SugarCRM support links are broken within modules - sugarcrm

I recently downloaded and installed sugarcrm community edition: 6.5.17.
How can I fix the help links within the various modules? Or, how can I figure out how the help calls work, since I can't find any code reference within code to the links being generated.
When I click on a help link within any module, such as within opportunities:
Click here to learn more about the Opportunities module. In order to access more information, use the user menu drop down located on the main navigation bar to access Help.
Where the "click here" link looks like this when viewing the html page source:
I get a "403 Forbidden" error with this link:
I manually found the correct link to be:

Open config_override.php and add a param for custom_help_url that points to a top-level page at the site that you found.
Here's how I found it:
In Sugar, nearly anything you read on the screen is kept in some language file for localization and translation purposes. So we can start by using grep to search the system for this bit of translated text:
[MKP01] [~/Sites/sugar] > grep -r 'to learn more about the' include/
include//language/en_us.lang.php: 'MSG_EMPTY_LIST_VIEW_NO_RESULTS_SUBMSG' => "<item4> to learn more about the <item1> module. In order to access more information, use the user menu drop down located on the main navigation bar to access Help.",
Now that we know the name of the label, we can search for instances of when it is used:
[MKP01] [~/Sites/nemrace] > grep -r 'MSG_EMPTY_LIST_VIEW_NO_RESULTS_SUBMSG' include/
include//language/en_us.lang.php: 'MSG_EMPTY_LIST_VIEW_NO_RESULTS_SUBMSG' => "<item4> to learn more about the <item1> module. In order to access more information, use the user menu drop down located on the main navigation bar to access Help.",
include//ListView/ListViewGeneric.tpl: {$APP.MSG_EMPTY_LIST_VIEW_NO_RESULTS_SUBMSG|replace:"<item1>":$moduleName|replace:"<item4>":$helpLink}
The first result there we already know about, but the second is what you're after: it's the default Smarty template for all list views. If we open that file in a text editor we can trace the definition for variable $helpLink is only a few lines above where it's used:
{capture assign="helpLink"}<a target="_blank" href='?module=Administration&action=SupportPortal&view=documentation&version={$sugar_info.sugar_version}&edition={$sugar_info.sugar_flavor}&lang=&help_module={$currentModule}&help_action=&key='>{$APP.LBL_CLICK_HERE}</a>{/capture}
Then you know to dig into modules/Administration/SupportPortal.php and reading that logic, know to look for the definition of function get_help_url. We find it in include/utils.php
function get_help_url($send_edition = '', $send_version = '', $send_lang = '', $send_module = '', $send_action = '', $dev_status = '', $send_key = '', $send_anchor = '') {
global $sugar_config;
if (!empty($sugar_config['custom_help_url'])) {
$sendUrl = $sugar_config['custom_help_url'];
} else {
if (!empty($sugar_config['custom_help_base_url'])) {
$baseUrl= $sugar_config['custom_help_base_url'];
} else {
$baseUrl = "";
$sendUrl = $baseUrl . "?edition={$send_edition}&version={$send_version}&lang={$send_lang}&module={$send_module}&help_action={$send_action}&status={$dev_status}&key={$ send_key}";
if(!empty($send_anchor)) {
$sendUrl .= "&anchor=".$send_anchor;
return $sendUrl;
This is great news - Sugar understands that some system administrators would wish to provide their own help URls or base URLs, so my recommendation to you would be open config_override.php and add a param for custom_help_url that points to a top-level page at the site that you found.


GitHub: How to get `` to work for website discussion

My website wants to use the seemingly light weight and useful discussion feature offered by the app.
I believe I have installed it correctly in my repo,, but it does not appear on the site when built.
I'm stumped on how to determine what the problem is, or how to correct it. Can anyone help?
For reference, here is my setup:
The website is built in R Studio, using distill in rmarkdown.
I created utterances.html with the standard JS code recommended.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
if (!/posts/.test(location.pathname)) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";
script.setAttribute("repo", "friendly/HistDataVis");
script.setAttribute("issue-term", "og:title");
script.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous");
script.setAttribute("label", "comments ??");
/* wait for article to load, append script to article element */
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations, observer) {
var article = document.querySelector("d-article");
if (article) {
/* HACK: article scroll */
article.setAttribute("style", "overflow-y: hidden");
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true });
In one Rmd file, I use in_header to insert this into the generated HTML file:
title: "Discussion"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
toc: true
in_header: utterances.html
Also used this in my _site.yml file to apply to all Rmd files on the site.
On my GitHub account, I installed utterances under GitHub apps, and gave it repository access to the repo for this site.
Following the solution suggested by #laymonage, I fixed the script. I now get the Comments section on my web page, but get an error, "utterances not installed" when I try to use it. Yet, utterances is installed, as I just checked.
This part of your code:
if (!/posts/.test(location.pathname)) {
Prevents the rest of the script to load because it's always true.
The condition checks whether the value of location.pathname passes the regular expression test string posts and negates it (!). That means the condition is true if the location.pathname (the path name of the current URL, e.g. /HistDataVis/ for does not contain posts anywhere in the string. None of the pages on your website has posts in the pathname, so the script will end there.
It should work if you change /posts/ to /HistDataVis or just remove the if block altogether.
Alternatively, you can also try giscus, a similar project that uses GitHub Discussions instead of Issues. Someone already made a guide on how to use it with Distill. Disclaimer: I'm the developer of giscus.

