Running a premade bulletin board through my Front Controller in Zend - zend-framework

I tried to ask this once, but I think that my former question was too unclear for you guys to answer, so I'll try again
I'm making a website using the Zend Framework, and am trying to include the premade messageboard Phorum. So far, I've made it work by not running it through my bootstrap using my .htaccess file. What I'd like to do i'd like to do is to be able to run it through my bootstrap so that I can use my previously created Layouts and Classes that I can only run through Zend.
For example, I have a premade sign in system that works through Zend_Auth. I have the person's data saved in Zend_Session. I load the user's profile through a controller. I have a service layer for the model that connects to my database on behalf of the user. There are several other dependencies that, as far as I can tell, I need the bootstrap for.
Phorum is basically just a large set of PHP scripts that are dependent on GET parameters. My original idea had been to use a controller to render the scripts. An example of what that URI would look like is this:,3 with messageboard being the messageboardController. While this works for loading list, it can't capture the GET parameters, which Phorum is dependent on. Due to the complex nature of Phorum, it would be nearly impossible for me to be able to go in and make it something like or anything along those lines. The URI has to be the former, as it is built in to Phorum.
I have tried using frames. I got to keep my log in panel up top, and had the body of the page be a frame, but it was unbookmarkable, and the back button made everything outrageously difficult. I also couldn't get the frame to talk to the parent page in Zend well, so frames aren't an option.
Does anyone have a way that I can do this? What I need, in essence, is to take the script (ex. list.php?1,3) and place whatever it would render, after having used the 1,3 parameters, into a div in the "body" div of my layout. As far as I can tell, render doesn't seem to be able to capture the GET parameters. Does anyone know of a way I can do this.
Any ideas would be immeasurably appreciated. Thank you for your help!

This isn't a trivial thing to process, however, it is possible to write a custom route, along with some controller magic to handle this sort of thing and include the proper php file:
First of all - Your route should probably be (in ZF1.9 application.ini conventions)
resources.router.routes.phorum.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex"
resources.router.routes.phorum.route = "messageboard(?:/(.*))?"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.controller = "phorum"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.action = "wrapper"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.module = "default" = "index.php" = "page"
Now all requests to messageboard/whatever.php should be routed to PhorumController::wrapperAction() and have 'whatever.php' in $this->getRequest()->getParam('page')
Then it should become a simple matter of redirecting your "wrapper" action to include the proper php file from phorum. I have added some code from a similar controller I have (although mine didn't include php files - it was meant solely for serving a directory of content)
public function wrapperAction() {
$phorumPath = APPLICATION_PATH."../ext/phorum/";
$file = realpath($phorumPath . $this->getRequest()->getParam('page');
if (!$file || !is_file($file)) throw new Exception("File not found");
// disable default viewRenderer - layout should still render at this point
// determine extension to determine mime-type
preg_match("#\.([^.]+)$#", $filename, $matches);
switch (strtolower($matches[1]))
case "php":
// patch the request over to phorum
return; // exit from the rest of the handler, which deals specifically
// with other types of files
case "js":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "css":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/css');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "html":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
// you get the idea... add any others like gif/etc that may be needed
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
// Disable Layout
// Sending 304 cache headers if the file hasn't changed can be a bandwidth saver
$mtime = filemtime($fn);
if ($modsince = $this->getRequest()->getServer('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'))
$modsince = new Zend_Date($modsince);
$modsince = $modsince->getTimestamp();
if ($mtime <= $modsince) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$mtime). " GMT");
Please - Make sure to test this code for people trying to craft requests with .., etc in the page.


FuelPHP - Building a page in blocks

What is the best way to build a page in FuelPHP so that each of the blocks of the page are built on their own as modules and then the output HTML is put together in a layout.
The best i have found thus far is the HMVC with something like the below.
$block1= Request::forge('mycontroller/block1')->execute();
$block2= Request::forge('mycontroller/block2')->execute();
$data['block1'] =$block1;
$data['block2'] = $block2;
//assign the view to browser output
return View::forge('home/index', $data);
However loading up the whole framework for the calls seems rather inefficient (and possibly slow as a result) . Is there a better way to do this?
If you're using modules (instead of calling a different action in the same controller like you seem to do here), requests are absolutely the way to go. And since requests use the routing table, you can control which controller/action is called by manipulating your routes.
Setting up a new request isn't very complex, the additional delay is a few milliseconds tops.
For completeness, the way to perform an HMVC request:
$result = \Request::forge('your/uri/here')->execute()->response()->body;
catch (\HttpNotFoundException $e)
// the requested URI could not be found
Instead to use Request::forge('mycontroller/block1')->execute(); you can use View::forge('mycontroller/block1').
The view must be proccess the blocks, not the request. Other advantage is pas vars to block.... i've not tested completely, but it seems more fast to render.

