Debug view hierarchy does not render UI - swift

i'm trying to use the view hierarchy feature on xcode 6 to see the draggable layout of my app, but all i get is a blank area where it should be.
after trying out lots of suggestions from SO and other places, nothing works.
I have had the sim running with or without break points, different sim devices, different apps, but nothing works.
I know you're just supposed to click on the button while the app is being simulated and it's supposed to pop up, but when i do it the main interface with the button and options load along with all the elements in the debug navigator. just not the 3d UI itself.
thanks for any tips.

You can click in that view and drag by holding down the left mouse button. This gives you the 3D view.

It's not a fix, but when I had this issue I restarted Xcode and tried again a few more times it eventually worked for me.

There seems to be a recent issue as well which I've run into. When I press the button, I get an assertion failure:
Assertion failure in -[UITextView _firstBaselineOffsetFromTop]
There's an OpenRadar here with a workaround which worked for me of attaching a "useless" constraint" in ViewController.m:
if ([NSLayoutConstraint respondsToSelector:#selector(activateConstraints:)]) {
TEXTVIEWNAME.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
[NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:#"H:|-[TEXTVIEWNAME]-|" options:0 metrics:nil views:NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(TEXTVIEWNAME)]];

After clicking "Debug View Hierarchy" button, you are on the blank white screen.
Click on thread option depicted in below image, list will open, select any option from list, and again click on "Debug View Hierarchy" button.
Screen will render.
This is what works for me.

I know this is really old now, but this is still occurring for me. At first, I only saw a spinner when clicking on the debug view hierarchy. But, when I tried the steps above to click on my equivalent to the "0 mach_msg_trap" above, and then back on the debug view hierachy, the spinner went away. This was an improvement since I was not just staring at a spinner now that seemed to never stop spinning no matter how long I waited ( 20 minutes for example ). However, at this step now, the screen is blank, just like stanley mentioned above. So, I still cannot see any useful debug information.
One thing I will note is that what I am trying to view is inside a webview. Webviews cause our xcuitests lots of problems, that we eventually do solve. But, they do not play as nicely as other objects. I mention the webview because of this just in case it's the actual reason I am not seeing anything displayed in the debug view hierachy.


Issues with Ionic 5 keyboard

I am currently working on an Ionic 5 and I am facing 2 issues with the keyboard.
When I click on the ion-input and the keyboard appears:
The ion-content is pushed up so it is right above the keyboard, which cause everything to be crammed. I tried a bunch of solutions, but none of them properly worked, and most of them involve android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustNothing", which leaves the ion-content as it is, hence the ion-input is not visible and so the user can't see what they're typing and they also can't see the next button, so they must first close the keyboard in order to see what they wrote and be able to move on to the next step.
When the keyboard is about to dismiss, it leaves a white space in the space it was taking up. It's only for a split second but it is visible and makes the app feel like it's slow or lagging.
These 2 issues seem to be very common as I found questions about them since 2014, and I tried most solutions mentioned in the answers but nothing seems to work.
I seem to be having this issue in this app only, but I know that it is not an ionic 5 issue as people faced the same issue in older versions.
What the structure of the page looks like, I had to close all code blocks so that I could take one screenshot:
android:windowSoftInputMode is ised for native fields (EditText,etc..) so when you click on native xml it will take effect. All what you need to do is in your androidManefist.xml on line applicarion or activity, there is keyboardresize="adjustResize" which is the default, change it to adjustPan and content will not be pushed up , instead keyboard will go up as actionsheet from bottom without effecting the content.

UIWebView not Displaying Keypad

I been trying to debug a problem with some odd behaviour inside a UIWebView. My app uses a UIWebView to display a custom form to collect certain information. When the form is first loaded, filled and submitted, everything behaves as it should. After the first submit, when the form is reloaded, the keypad will not display (but the content scrolls as though it is).
The only solution I have come across is here, but this does not seem like the solution to my problem since that line is already in my app delegate.
Is this a known issue? I don't even know where to start looking to debug this issues.
After much searching SO and Apple forums, it was the view hierarchy that was getting rearranged. In my particular case, a progress indicator was being added as new window (by a coworker, so I can blame someone else for this). The trick was not set this new as the key window and only manipulate the the hidden properties
This is just a quick fix because it was only one line of code that was causing this major problem.

Three20 'Back' button on WebController not functioning

I am using Three20's WebController in my project and I am having issues with the 'back' arrow on the bottom controls (the <| button).
When I load a page and click a link in the WebController you'd expect the back button to enable and if touched bring you back to the original page.
But when I hit a link from the original page the back button is not always working, it stays disabled therefore you cannot go back to the original page.
It does sometimes work, but it seems random and its rare it does. I looked in the source for three20's WebController and all its doing is using a UIWebView's goBack function. But as I said it does work sometimes, but not most of the time.
I have searched the net but found no other reports of this issues, does anyone have any suggestions?
I was able to find my solution. I traced the code and [_webView canGoBack] was returning NO, it was because I was not loading a request, I was rather loading an HTML string which wasn't being saved for use in the back button.
I changed my code back to loading requests and it fixed the issue.
Solution was found here:

iPhone using voiceover moves off screen, cannot press button

I have run into a baffling behavior using VoiceOver. Basically when using the "swipe forward" gesture on a screen, the cursor will run off the bottom of the screen and the view will not "move" with it as it should. Worse of all, I have a button down there that is not activated by a double tap when this behavior exists.
What I can gather is that this only seems to happen on two screens, both of which feature customized appearances of the cells in a table view.
I have tried manipulating the accessibilityFrame property of these cells and these table views. I have gotten nowhere. I have tried setting the accessibilityFrame property of the cells as they are made but there was no change in behavior.
Has anyone encountered this behavior? Any ideas for trying to tackle this problem?
I've seen it, but it's not a problem, at least not in my app -- you can double-tap anywhere, not just on the button. (In other words, a blind user won't realize this is going on, because it just works.)

How do I create a simple two-screen iPhone app?

I've gone through most of the example code and I still need some help. I want to make an uber-simple app: show one screen at startup with a label and a button. click the button and we slide over to another screen (I suppose these are called views) which has another label and the "back" button in the top menu bar. I just want to click back and forth between the two screens.
How do I do this?
Take a look at the NavBar sample on Apple's Developer website.
You'll need to use a UINavigationController to accomplish the "slide"/"back button" behavior you're talking about. It is as simple as you might think, as long as the app is setup correctly. Essentially, UINavigationControllers allow you to push and pop instances of UIViewController or subclasses thereof, and take care of the animation and view history tracking for you.
The best way to get started, by far, is just open XCode, choose "New Project", and start with the "Navigation-Based Application." Dig around that project for a while and I think you'll start to see clearly what needs to be done.
You can checkout how to get started with that using this tutorial: at