Adding methods to an Objective C class interface is optional? - iphone

Coming from a C++ background, one thing that confuses me about Objective C is the fact that you can add a method to a class without actually specifying it in the class interface. So I had a barrage of questions:
Why would someone choose to not add the method in the class interface?
Is it simply because of visibility?
Methods without a declaration in the interface are private?
Is declaring methods in a class interface just optional?
Is it different for overriding a base class' method?

The main difference is that C++ sets up much of its inheritance and types at compile time and Objective C does it mostly at runtime.
The only differences in putting a method in the interface (if all parameters are objects) in objective-C are that the compiler can see it at compile time and check that an object could respond to the method - if it does not then you get a warning but the compilation does succeed and the program will run and loo for the method at runtime. If the method is in the implementation of the class or a category (or some other way) then the run time will find it and call it successfully.
There are NO private methods you can call any method.

I believe that this is the only way to create private methods in Objective-C. The language does not support the ability to declare a private method so by not declaring a method in the header file you are making private from all callers.
Proper data encapsulation requires that you lock down access to members that either expose data or manipulates it. Not all members ought to be exposed.
Yes it is.
Yes, this is true.
Yes, this is true as well.
This I am not sure about - perhaps someone with more Objective-C knowledge could answer this one.

Extending Andrew Hare's answer to answer 5, no, it doesn't: whether declared in an #interface or otherwise, method replacement/refinement works the same.


What's the correct way of thinking C# protected accessor in swift?

In c# we have the protected accessor which allows class members to be visible on inherited clases but not for the rest.
In Swift this doesn't exist so I wonder what's a correct approach for something like this:
I want to have a variable (internal behavior) and and a public method using this variable on a base class. This variable will be used also on inherited clases.
Options I see
Forget about base class and implement variable and methods everywhere I need it. WRONG, duplicated code
Implement inheritance by composition. I'd create a class containing common methods and this will be used by composition instead of inheritance. LESS WRONG but still repeating code that could be avoided with inheritance
Implement inheritance and make variable internal on base class. WRONG since exposes things without any justification except allowing visibility on inherited clases.
Implementation Details for Base Class
I want to have a NSOperationQueue instance and and a public method to cancel queued operations. I add new operations to this queue from inherited classes.
In Swift the correct answer is almost always protocols and extensions. It is almost never inheritance. Sometimes Cocoa stands in our way, because there are classes in Cocoa more often than protocols, but the goal is almost always protocols and extensions. Subclassing is our last choice.
Your particular case is confusing because NSOperationQueue already has a public method to cancel queued operations (cancelAllOperations). If you want to protect the queue from outside access (prevent callers from using addOperation directly for instance), then you should put the queue inside another type (i.e. composition), and forward what you want to the queue. More details on the specific problem you're solving would allow us to help suggest other Swift-like solutions.
If in the end you need something that looks like protected or friend, the correct solution is private. Put your subclass or your friend in the same file with the target, and mark the private thing private. Alternately, put the things that need to work together in a framework, and mark the attribute internal. The Swift Blog provides a good explanation of why this is an intentional choice.

In Racket's class system, what do augment, overment, augride, etc. do?