CQ5.5: getting Style of a target page

I've been working on this for sometime now, and I keep running into a wall. I think I'm close, but I figured someone out here in the land of SO might have some deeper insight if not a better way of doing what I'm trying to do.
Basically lets look at this scenario. I have a logo w/ some text that can be set from a few different places. If we look at the setup here is what it looks like.
Homepage [has designPath]
- Child Microsite Page [has designPath]
- Logo Component
Logic Flow (in logo component):
if properties.get("logoText") {
use this
} else if currentStyle.get("logoTextFromStyle") {
use this
} else if parentStyle.get("logoTextFromGlobal") {
use this
} else {
be blank
My query is with how to get the "parentStyle" of this page. Looking at the docs here:
I've been able to come up with the fact that I can get a Style object from the "designer" object made available via defineObjects. This is defined with the other utility objects like "pageManager, resourceUtil, resource, currentPage, etc".
With that being said this doesn't seem to work.
//assuming we have getting homePage earlier and it is a valid cq Page resource
Resource homePageResource.slingRequest.getResourceResolver().getResource(homePage.getPath());
Style homePageStyle = designer.getStyle(homePageResource);
at this point homePageStyle is null. To do some more testing I i tried passing currentPage.getPath() instead of homePage.getPath(). I assumed this would give me the currentPage resource and would in end yield the currentStyle object. This also resulted in a null Style object. From this I think I can safely conclude I'm passing the incorrect resource type.
I attempted to load the the cq:designPath into the resource hoping to get a Designer resourceType but to no avail.
I am curious if anyone has run into this problem before. I apologize if I've gone into too much detail, but I wanted to lay out the "why" to my question as well, just in case there was a better way overall of accomplishing this.
I've figured out how to return the style. Here is the rundown of what I did.
//get your page object
Page targetPage = pageManager.getPage("/path/to/target");
//get the Design object of the target page
Design homePageDesign = designer.getDesign(homePage);
//extract the style from the design using the design path
Style homePageStyle = homePageDesign.getStyle(homePageDesign.getPath());
it's very interesting the definition of "getStyle" is a little different from the designer.getStyle vs a Design.getStyle. designer.getStyle asks for a resource whereas Design.getStyle will take the path to a Design "cell" and return the appropriate Style.
I did some testing and it looks like it does work with inherited Styles/Designs. So if my cq:designPath is set at level 1 and I look up a page on at level 2 they will return the Design/Style at the cq:designPath set at level 1.
I hope this helps someone else down the way.
I tried this approach but was not getting the Styles in the Style object.
When we do this:
Design homePageDesign = designer.getDesign(homePage);
In this Design object we get the path till the project node i.e etc/design/myproject
After this if we try to extract the Style from the design path we do not get it.
However I implemented it in a different way.
In the design object, we also get the complete JSON of designs for(etc/design/myproject).
Get the sling:resourceType of the target page and get the value after last index of "/".
Check if this JSON contains the last value. If it contains, you can get your styles, i.e. image, etc.

How to convert Zend Framework website to mobile website?

