How to Solve Opencart Paypal Standard Missing Orders - paypal

Please help..
When i test Paypal Standards in opencart using paypal sandbox everything works well, but when i go live and use live paypal accounts then it starting mess up.. orders are missing.. please help!

It could be any number of things, but the first thing that comes to mind is that maybe OpenCart is using IPN to update orders in the system. If you have IPN enabled on your sandbox account but not on your live account that could cause such a problem. Login to your live PayPal profile and go to Instant Payment Notification Preferences. Make sure it's enabled.

Have you setup instant payment notifications also have you enabled payment data transfer back to your website alot of people forget about this


Paypal Parallel/Adaptive Payments issue in Laravel app

I have a platform which uses Paypal Paralell/Adaptive payments. A fee is deducted and sent to admin and the other part of the order is sent to the seller of a marketplace. Everything worked in test mode but in live mode all money is sent to the seller. But now when testing in live mode no split (fee) is sent to admin. Also in Laravel app admin the order is shown as "pending" instead of "processed" even the money is sent on paypal. All calculations in the admin dashboard stay at $0 and 0 sales.
I have no idea where to start searching for the error. Any ideas how to sort out the problem?
Thank you!
Sadly, Paypal Stopped adaptive payments. Now they are working on, Paypal for marketplace.
Fortunately, They are supporting adaptive payments for old installations.

Testing Paypal Credit with Express Checkout

I'm implementing PayPal Express Checkout and I'm having trouble testing out PayPal Credit as the payment method. When I choose it as the method of payment, the response comes back as ERRORCODE0=10486 which means "This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal." It works fine when using other methods of payment.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make test transactions with PayPal Credit? I haven't been able to find anything in the docs or google about it so hoping someone on here knows!
You have two options for testing.
You can test it with the PayPal Demo site, which not only demos from start to finish paying with PayPal Credit. It also has working sample code available.
I found that you can simulate a PayPal Credit transaction in a sandbox account. I tested it on one of my sandbox accounts. You have to login in to one of your sandbox accounts that is not the merchant account that you are testing. I put in demo info when it asked me to apply for the product. My sandbox account was approved.
So I was able to get it to kind of work (at least in the sandbox). The issue was that it seems like it didn't like me passing in:
"USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "BML" (old version) or "USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "Finance" (new version)
When I used this option it sent me to a page that looked like this:
Which is what I wanted as we mainly wanted to focus on offering customers PayPal Credit.
When you remove the USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE option it takes you to a page like this:
If you choose change payment source on this page and choose PayPal Credit, the transaction goes through successfully.
It's not exactly a solution to the problem but hopefully this helps anyone who was also having a similar issue.

Can I test PayPal IPN without actually making a purchase?

Can I test the PayPal IPN without actually making a purchase?
Is there a developer sandbox for testing the Request/Response functionality prior to actual implementation?
Basically, I have my server and would like to use the IPN feature to track my customer purchases and respond to a customer's purchase immediately. I would first like to test this out with dummy payments to ensure that the PayPal IPN and my server are communicating correctly.
Check paypal's site... the link is:
Sign up for a dev account, and inside there you can create test users and specify their paypal balances, etc.
Paypal has a developer sandbox here
Here you can get complete instructions:

PayPal Payments Standard Guest checkout

Im integrating an MVC4 website with Paypal and all has gone quite smoothly until now. However, when I click through, the buyer does not get the option to complete the purchase as a guest.
I'm using the Paypal HTML payments standard method and searched around and this page and Paypal itself said to make sure
'Account optional' was off in my profile. I'm in my sandbox profile now, but under 'website payment preferences' there is no such option. I just have:
Auto return for website payments
Payment data transfor
Encrypted website payments
Contact telephone no
Express checkout settings (just for german payment methods!)
Does anyone know where this setting is now?
The person I'm building the site does not want users to have to have a paypal account, so guest checkout functionality is required.
Unfortunately the Paypal website doesn't really help - searches for guest checkout turn up little.
Any help really appreciated.
I'm having the same problem, I guess it might be related to your location or your customers location (Outside the US).
I have called PayPal Support and after about an hour of discussion they said something like that.
I hope that this is not the right answer (I hope there is some sort of setting we can do to change that, and we are just missing it).
also check that link it might help:
PayPal Standard not giving option for Check out as Guest
Make sure that the receiving account has verified status (eg, that you've linked it to a bank account).
Only verified accounts are eligible for guest checkout.
Another common pitfall is that you might have made a typo on the email address of the receiver.
Make sure it's the exact same one that's used to log into the PP account (or at least that it's associated, and confirmed to the account)
This topic forum is the best place I've found for a checklist of requirements to receive guest payments on paypal:

PayPal Sandbox Notifications Problem

I have a .NET site which integrates with PayPal. I am currently working with the Sandbox, and with recurring subscriptions.
I have created my buttons, and I am able to subscribe with them. I see the money go out of my test user accounts and into my test business account. I receive notifications back to my notification URL...all good.
My buttons are currently set to recur subscribe payment every day.
My problem is that the recurring payments are never made, and I never receive any notifications.
Everything looks good in the Sandbox...all of my subscriptions appear active in the business account profile, and all of the buttons look correct.
NOTE: I used to get many recurring notifications when I was in early development and failed to unsubscribe. I cleaned out my accounts by resetting them, and I now unsubscribe correctly, but I don't get notifications beyond the initial signup.
Any ideas? Has anyone else seen this issue?
What is the best way to ask for help with this other than SO?
Should I delete and recreate all of my test accounts? I have
tried to reset them all, with no change in behavior.
UPDATE: The problem isn't me. I found out by browsing the forums on that PayPal subscription notifications in the Sandbox has been down for over a week!!!!! Not good, but the problem wasn't me.
I'm actually currently dealing with their recurring payments API as well.
When working with their DoDirectPayment API, the money wasn't always transferred from test account to test account. However, after switching to live mode, every thing worked fine. Although, I did receive payment notifications in sandbox mode.
To be more helpful, I would suggest registering at There, the forums are moderated by PayPal technicians, and can provide helpful insight and well-suited solutions for your problems. They can also personally check your sandbox accounts for you.
I assume from what you say that you are receiving an IPN for the initial payment but no recurring IPNs. In that case I would strongly suspect that the recurrence is not being setup correctly.
Can you check the subscriptions?