PayPal Sandbox Notifications Problem - paypal

I have a .NET site which integrates with PayPal. I am currently working with the Sandbox, and with recurring subscriptions.
I have created my buttons, and I am able to subscribe with them. I see the money go out of my test user accounts and into my test business account. I receive notifications back to my notification URL...all good.
My buttons are currently set to recur subscribe payment every day.
My problem is that the recurring payments are never made, and I never receive any notifications.
Everything looks good in the Sandbox...all of my subscriptions appear active in the business account profile, and all of the buttons look correct.
NOTE: I used to get many recurring notifications when I was in early development and failed to unsubscribe. I cleaned out my accounts by resetting them, and I now unsubscribe correctly, but I don't get notifications beyond the initial signup.
Any ideas? Has anyone else seen this issue?
What is the best way to ask for help with this other than SO?
Should I delete and recreate all of my test accounts? I have
tried to reset them all, with no change in behavior.
UPDATE: The problem isn't me. I found out by browsing the forums on that PayPal subscription notifications in the Sandbox has been down for over a week!!!!! Not good, but the problem wasn't me.

I'm actually currently dealing with their recurring payments API as well.
When working with their DoDirectPayment API, the money wasn't always transferred from test account to test account. However, after switching to live mode, every thing worked fine. Although, I did receive payment notifications in sandbox mode.
To be more helpful, I would suggest registering at There, the forums are moderated by PayPal technicians, and can provide helpful insight and well-suited solutions for your problems. They can also personally check your sandbox accounts for you.

I assume from what you say that you are receiving an IPN for the initial payment but no recurring IPNs. In that case I would strongly suspect that the recurrence is not being setup correctly.
Can you check the subscriptions?


PayPal Rest API - Webhooks / IPN - Is it possible to receive eBay payment notifications?

I've been developing a marketplace type platform. Implementing PayPal Payouts seemed to be perfect for dealing with commissions. Especially being as PayPal will be handling all payments too.
I've successfully developed this part of the system. Inc. the webhook and verifying transmissions.
Now I wish to get my eBay sales info into my system. So that we can see it all in one place and have the system work the commissions out for those sales too. Having just invested the time into learning and implementing this PayPal API integration, it would be nice to use it for getting this data too.
So having tested the sandbox app thoroughly for the Payouts, I configured the live one. This is in my PayPal developer account where the app settings are. I've done nothing in my main Paypal account. Am I meant too?
My live webhook URL is just set to log all received data from PayPal. So I waited for a eBay sale and went to check the log but no data received? Am I misunderstanding this? The webhook is subscribed to all events.
The Drupal Commerce shopping cart I'm using already implements a IPN. Is it the IPN that I need to be thinking about? I'd prefer to not interfere with it to be honest, to keep future security updates safer. That said, I suspect there will be a way to extend it.
I guess the actual question is - what is the easiest way to get eBay sales info through PayPal?
Any help would be much appreciated.
eBay has their own system for that called Platform Notifications.
If I'm working with payment data, and I just need extra data from eBay, I will typically start with PayPal IPN / Webhooks and then use the eBay APIs within my IPN app to pull and push data as necessary.
Of course, depending on the scenario, you may decide to build out your primary solution inside of an eBay Platform Notifications app, and then make calls to PayPal APIs within that if you need to pull/push data.

PayPal IPN not working in sandbox

I'm brand new to setting up IPN's. I've built websites, but never a subscription site like the one I'm building now. I'd like to set up a recurring monthly subscription option and a recurring yearly subscription option.
My website is built on Joomla 3 and I'm using a plugin for the subscription module. I set up the PayPal subscription buttons just as explained in the directions, which I followed to the letter. Nevertheless, when I go to test it in the PayPal sandbox, I keep getting the same error, which says that it wasn't sent and the handshake wasn't made, and to check my settings. That's all it says. I don't know if the issue is with my site, my server or the settings I'm entering into the actual sandbox. I checked with my server and they said there's nothing wrong on their end. Do I need an SSL for the integration to work?
Please keep in mind that, while I can follow explicit directions, I'm so new at this that I don't even know how to access my 'listener,' so if you respond, please let me know where to find things, if necessary.
Any help would be very greatly appreciated - I've been at this for 12 hours now and I'm at a complete loss.
This issue has two sides
1. Is Paypal IPN enabled on the sandbox account where you are trying to receive the payments
2. You would need a IPN listener script to get the IPN notifications
This process is the same for Sandbox or live mode
This should help you get started