i have made a huge website(front & admin side) in Zend Framework now i want to do the same
project in ZF but for mobile devices.
i will certainly use HTML5 & jQuery mobile but before go ahead & start my development for my mobile website i want to ask experts what is the nice,easy,efficient and optimized way to do so ???
You'll probably want to checkout the ContextSwitch View Helper - which allows you to switch the view script based on a 'format' parameter. You could use that (or extend it) to switch your view to a more mobile friendly template.
Take a look at the JSON Context specifically, it disables the layout - the same technique could be used to switch the layout if a mobile request is detected.
Of course, if you can accomplish what you need with some CSS media queries, that's certainly the way to go.
You might also find Zend_Http_UserAgent useful to detect the available features of the mobile device. Again, similar to what's possible with media queries, but may be useful nonetheless.
But the bottom line is there's not need to 'convert' the site, there are plenty of tools to allow the same site to be accessible to both desktop and mobile users.
me,Read me and i am sure you will like me
As the anwser from Fawad Ghafoor as disappeared from the internet (still available in the web archive
I don't know if that's ok, but i'll copy and format the content of the website here.
Zend Framework Applications for iPhone, BlackBerry & Co
Mobile devices have become pretty important during the last years. This tutorial will show you how to pimp up your website and make it ready for mobile devices like iPhone, BlackBerry, etc.
Before we start: as in all other posts of this blog, I expect that you are a software engineer and implemented your web application using the MVC (model / view / controller) pattern and probably also Zend_Layout.
1. What We Need
Basically, the only thing you have to do when making your web application ready for mobile devices is to a) detect if the user surfs to your site using a mobile or non-mobile device and b) change the V in MVC according to the result of a).
However, I find it quite useful to extent this approach a little bit. Beside replacing your views with views for a mobile device, we will do two other things: we will also replace the layout (Zend_Layout) used for your web application and we will use a different translation file (Zend_Translation). It is obvious why replacing the layout is useful, but why do we need to use a different translation file? Well, actually we don’t have to, but I found it quite handy if you have translation file for the big screen (where you might want to use looong textual descriptions) and a translation file for your mobile devices (with crisp descriptions, error messages, labels, etc.)
As we will see later on, Zend Framework’s Context Switch ( is (nearly) all we need… The ContextSwitch is an Action Helper that “is intended for facilitating returning different response formats on request”. This action helper comes with two different ready-to-use contexts: JSON and XML. For our example we will create an additional context named “mobile”.
Control Flow Schema is lost... at some point it was here :
Basically, our control flow has to work as depicted in figure “Control Flow” (click on the figure to enlarge it). If a user surfs to, we directly set the correct context “mobile”. If a user surfs to, we check if he is using a mobile device. If he is using a mobile device, we’ll ask the user if he wants to use the mobile or desktop version of our web app. As we don’t want to ask the user whether or not he wants to use the mobile version each time he request a page, we will store her / his decision in a session variable (and only ask her again, if she was inactive for several minutes).
As an example for this workflow, please have a look at
2. Creating our Mobile Plugin
To achieve our goals, we will implement a small plugin. Before implementing this plugin we need a function that checks whether or not the current user is using a mobile device. You could use a smart solution like WURFL to do this. However, for our example, we will use a simple function that returs true if the user is using a mobile device and false otherwise. You’ll find dozens of functions that will do the job if you google for it. I’ll use a function that I found at Brain Handles.
Now, lets create our plugin. In your \plugins folder, create a file called Mobile.php and copy and paste the following source code:
class Plugin_Mobile extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
// instead of defining all these parameters here,
// you could also put them into your application.ini
// if user is inactive for X minutes and surfs to
//, we'll ask him again if he wants
// to user mobile or desktop version
private $ask_again_after_x_minutes = 10;
// used to test your mobile layout. Set this
// to 1 to emulate a mobile device
private $test_mobile = 0;
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
// did we already ask the user?
if (isset($_SESSION['mobileasked'])) {
// is mobile session still valid?
if (time() < $_SESSION['mobileasked']) {
// update session
$_SESSION['mobileasked'] = time() + $this->ask_again_after_x_minutes * 60;
// continue with requested page
return $request;
// otherwise, check if user is using a mobile device
// or if we are in test mode.
if ($this->checkmobile() || ($this->test_mobile == 1)) {
// if requested page !=
if (!(Zend_Registry::isRegistered('directmobile') && Zend_Registry::get('directmobile') == '1')) {
// set mobile session
$_SESSION['mobileasked'] = time() + $this->ask_again_after_x_minutes * 60;
// ask user if he wants to use mobile or desktop version
->setParam('format', 'mobile')
return $request;
* This function returns true if user is using a mobile device. False otherwise.
* (c) by
private function checkmobile(){
if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE"])) return true;
if(preg_match("/wap\.|\.wap/i",$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"])) return true;
// Quick Array to kill out matches in the user agent
// that might cause false positives
$badmatches = array("OfficeLiveConnector","MSIE\ 8\.0","OptimizedIE8","MSN\ Optimized","Creative\ AutoUpdate","Swapper");
foreach($badmatches as $badstring){
if(preg_match("/".$badstring."/i",$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) return false;
// Now we'll go for positive matches
$uamatches = array("midp", "j2me", "avantg", "docomo", "novarra", "palmos", "palmsource", "240x320", "opwv", "chtml", "pda", "windows\ ce", "mmp\/", "blackberry", "mib\/", "symbian", "wireless", "nokia", "hand", "mobi", "phone", "cdm", "up\.b", "audio", "SIE\-", "SEC\-", "samsung", "HTC", "mot\-", "mitsu", "sagem", "sony", "alcatel", "lg", "erics", "vx", "NEC", "philips", "mmm", "xx", "panasonic", "sharp", "wap", "sch", "rover", "pocket", "benq", "java", "pt", "pg", "vox", "amoi", "bird", "compal", "kg", "voda", "sany", "kdd", "dbt", "sendo", "sgh", "gradi", "jb", "\d\d\di", "moto","webos");
foreach($uamatches as $uastring){
