Equivalent of AspectJ call pointcut in PostSharp - aspectj

Is there an equivalent of the AspectJ call pointcut in PostSharp?
Concrete: Both ClassA and ClassB call method foo() on ClassC. I want to intercept calls only from A to C, NOT B to C. In AspectJ this can be achieved by pairing the call with the within pointcut like this:
call(* ClassC.foo()) && within(ClassA)
How would i achieve this in PostSharp?

This is not possible directly as MethodInterceptionAspect applies to a method itself not to a call site and as such the pointcut will be only able to filter methods, not call sites.
Possible solution would be to have two aspects that cooperate - one would manage a thread-static variable, the second one would either execute the intercepted method or do some additional work. However, this is not an ideal solution.


What's the correct way of thinking C# protected accessor in swift?

In c# we have the protected accessor which allows class members to be visible on inherited clases but not for the rest.
In Swift this doesn't exist so I wonder what's a correct approach for something like this:
I want to have a variable (internal behavior) and and a public method using this variable on a base class. This variable will be used also on inherited clases.
Options I see
Forget about base class and implement variable and methods everywhere I need it. WRONG, duplicated code
Implement inheritance by composition. I'd create a class containing common methods and this will be used by composition instead of inheritance. LESS WRONG but still repeating code that could be avoided with inheritance
Implement inheritance and make variable internal on base class. WRONG since exposes things without any justification except allowing visibility on inherited clases.
Implementation Details for Base Class
I want to have a NSOperationQueue instance and and a public method to cancel queued operations. I add new operations to this queue from inherited classes.
In Swift the correct answer is almost always protocols and extensions. It is almost never inheritance. Sometimes Cocoa stands in our way, because there are classes in Cocoa more often than protocols, but the goal is almost always protocols and extensions. Subclassing is our last choice.
Your particular case is confusing because NSOperationQueue already has a public method to cancel queued operations (cancelAllOperations). If you want to protect the queue from outside access (prevent callers from using addOperation directly for instance), then you should put the queue inside another type (i.e. composition), and forward what you want to the queue. More details on the specific problem you're solving would allow us to help suggest other Swift-like solutions.
If in the end you need something that looks like protected or friend, the correct solution is private. Put your subclass or your friend in the same file with the target, and mark the private thing private. Alternately, put the things that need to work together in a framework, and mark the attribute internal. The Swift Blog provides a good explanation of why this is an intentional choice.

Tracing back method call of overridden method in eclipse

I am looking at a source code and it has a method named updateDisplayList. There are various methods in this source code with similar name. However I am interested in one particular updateDisplayList method. I want to check where this method is getting called. I have tried using CTRL+SHIFT+G in eclipse which returns me all the references of this method in that source code. However as there are many methods with same name, those references are also getting returned. How can I know where that particular updateDisplayList method is getting called?
As stated in the comments updateDisplayList() is a Flex component life cycle method. Practically every Flex component implements this method.
If you've modified this method in one class, lets call it ClassA, and you're also seeing the effects of this modification in other classes, it must mean that the other classes inherit from ClassA in some way.
To determine who's inheriting from ClassA, you can just search for that class name in your project. This will likely find the other class that you're looking for. However, there could be a series of classes that inherit from ClassA so you might have to look deeper than that (find all the classes that extend ClassA and then search for those classes). This might be a slippery slope and may not be fruitful.
Another approach is to set a breakpoint in the updateDisplayList() method in ClassA. As I mentioned, you'll hit this breakpoint frequently. In FlashBuilder/Eclipse, you can use the "expressions" window and inspect the value of this. If this is ClassA, it's not the droid(s) you're looking for, so let execution resume.
I'm sure there are a handful of other ways to get to the bottom of this. But updateDisplayList() is such a common method, there's no point in searching for that method name :)

FXCop rule Interface methods should be callable by child types

When running FxCop I get the error that interface methods should be callable by child types.
The resolution states the following:
"Make 'MenuPreview' sealed (a breaking change if this class has previously shipped),
implement the method non-explicitly, or implement a new method that exposes
the functionality of 'IComponentConnector.Connect(int, object)'
and is visible to derived classes."
I get this for all classes the derive from Window or some other UI class. Is this a red herring that I can ignore, or is there something I should be doing?
I think the issue is that if an interface is implemented explicitly, it will be impossible for a derived class to both change the interface behavior and make use of the base-class behavior. A common pattern to get around this difficulty in cases where explicit interface implementation would be required is to have the interface do nothing but call a protected virtual method, and have any derived classes that wish to override the behavior of the interface do so by means of the protected virtual method.
Consider IDisposable.Dispose(). If the code in an explicit implementation were actually responsible for performing the disposal, there would be no way for a derived class to add its own dispose logic except by reimplementing IDisposable, and there would be no way for a class which reimplemented IDisposable to access its parent's Dispose method. Although Microsoft could have had IDisposable.Dispose call a protected function with a different name, it opted to use the same name but add a dummy parameter of type Boolean.

Dynamic Proxy using Scalas new Dynamic Type

Is it possible to create an AOP like interceptor using Scalas new Dynamic Type feature? For example: Would it be possible to create a generic stopwatch interceptor that could be mixed in with arbitrary types to profile my code? Or would I still have to use AspectJ?
I'm pretty sure Dynamic is only used when the object you're selecting on doesn't already have what you're selecting:
From the nightly scaladoc:
Instances x of this trait allow calls x.meth(args) for arbitrary method names meth and argument lists args. If a call is not natively supported by x, it is rewritten to x.invokeDynamic("meth", args)
Note that since the documentation was written, the method has been renamed applyDynamic.
In order for a dynamic object to be supplied as a parameter, it'll need to have the expected type - which means inheriting from the class you want to proxy, or from the appropriate superclass / interface.
As soon as you do this, it'll have the relevant methods statically provided, so applyDynamic would never be considered.
I think your odds are bad. Scala will call applyDynamic only if there is no static match on the method call:
class Slow {
def doStuff = //slow stuff
var slow = new Slow with DynamicTimer
In the example above, scalac won't call applyDynamic because it statically resolved your call to doStuff. It will only fall through to applyDynamic if the method you are calling matches none of the names of methods on the type.

Adding methods to an Objective C class interface is optional?

Coming from a C++ background, one thing that confuses me about Objective C is the fact that you can add a method to a class without actually specifying it in the class interface. So I had a barrage of questions:
Why would someone choose to not add the method in the class interface?
Is it simply because of visibility?
Methods without a declaration in the interface are private?
Is declaring methods in a class interface just optional?
Is it different for overriding a base class' method?
The main difference is that C++ sets up much of its inheritance and types at compile time and Objective C does it mostly at runtime.
The only differences in putting a method in the interface (if all parameters are objects) in objective-C are that the compiler can see it at compile time and check that an object could respond to the method - if it does not then you get a warning but the compilation does succeed and the program will run and loo for the method at runtime. If the method is in the implementation of the class or a category (or some other way) then the run time will find it and call it successfully.
There are NO private methods you can call any method.
I believe that this is the only way to create private methods in Objective-C. The language does not support the ability to declare a private method so by not declaring a method in the header file you are making private from all callers.
Proper data encapsulation requires that you lock down access to members that either expose data or manipulates it. Not all members ought to be exposed.
Yes it is.
Yes, this is true.
Yes, this is true as well.
This I am not sure about - perhaps someone with more Objective-C knowledge could answer this one.
Extending Andrew Hare's answer to answer 5, no, it doesn't: whether declared in an #interface or otherwise, method replacement/refinement works the same.