Three20 'Back' button on WebController not functioning - iphone

I am using Three20's WebController in my project and I am having issues with the 'back' arrow on the bottom controls (the <| button).
When I load a page and click a link in the WebController you'd expect the back button to enable and if touched bring you back to the original page.
But when I hit a link from the original page the back button is not always working, it stays disabled therefore you cannot go back to the original page.
It does sometimes work, but it seems random and its rare it does. I looked in the source for three20's WebController and all its doing is using a UIWebView's goBack function. But as I said it does work sometimes, but not most of the time.
I have searched the net but found no other reports of this issues, does anyone have any suggestions?

I was able to find my solution. I traced the code and [_webView canGoBack] was returning NO, it was because I was not loading a request, I was rather loading an HTML string which wasn't being saved for use in the back button.
I changed my code back to loading requests and it fixed the issue.
Solution was found here:


How to Make Links Work in WKWebView and how to correctly format words

I am coding a simple app in Xcode and I have ran into a problem. I can not get links to work on the mobile app that go to other links. For example, if I click on the Twitter button at the bottom of the webpage nothing happens, I want that button to lead to the desired link it was supposed to go to. Also, the words in a page on the site are lined up in a vertical column, and I would like to know how to make the text look better in terms on formatting it correctly. Here is a picturePicture Of Simulator The Code
Seems like you're adding your WKWebView the right way and the page is loading fine. The problem with the text is actually coming from the CSS of the site as I have the problem in Safari on my phone as well, so if you are the web admin of the site I'd fix it there.
Did you try if the button you are talking about is responsive when accessing through Safari on your phone/simulator? WKWebView does not have a loading bar and it seems "unresponsive" sometimes even though the sites are loading in the back.
When adding your WebView implementation buttons like the privacy policy on the site work fine for me.

Facebook like button bug on page load

I have an irritating bug with the Facebook like button. When my page is loading, my share buttons (Facebook like, Tweet, +1 buttons) will start on the left side. Then they will appear in the middle of the page. And finally when the loading is finished, they will appear in the correct position on the left side again.
The shifting of the share buttons all over the page is kind of annoying and looks unprofessional, even though they end up at the correct position on the left side when the page is done loading.
I believe this is related to the Facebook like button. I have tested this in IE and Chrome in Windows. I have also tested this in Safari on IPhone. All browsers seem to have the same problem.
You can see the bug here:
Is there any way to fix this?
I figured it out. Looks like width=450 was causing the problem. I removed width=450 and the Like button now stays on the left side of the page and does not jump around anymore. Maybe there is a deeper reason why width=450 causes problems for my page but at least it works now.

Facebook Setting Page

I want to create a Setting page in iPhone.
If you used Facebook in iPhone. You see that when we click on the Setting button on the navigationBar, the main page just go to right, but not disappear, and Setting page comes up.
When we click on the setting button again, we go back to the main page.
Do you know how can I create this functionality in iPhone? I appreciate that you give me some tutorial links.
You can grab this JTRevealSidebarDemo and personalize as per your requirement.
There are plenty of other demo available like,
I've been using ViewDeck with good success. It's light (2 classes) and easy to implement.

GWT activity mayStop and Hyperlink issue

I have an activity with a mayStop() method. I am having two issues with it that pertain to a hyperlink on the page.
The first issue is that if I hit refresh or the window's X I get a dialog box that wraps my mayStop() text with "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?" and "Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page." That is fine.
When I hit the hyperlink, I only see my mayStop() text without the wrapping text. Why is that?
The second issue is that if I hit Cancel in response to the hyperlink click, hitting the link again results in not getting the mayStop() challenge at all. It is as if I am not hitting the hyperlink.
Has anyone run into these issues?
Any thoughts?
The difference in "behavior" is that the first dialog box is the one from the browser when you try to prevent the user from navigating away, while the other is PlaceController calling Window.confirm(). Each browser uses a different dialog box for the first case, so there's no way to mimic it for everyone, and it's probably not a good thing either (navigating away from the app vs. navigating within the app).
As for your second issue, the events are generated by the browser "history" changing; if you prevent navigating away (from the Place), the URL stays the same (there's noway to know what to do to "rollback" the change: History.back(),, History.newItem() but then you destroy the existing "next" history ?), so when you click again on the link, you don't make the URL change, and no event is fired.
It's expected that you use PlaceController.goTo to navigate when you use places, not Hyperlink or History.

How to show loading animation with fancybox?

I got fancybox working but I have this problem:
First, I can't make the loading image appear. And second, if I use a link to show an image on click, sometimes it fails to show it, because of the time it takes to load it (if it were an image instead of a link, it would have been already loaded by the browser, that's why it never fails with images).
In summary, I have a link, when I click it a modal window with an image should appear. Instead, a white box appears. If I reload the page, sometimes the image appears, sometimes it doesn't.
If it is working some of the time, maybe the problem is elsewhere? Is the picture you are loading particularly large, if you are shift refreshing I have experienced such effects in the past.