Racket's documentation only partially describe what augment and pubment do: augment makes a method that executes after the superclass's version of that method, while pubment makes a method that will implicitly have the augment property if it is defined in a child class.
The docs say absolutely nothing about overment and augride, and I can't guess what they would do based on their names. What are they, and what is the difference between them?
The relatively large family of inheritance functions for Racket's class system is, as you describe, a little confusing, and their somewhat cutesy names don't always help.
In order to understand this, Racket provides two separate mechanisms for method inheritance.
public methods correspond to the classical idea of public methods in other OO models. Methods declared with public may be overridden in subclasses, unless they're declared final, in which case they cannot.
pubment methods are similar, but they cannot be overridden, only augmented. Augmenting a method is similar to overriding it, but the dispatch calls the superclass's implementation instead of the subclass's.
To clarify the difference between overriding and augmentation, when an overridden method is called, the overriding implementation is executed, which may optionally call the superclass's implementation via inherit/super. In contrast, in an augmented method, the superclass's implementation receives control, and it may optionally call the subclass's implementation via inner.
Now, we're also provided public-final, override-final, and augment-final. These are pretty simple. Declaring a method with public-final means it can neither be augmented nor overridden. Using override-final overrides a superclass's public method, but it doesn't allow any further overriding. Finally, augment-final is similar, but for methods declared with pubment, not public.
So then, what about the two weird hybrids, overment and augride?
overment can be used to implement methods initially defined with public. This "converts" them to augmentable methods instead of overridable methods for all the class's subclasses.
augride goes in the opposite direction. It converts an augmentable method to one that is overridable, but the overriding implementations only replace the augmentation, not the original implementation.
To summarize:
public, pubment, and public-final all declare methods that do not exist in a superclass.
Then we have a family of forms for extending superclass methods:
override and augment extend methods declared with public and pubment, respectively, using the relevant behaviors.
override-final and augment-final do the same as their non-final counterparts, but prevent further overriding or augmentation.
overment and augride convert overridable methods to augmentable ones and vice-versa.
For another, fuller explanation, you might be interested in taking a look at the paper from which Racket's model was derived, which is quite readable and includes some helpful diagrams.

Why do we call doesNotRecognizeSelector: method?

I am working with socket programming.I just wanted to clear a doubt related with a code i downloaded from - Chatty. While R&D , I saw a function call in ChatRoomViewController.m file
[chatRoom broadcastChatMessage:input.text fromUser:[AppConfig getInstance].name];
when I saw in Room.m file, for the implementation of above call; it was
- (void)broadcastChatMessage:(NSString*)message fromUser:(NSString*)name
// Crude way to emulate an "abstract" class
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd];
i googled for "doesNotRecognizeSelector:" , according to Apple its for error handling, stating "The runtime system invokes this method whenever an object receives an aSelector message it can’t respond to or forward." my question is why does the developer call the broadcastChatMessage:fromUser: function if its none of use there and to handle which method's "selector not found" exception ?
According to Stackovrflow, its used to create abstract class , according to this Question, its to avoid "Incomplete implementation" warning.
I am still not getting why that method is used in that Chatty Code, Kindly help me to understand the reason why that method is used.
This is the method that exists on every NSObject derived object that triggers the path to an exception when a method isn't recognized in a runtime call. For example, if you try to send a message to an NSString called -foo, it'll end up there since that's not a valid method on NSString.
In this case, the Chatty class Room is a base class that is never used directly. LocalRoom and RemoteRoom derive from it, and both of those classes provide an overriding implementation of -broadcastChatMessage:fromUser. Nobody ever calls that base class version, but for "completeness" the programmer has guaranteed that a subclasser must override this by implementing the method, but then turning around and calling this to trigger an exception.
Thing is, this isn't specifically idiomatic Objective-C. An "abstract" class is a concept from C++ and other languages; it's base class that exists only as a "pattern" from which to subclass. (In ObjC, this is often done by creating a formal #protocol when there isn't meaningful state, as there (mostly) isn't here).
Note that the call to -doesNotRecognizeSelector: is arbitrary. It's not necessary to avoid compiler warnings here (since the method is in fact implemented) and the original writer could have easily just thrown an exception directly, or done nothing instead.
It seems to me that you already answered your own question. There is no method to make abstract classes in Objective-C, so the closest thing to do it to have the methods that you need to override throw exceptions. If you override this method in a subclass, then doesNotRecognizeSelector: will no longer be called. Basically it is a way to get a developer to promise to implement this method in their subclass.
Also, as you mentioned, if you don't put this in then the compiler will issue a warning because no implementation exists for a method defined in the header. This will perform the same behavior as not implementing it, but the compiler will realize that you are doing it on purpose.

Private property declaration in your class implementation?