if(preg_match("/".$uastring."/i",$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) return true;
return false;
Make sure, that you register this plugin! To do so you need something like this in your bootstrap:
// init PluginLoader. Adopt folder to your application...
$loader = new Zend_Loader_PluginLoader(array(
'Plugin' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/application/controllers/plugins',
// define plugin names and classes
$pluginList = array(
'plugin1' => $loader->load('Plugin1'),
'plugin2' => $loader->load('Plugin2'),
// [...]
'mobile' => $loader->load('Mobile'),
// get your front controller
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
// Register your plugins
foreach ($pluginList as $pluginClass) {
$frontController->registerPlugin(new $pluginClass());
3. Context detection
That’s all you have to do in your mobile plugin. Next thing we have to do is to make sure that we detect the correct context. We’ll do this in our bootstrap. Open your bootstrap.php and put something like this inside:
// set correct context
$domains = explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
if ($domains[0] == 'mobile' || $frontController->getParam('format') == 'mobile') {
if ($domains[0] == 'mobile') {
// if set, user will be redirected directly to requested page
Zend_Registry::set('directmobile', '1');
Zend_Registry::set('context', '\mobile');
} else {
Zend_Registry::set('context', '');
4. Asking the User
As we would like to ask the user if he wants to use the mobile or desktop version of our application, we will create a simple action in our index controller. We will redirect the user to this controller / action in our mobile plugin (see chapter 2).
Open your IndexController.php and create an askmobileAction:
public function askmobileAction()
// nothing to do here...
This action basically does… well, nothing ;-). Now, let’s have a look at the askmobile view. In your views folder, which probably will be \views\scripts\index create a file called and put something like this inside:
How do you want to use this application?<br/>
That’s not really complicated, isn’t it? As you can see, the name of this view differs from the name of all the other views. As we will see later in this tutorial, ContextSwitch will make sure that the view name.MOBILE.phtlm is being called instead of name.phtml, if we are in the context MOBILE.
5. Your Mobile Layout
The next step is to create a unique layout for our mobile version. Whether or not this is necessary depends on your application. However, in most cases it will make sense to a complex layout for the desktop version of your application and a lightweight layout for the mobile version.
First, create a directory in your \layouts folder called \mobile (the full path with probably be something like \application\layouts\mobile but this depends on your application). Create a file called layout.phtml in this folder and put something this inside:
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<?php echo $this->headTitle() . "\n" ?>
<?php echo $this->headLink() . "\n" ?>
<div id="header">This is your header</div>
<div id="content"><?= $this->layout()->content ?></div>
<div id="footer">This is your footer</div>
That´s our very simple layout for the mobile context. It is very likely that your layout will be much more complex even if you create it for mobile devices as you will probably include a CSS file, etc.
6. Putting everything together
We are already nearly finished. The last step is to use the context in your controllers. For this tutorial we will use the init() method of the IndexController, which you can use as template for all the other controllers in your application. Actually, instead of copying this code to all your controllers I prefer a smarter way that makes use of OO-Design paradigms (e.g., create a class MyMobileController that extends Zend_Controller_Action and get all the necessary parameters from your application.ini), however, this will do the job for this tutorial.
Open your IndexController.php file and copy and paste the following source code into it:
* Initializes the controller & context
* #return void
public function init()
// are we in the mobile context?
if (Zend_Registry::get('context') == '\mobile' || $this->getRequest()->getParam('format') == 'mobile')
// Mobile format context
$mobileConfig =
'mobile' => array(
'suffix' => 'mobile',
'headers' => array(
'Content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8')),
// Init the action helper
$contextSwitch = $this->_helper->contextSwitch();
// Add new context
// This is where you have to define
// which actions are available in the mobile context
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('index', 'mobile');
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('askmobile', 'mobile');
// enable layout but set different path to layout file
$this->getHelper('layout')->setLayoutPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/application/layouts/mobile');
// Initializes action helper
7. Create your Mobile Views
Finally, you have to create your mobile views. For each view that is available in the mobile context (as defined in the init() method of your controllers), you have to create a mobile view. So, if you have an action called myaction you will need a myaction.phtml for the desktop version and a for the mobile version of your application.
Congratulations! You’ve just created your first mobile web application ;-)
Appendix: Translation Files for a Mobile Device
As promised in chapter 1 we will use a different translation file for our mobile device / mobile context. This is quite handy as you might want to have shorter labels, description texts, error messages and so on. Of course, if you don’t need something like this you may simply skip this appendix.
Basically, all you need to do is to check in which context the application is and load the corresponding translation file.
Let’s assume that you store your translation files in the \application\translations\ folder and that you have an english and a french version of your application. Beside your fr.php and en.php files you should have a mobile version for each language in your translations folder: mobile_en.php and mobile_fr.php. The followin code snippet will load the corresponding translation file:
// Init Zend_Locale with corresponding language (assuming that $lang is set to 'en' or 'fr')
// and store the Zend_Locale object in the registry
Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Locale', new Zend_Locale($lang));
// Load translation file and store it in the registry
$langFile = APPLICATION_PATH . '/application/translations/';
if (Zend_Registry::get('context') == '\mobile') {
// if context = mobile, get translation file for mobile device
$langFile.= 'mobile_' . Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Locale')->getLanguage() . '.php';
} else {
$langFile.= Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Locale')->getLanguage() . '.php';
'Zend_Translate', new Zend_Translate('array', $langFile)