Editing Typo3 CMS front-end page

I get a project that used TYPO3 CMS, the task is quite simple, adding cookie usage notice on the header part of the website.
I never working on TYPO3 before, but already reading the documentation. Somehow I can't figure out which file to edit. even the documentation tutorial and file structure is different than the project I handle.
I don't have any project documentation for the project either, and I don't want to ask you to do my task, but I'm blank at the moment and don't know where to find the respective file needed.
Any suggestion or clue how to handle the issue?
my index.php on root folder look like this:
if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED);
} else {
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// ******************
// Constants defined
// ******************
define('PATH_thisScript', str_replace('//', '/', str_replace('\\', '/',
(PHP_SAPI == 'fpm-fcgi' || PHP_SAPI == 'cgi' || PHP_SAPI == 'isapi' || PHP_SAPI == 'cgi-fcgi') &&
define('PATH_site', dirname(PATH_thisScript).'/');
if (#is_dir(PATH_site.'typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/')) {
define('PATH_tslib', PATH_site.'typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/');
} elseif (#is_dir(PATH_site.'tslib/')) {
define('PATH_tslib', PATH_site.'tslib/');
} else {
// define path to tslib/ here:
$configured_tslib_path = '';
// example:
// $configured_tslib_path = '/var/www/mysite/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/';
define('PATH_tslib', $configured_tslib_path);
if (PATH_tslib=='') {
die('Cannot find tslib/. Please set path by defining $configured_tslib_path in ' . htmlspecialchars(basename(PATH_thisScript)) . '.');
// ******************
// include TSFE
// ******************
require (PATH_tslib.'index_ts.php');
edit: adding screenshot of the interface suggested by #Riccardo (typo3 ver 4.4.4)
Which version of TYPO3 are you running? As Bernd wrote, it is difficult to help you without further information.... I'll try to explain the first passages where you could gather some infos.
1) Access TYPO3 backend with a user with administrative privileges
2) Try to identify the main TypoScript template with this procedure:
click on template (1)
click on the "zero" page with the TYPO3 symbol (2)
you should see on the right a list of the TypoScript templates (3),
click on the one that is marked as "is Root"
2) After that, click on the first dropdown on the right area (with the "info/modify" item and select "TypoScript Object Browser" (a.k.a. TSOB)
3) After you have done that, you should see a "tree" that represents the TypoScript configuration;
be sure to have "setup" selected (1)
search for the object that builds your page, which should most likely be page = PAGE (2)
[answer edited]
I'm afraid I'll have to ask for a survey supplement
Can you identify in which part of the various objects the header of your site is rendered? My suspects would be focused on the [home2] or the [outer_frameset] object;
Hoping that they will contain the usual array with something like:
home2.10 = something
I think that the quickiest (and dirtiest) way to append something before the whole page would be something like
home2.1 = TEXT
home2.1.value = <div>whatever your message would be </div>
I don't know if you need something more complex than that...
Said that, I admit I never worked with frame inside TYPO3 and I think that the last time I did something with frames was...uh... maybe 9 years ago.
Don't change that index.php!!
As it is part of the core which gets overwritten on an update of TYPO3.
As there are very much options for configurating a page there can be no recipe matching all.
My best tip: get a TYPO3 profi to have a look into your installation so he can find which files are responsible for the page rendering and could include the cookie notice.
There also are some extensions which could render such a notice in your pages in a very easy way. But that all depends how your installation is configured. Nothing to say without further knowledge.

Moodle 3.3 - check if a user is authenticated in Mustache template

I'm creating a mustache template for a Moodle site and want to display some content on the front page but only if the user is not yet logged in. I was hoping I could do something like this in the template:
My content for users not logged in.
However I can't find any documentation on the user variables available to mustache to test if a user is authenticated or not.
Any advice of where to look or how to implement this would be great.
You would need to adjust the code that calls the template to add that data to the context that is passed to the template. In that case you can use the isloggedin() function to set the value you want to pass to the template.
I hope I'm not quite late to this question by anyhow I'd like to add my answer to this as well
Your mustache files are simple templates which cannot perform logic. What you can do is
in your controller or the file which calls the render function (which renders the mustache file and gives HTML), apply a check there
require( '/path/to/moodle/config.php' );
if (isloggedin()) {
echo "you are logged in";
Once you have applied the check you can send the array with a flag identifier (ONLY TRUE or FALSE) which the mustache files can understand.
for eg
in your controller/block etc you can do the following
$tagcloud = core_tag_collection::get_tag_cloud($this->config->tagcoll, $this->config->showstandard == core_tag_tag::STANDARD_ONLY, $this->config->numberoftags, 'name', '', $this->page->context->id, $this->config->ctx, $this->config->rec);
$content = $tagcloud->export_for_template($OUTPUT);
require( '/path/to/moodle/config.php' );
$flag = isloggedin() ? TRUE : FALSE;
array_push($content, $flag);
$this->content->text = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_tag/search_course_by_tags', $content);
and in your mustache file
your fancy code here which will onyl work if the user is logged in