Sorry if it's too obvious for you. I'm still learning objetive-c and proper design patterns.
Could you explain me why it is a good idea to declare a property inside #interface in implementation file of a class as a private property? You just can use a local declaration of your type with a class scope, since nobody outside your class would use any getter or setter for this property.
By using the property semantics, you get memory management behavior handled 'for free' by the compiler. Even if your data is private within your class, having the compiler emit correct release/retain/copy saves time and mistakes down the line.
With the modern ARC compiler, this is probably less of an issue now.
When you declare something as #private, usually an instance variable or a property, it became only accessible in methods of the class that declared it. Trying to access it from a subclass results in an error.
I know you didn't asked for this but there is also #protected, when a property is declared like this, it becomes only accessible in methods of the class that declared it and in the methods of any class that inherits from that class.
The source for this info is the best book I know about Objective-C - Learning Objective-C 2.0 by Robert Clair.

Is it good style to declare methods in .h when they're intended to be overwritten by subclass?

I have a class which is intended to be abstract. This means: When someone subclasses it, a few methods MUST be overwritten.
But on the other hand, those methods are not intended to be called manually from anywhere except inside the abstract class (the superclass of the subclass).
Must I declare these methods in .h anyways or can I just add comments in .h which say "you must overwrite -foo and -bar"? Or is there a better pattern to make abstract methods?
Related: Is there a way to create an abstract class in Objective C?
Objective-C doesn't actually have a way to declare a class as abstract. From Apple's Docs:
Abstract Classes
Some classes are designed only or
primarily so that other classes can
inherit from them. These abstract
classes group methods and instance
variables that can be used by a number
of different subclasses into a common
definition. The abstract class is
typically incomplete by itself, but
contains useful code that reduces the
implementation burden of its
subclasses. (Because abstract classes
must have subclasses to be useful,
they’re sometimes also called abstract
Unlike some other languages,
Objective-C does not have syntax to
mark classes as abstract, nor does it
prevent you from creating an instance
of an abstract class.
The NSObject class is the canonical
example of an abstract class in Cocoa.
You never use instances of the
NSObject class in an application—it
wouldn’t be good for anything; it
would be a generic object with the
ability to do nothing in particular.
The NSView class, on the other hand,
provides an example of an abstract
class instances of which you might
occasionally use directly.
Abstract classes often contain code
that helps define the structure of an
application. When you create
subclasses of these classes, instances
of your new classes fit effortlessly
into the application structure and
work automatically with other objects.
So to answer your question, yes, you need to place the method signature in the header, and should implement the method in the base class such that it generates an error if called, like the related question's answer states.
You can also use a protocol to force classes to implement certain methods.
However you choose to implement the base class, clearly document in the header, as well as in your documentation, exactly what the class assumes and how to go about sub-classing it correctly.
Whenever possible write your code so that improper implementations fail to compile. If you cannot do that then you should try to generate a runtime error (at the very least in a debug build) if the subclass is not written correctly. Do not rely on comments because people will not read them.
You must declare your "protected" and "abstract" methods in a header file, but you can use separate categories to clearly indicate their purpose and intended use.
#interface MyBaseClass : NSObject {
- (void)foo;
#interface MyBaseClass(ProtectedMethods)
- (void)bar;
#interface MyBaseClass(AbstractMethods) // Subclasses must implement
- (void)internalBar;
You can put everything in a single header, or you could put your protected and abstract declarations in a separate "protected" header, say MyClassProtected.h, meant to be included only by your subclass implementations. It depends on how badly you want "hide" your protected methods.
Your base class can log, assert, or throw when an abstract/pure-virtual method is called.
As other people have said, Objective-C does not support pure virtual classes.
You can enforce pure virtual behaviour at runtime though. The cleanest way to do this is by using the Objective-C runtime's _cmd and NSObject's -doesNotRecognizeSelector:
- (void)iMustBeImplementedInaSubclass;
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; // Pure virtual
As ben says you are probably better served by using a protocol to get your API design right.