hash is expanded to a list with the alternating key-value pairs.
In printInfo, the #_ is this list that, and assigned to %hash it creates again the keys with their corresponding value from the alternating elements in the list.
You can pass them as
The argument list do_hash_thing( %hash )
A reference to the hash in the argument list
`do_hash_thing( #args_before, \%hash, #args_after )
As a reference by prototype, working like keys and other hash operators.
The list works like so:
sub do_hash_thing {
my %hash = #_;
do_hash_thing( %hash );
This also allows you to "stream" hash arguments as well:
do_hash_thing( %hash_1, %hash_2, parameter => 'green', other => 'pair' );
By reference works like this:
sub do_hash_thing {
my $hash_ref = shift;
do_hash_thing( \%hash, #other_args );
Here by prototype (\%#). The prototype makes perl look for a hash in the first argument and pass it by reference.
sub do_hash_thing (\%#) {
my $hash_ref = shift;
do_hash_thing( %hash => qw(other args) );
# OR
do_hash_thing %hash => qw(other args);
Caveat: prototypes don't work on methods.