Typo3 eID, how to access config

I've just created an eID in Typo3. I can't figure out how to access the config data for my plugin from the Typo3 instance.
I've tried the code from the link but it doesn't want to work. I keep getting an exception "No TypoScript template found! " on the call " $TSFE->getConfigArray(); "
Any ideas?
In eID mode, only a small part of the regular TYPO3 frontend is loaded. Unfortunately TypoScript is not loaded. To still access the TypoScript configuration you need manually load the components it needs to do so. Unfortunately this can be a bit of a pain in the butt. So in some cases it might be easier to just load a page containing a single plugin that doesn't contain anything else (without headers etc.).
If you do want to load the TypoScript templates yourself, you can try something like the following:
require_once(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_userauth.php' );
require_once(PATH_tslib.'class.tslib_content.php') ;
$TSFEclassName = t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName('tslib_fe');
$id = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['id'])?$HTTP_GET_VARS['id']:0;
$GLOBALS['TSFE'] = new $TSFEclassName($TYPO3_CONF_VARS, $id, '0', 1, '','','','');
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->getFileName_backPath = PATH_site;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->forceTemplateParsing = 1;
$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
This initializes the TSFE and cObj but is also used to load and parse the TypoScript templates. You might need to make some modifications to (probably kick some things out)
The code came from one of the comments on the following blog post:
Good luck!

Running a premade bulletin board through my Front Controller in Zend

I tried to ask this once, but I think that my former question was too unclear for you guys to answer, so I'll try again
I'm making a website using the Zend Framework, and am trying to include the premade messageboard Phorum. So far, I've made it work by not running it through my bootstrap using my .htaccess file. What I'd like to do i'd like to do is to be able to run it through my bootstrap so that I can use my previously created Layouts and Classes that I can only run through Zend.
For example, I have a premade sign in system that works through Zend_Auth. I have the person's data saved in Zend_Session. I load the user's profile through a controller. I have a service layer for the model that connects to my database on behalf of the user. There are several other dependencies that, as far as I can tell, I need the bootstrap for.
Phorum is basically just a large set of PHP scripts that are dependent on GET parameters. My original idea had been to use a controller to render the scripts. An example of what that URI would look like is this:,3 with messageboard being the messageboardController. While this works for loading list, it can't capture the GET parameters, which Phorum is dependent on. Due to the complex nature of Phorum, it would be nearly impossible for me to be able to go in and make it something like or anything along those lines. The URI has to be the former, as it is built in to Phorum.
I have tried using frames. I got to keep my log in panel up top, and had the body of the page be a frame, but it was unbookmarkable, and the back button made everything outrageously difficult. I also couldn't get the frame to talk to the parent page in Zend well, so frames aren't an option.
Does anyone have a way that I can do this? What I need, in essence, is to take the script (ex. list.php?1,3) and place whatever it would render, after having used the 1,3 parameters, into a div in the "body" div of my layout. As far as I can tell, render doesn't seem to be able to capture the GET parameters. Does anyone know of a way I can do this.
Any ideas would be immeasurably appreciated. Thank you for your help!
This isn't a trivial thing to process, however, it is possible to write a custom route, along with some controller magic to handle this sort of thing and include the proper php file:
First of all - Your route should probably be (in ZF1.9 application.ini conventions)
resources.router.routes.phorum.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex"
resources.router.routes.phorum.route = "messageboard(?:/(.*))?"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.controller = "phorum"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.action = "wrapper"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.module = "default" = "index.php" = "page"
Now all requests to messageboard/whatever.php should be routed to PhorumController::wrapperAction() and have 'whatever.php' in $this->getRequest()->getParam('page')
Then it should become a simple matter of redirecting your "wrapper" action to include the proper php file from phorum. I have added some code from a similar controller I have (although mine didn't include php files - it was meant solely for serving a directory of content)
public function wrapperAction() {
$phorumPath = APPLICATION_PATH."../ext/phorum/";
$file = realpath($phorumPath . $this->getRequest()->getParam('page');
if (!$file || !is_file($file)) throw new Exception("File not found");
// disable default viewRenderer - layout should still render at this point
// determine extension to determine mime-type
preg_match("#\.([^.]+)$#", $filename, $matches);
switch (strtolower($matches[1]))
case "php":
// patch the request over to phorum
return; // exit from the rest of the handler, which deals specifically
// with other types of files
case "js":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "css":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/css');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "html":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
// you get the idea... add any others like gif/etc that may be needed
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
// Disable Layout
// Sending 304 cache headers if the file hasn't changed can be a bandwidth saver
$mtime = filemtime($fn);
if ($modsince = $this->getRequest()->getServer('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'))
$modsince = new Zend_Date($modsince);
$modsince = $modsince->getTimestamp();
if ($mtime <= $modsince) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$mtime). " GMT");
Please - Make sure to test this code for people trying to craft requests with .., etc in the page.