Access images or doc outside public folder in zend framework

I developing an application in zend framework. I want to store certain secure images and pdf documents outside public folder like /project/data/uploads or /projects/application/data/uploads.
I am not able to access the images/pdf documents other than public folder.
Can someone suggest a way to do it.
thank you
You have to have a separate action that knows how to fetch and deliver all that stuff. Something like this:
public function viewpdfAction()
$id = (int) $this->_getParam('id', 0);
// You implement some function - either here in your controller
// or someplace else - to get the pdf name from the passed id.
// Alternatively, you can pass the name itself. Up to you, of course.
// The key is that the request somehow identifies the file requested.
$pdfName = $this->_mapPdfIdToName($id);
// The path to the real pdf
$pdfFile = '/project/data/uploads/pdf/' . $pdfName;
// Disable rendering
// Send the right mime headers for the content type
->setHeader('Cache-control', 'public') // needed for IE, I have read
->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf')
->setHeader('Content-Disposition', sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', $pdfName));
// Send the content
Of course, some of this can be pushed down into service classes to keep the controller as thin as possible. Everyone has different tastes in this regard.
I confess that this code not completely tested, mostly trying to give the basic idea. If I have made a total bonehead error in here, please let me know.
Hope it helps!

Launching a custom view from a custom model. Zend_possible?

You have to promise not to giggle, but my situation is following:
Instead of using partials and helpers and other similar tools that we use already, we want to use a custom view outside all frames and borders of the actual application. Basically, we need at this point to load clean HTML into a variable upon a certain reaction a model. That is monkeys business and can be done by virtually anyone without using a keyboard.
The problem is that the HTML pages that we want to create are supposed to be quite extensive and are a trainwreck to debug/maintain/expand due to the inate "return $arrlglllgll;" approach. To make a smooth and humane script, we would very much love to use the .phtml style with clean html mixed up with php injections without actually rendering it.
Is that possible and how?
I am currently struggling with
$mailView = new Zend_View();
Where test.php is a file I have been trying to reach with any means and corelations imaginable, but ultimately failed every time due to
exception 'Zend_View_Exception' with message 'script 'test.php' not found in path (\library\Extras\Controller\Action\Helpers\)' in \library\Zend\View\Abstract.php:875
Stack trace: blablabla
Loading a custom view from a controller is butt-easy, just provide the relative path and you're set, but it seems that I cannot find anything if I shoot from within a library. Any advice?
In case anybody wonders, this is a lot easier than I ever thought it to be...
// Set the view
$layout = new Zend_Layout();
$view = $layout->getView();
// Send inherited custom parameters
$view->params = $params;
You can thus use the $view as a real view and load any $view->helper as you please.
To save rendered view, type...
$savingParameter = $view->render('controller/subfolder/' . $page . '.phtml');