How to Solve Opencart Paypal Standard Missing Orders

Please help..
When i test Paypal Standards in opencart using paypal sandbox everything works well, but when i go live and use live paypal accounts then it starting mess up.. orders are missing.. please help!
It could be any number of things, but the first thing that comes to mind is that maybe OpenCart is using IPN to update orders in the system. If you have IPN enabled on your sandbox account but not on your live account that could cause such a problem. Login to your live PayPal profile and go to Instant Payment Notification Preferences. Make sure it's enabled.
Have you setup instant payment notifications also have you enabled payment data transfer back to your website alot of people forget about this

PayPal Subscription Cancellation from Merchant Website

we have a paypal payment system integrated into our website so people can register and choose a subscription. The subscription part works fine as the payment goes through and the IPN hits our website and updates our systems. Now we want users to be able to cancel their subscription from within our website so we have a custom cancellation button which when clients click, should send a request to paypal and cancel their subscription. We managed to get this going on sandbox test system however since we have brought the system into live testing we can not get the cancellation feature to work. So currently when the user clicks on cancel button, i think paypal is not being notified and hence no IPN received from PayPal.
Do you know what all info we need in order to cancel the subscription from our website. I know there is a way where users can log into paypal and cancel their subscription or we can log into our paypal and cancel their subscription but we want it to work from our website.
Please help!
When you say you have it working on the sandbox but not live, what exactly is going wrong when you try it live?
I'm actually a little confused by that, because my initial answer was going to be that you can't kill subscriptions via the API unless you're using Recurring Payments. Standard subscriptions aren't accessible via the API.
If you're saying you're doing that in the sandbox, though, then there must be something I'm unaware of..??
On that note, I know the PayPal system pretty well, so I'm thinking maybe you did Recurring Payments on the sandbox, but live you're using Standard Subscriptions..?? If that's accurate then you'll need to move to recurring payments instead of standard subscriptions on the live site.

Payment status remains "Pending"

I integrated PayPal in my web shop in order to allow instant payments with automatic product delivery (already had this before but only with instant wire transfers via I integrated it with the help of the example provided by PayPal (I'm using ReviewOrder.php, GetExpressCheckoutDetails and DoExpressCheckoutPayment).
It's working great if they pay with PayPal balance or a linked credit card. However, some customers from Germany don't have balance in their accounts but only a bank account linked to their account. The payments go through and they receive their product, however I noticed the payment status would remain "Pending" for 1 month and change to "Expired" afterwards, so effectively no money arrives.
Why is this happening? Or is there any way to deny such payments? (Payments from backup funds)
Any help would be appreciated.
Its hare to day with out looking at the transaction specifically. But there are several things that can cause your payment to be pending, such as your preferences that you may have set in the account. Check to make sure you dont have your preferences set to ask me before accepting a payment in a currency that you do not hold. Did the buyer pay with an eCheck? If so, it could be waiting for the payment to clear. If this is in the sandbox, you have to manually clear the payment. If you are still not able to determine the cause of the pending payment, if you provide the transaction id, I will check it on my end.
Hey guys I managed to find a solution to this odd problem after all.
It turned out I had the following code in my implementation where I actually initialized the payment process:
$_REQUEST['paymentType'] = "Order";
This was a mistake though, since this payment type won't place a hold on the funds and if the DoCapture call is never called this payment will remain pending for about one month and then expire entirely (as described in my question, so this is what actually happened to me). The bad thing is that it's impossible for such payments to even accept them manually from within PayPal (not even the local PayPal phone support was able/wanted to accept these payments for unknown reasons because they told me they'd come up with a solution and contact me via Email within 24 hours but they never did).
So in order to fix this issue I changed the payment type to Sale which instantly captures the payment rather than waiting for sort of approval or a capture call. It worked fine for two weeks now and I think I'll leave it like this now.
$_REQUEST['paymentType'] = "Sale";
I lost about 110€ because this stupidly trivial detail but at least it's working fine now and I was able to re-enable PayPal as a payment form. I hope they'll at least add an option to manually accept these payments if the DoCapture call was not implemented because it worked fine without it for most of the payments as well and after all this is still about real money, so this absolutely would be an essential thing to have....
This can happen also if you are trying to accept a payment in a different currency of your account. To avoid that you must create a "PayPal balance" in the currency of the payment.
IPN is also giving hints on the pending reason in this case:
[pending_reason] => multi_currency