Paypal Parallel/Adaptive Payments issue in Laravel app - paypal

I have a platform which uses Paypal Paralell/Adaptive payments. A fee is deducted and sent to admin and the other part of the order is sent to the seller of a marketplace. Everything worked in test mode but in live mode all money is sent to the seller. But now when testing in live mode no split (fee) is sent to admin. Also in Laravel app admin the order is shown as "pending" instead of "processed" even the money is sent on paypal. All calculations in the admin dashboard stay at $0 and 0 sales.
I have no idea where to start searching for the error. Any ideas how to sort out the problem?
Thank you!

Sadly, Paypal Stopped adaptive payments. Now they are working on, Paypal for marketplace.
Fortunately, They are supporting adaptive payments for old installations.


Paypal sandbox blocking transactions

I am integrating Paypal into my website and I am currently testing it using 2 sandbox accounts (1 merchant and 1 buyer). I have tried about 30 transactions between them and it is all working but just now, Paypal has blocked the transactions with the error PimpAbort with return code 4002. I searched online and it seems this error occurs if Paypal decides this to be a risky transaction, most likely because I keep sending money from the same buyer account to the merchant account. I want to ask it is possible to change some settings so that I disable this checking? Or is there an alternative method?
I think there may be an issue on PayPal's end. I've had all my sandbox transactions end with that error yesterday and today.

How to Solve Opencart Paypal Standard Missing Orders

Please help..
When i test Paypal Standards in opencart using paypal sandbox everything works well, but when i go live and use live paypal accounts then it starting mess up.. orders are missing.. please help!
It could be any number of things, but the first thing that comes to mind is that maybe OpenCart is using IPN to update orders in the system. If you have IPN enabled on your sandbox account but not on your live account that could cause such a problem. Login to your live PayPal profile and go to Instant Payment Notification Preferences. Make sure it's enabled.
Have you setup instant payment notifications also have you enabled payment data transfer back to your website alot of people forget about this

PayPal Automatically authorise incoming payments of a different currency

I am using the PayPal API Express Checkout to process payments for places at our various events. Our PayPal account is in GBP and if we are charging our customers in GBP everything works perfectly.
If we charge our customers in USD the payment response comes back as "Pending" until we log in to PayPal and authorise the payment because of the charge associated with converting from USD to GBP.
Is there a way of automating this? So that it works the same as GBP?
We have thousands of people registering for some of these events so as you can imagine our Accounts Dept do not want to manually authorise all of these payments and then tick the delegates off as paid.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
I've been going through all of the PayPal settings with a fine tooth comb since I put this up.
Under Account Settings, click on Payment Receiving Preferences.
Under there one of the options is to "Allow payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold." I changed this setting to Yes accept and it now works fine.
Hope this might help others.

Can I test PayPal IPN without actually making a purchase?

Can I test the PayPal IPN without actually making a purchase?
Is there a developer sandbox for testing the Request/Response functionality prior to actual implementation?
Basically, I have my server and would like to use the IPN feature to track my customer purchases and respond to a customer's purchase immediately. I would first like to test this out with dummy payments to ensure that the PayPal IPN and my server are communicating correctly.
Check paypal's site... the link is:
Sign up for a dev account, and inside there you can create test users and specify their paypal balances, etc.
Paypal has a developer sandbox here
Here you can get complete instructions:

dprp paypal confusion - displaying live

I have read through the forums on here and see that the 'DPRP is disabled' message is due to not paying the additional fee for recurring payments.
I did not set the account up so Im not sure exactly what was paid for, I do know that we are using website payments pro.
My confusion comes from the top of the page where is says Recurring Payments are live, is this separate from the direct payment recurring? Does this mean that the account does have dprp or is this displaying live just a generic thing that all accounts have?
We currently do take recurring payments from a hosted paypal page so im wondering whether that is why it is set to live?
We plan to have our own page to take payments rather than a hosted page so any advice would be great.
Thanks in advance
The error of you don not have DPRP enabled, is just that. It means that you do not have recurring payments enabled on the account. You may just have DP (Direct Payments) enabled on your account and not DPRP (Direct Payment Recurring Payments), meaning you would only be able to process single payment transactions not recurring payments. If you can provide the email adddress to test account I can take a look at it and see what you have enabled on it and can enable it if its not enabled.