How to getBodyElement() in RootLayoutPanel GWT - dom

I want to make a progress bar before my application starts.
Here the code from my html page
<div id="appLoading">
<img src="images/bar.gif" />
And later on the client side I wrote
DOM.removeChild(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), DOM.getElementById("appLoading"));
But now I'm using RootLayoutPanel and it doesn't have getBodyElement() method. So help me please explain how to remove my progress bar now.

You don't need to remove it. When you attach a RootLayoutPanel (after your app is loaded and starts), it will take over the entire browser screen, and your progress bar (and any other HTML in your host page) won't be visible.
If, for some reason, you still need to get the BodyElement, you can do it by calling


disable photos & photoset permalinks tumblr

I'm trying to make all picture posts on my homepage not clickable, so they can't link to the permalinks. (I just want them to stay as miniatures with the hover cycle effect already provided by the theme)
I've tried removing {LinkOpenTag} and {LinkCloseTag} from:
<div class="wide-sizer">
<div class="image">
<img src="{block:PermalinkPage}{PhotoURL-HighRes}{/block:PermalinkPage}{block:IndexPage}{PhotoURL-500}{/block:IndexPage}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"
But photos and photosets are still clickable.
This is my page:
I'm using the "Spectator Theme".
UPDATE: ok so i tried removing as data-permalink={Permalink}as lharby suggested, but now all the links redirect to /undefined.
Any ideas?
thanks again for your time !
As mentioned in my comment, the data-permalink attribute has been removed, but there is still some custom javascript which is casing the url to be returned undefined.
Go to the bottom of your template, before the closing <body> tag and add this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
(Basically instead of binding the post to a click function which is in the custom javascript we are now attempting to unbind it on click).
I tested it in the browser and it looks to be working (although a couple of other methods I thought would work didn't).
In order to change the cursor on the post element. Remove the clickable class from the .post div from the template (if you can, if it is hard coded in).
Alternatively inside the style tags at the bottom, add the following css:
.post-grid a,
.post.clickable {
cursor: default;

GWT anchor to kick off new css class

Im building a nav menu and am struggling with something really simple here. In my UI binder i have this
<header class="{res.css.mainHeader}">
<a href="#{res.css.mainNav}" class="{res.css.openMenu}">
<a href="#" class="{res.css.closeMenu}">
<h1>new header</h1>
So when I write and test this in html, it works fine. you click on the word open, and everything animates, shows all the cool stuff, the world is a happy place. But i can't figure out how to translate this into GWT.
When I run the above code, I get this error
[WARN] [itrgwtprototype] - Escaping unsafe runtime String expression used for URI with UriUtils.fromString(). Use SafeUri instead: <a class='{res.css.openMenu}' href='#{res.css.mainNav}'> (:20)
But I have a sneaking suspicion that GWT has a better way to do it than SafeUri. How do i make this work? The CSS stuff is correct, but the anchor click is whats messed up.
You are setting the anchor href property with a css value (href="#{res.css.mainNav}").
If you want to translate it entirely in GWT you should listen to ClickEvent on you open menu and then do something like open a panel or something else. In order to do so you can replace the anchor with a Label (or InlineLabel) and listen on click events on it.

Show/hide Iframe

I am using wordpress for my website and I am trying to set up my pages so that a user has to click a button to view the content. Yes, very simple with show/hide etc but the button I Want the user to click is this
To display that in my page i need to use an iframe which is where it gets tricky. I have set up the show/hide code so that when a user clicks the like button (or anywhere in the iframe) it will display the content. But, no such luck!
This is my code
<div id="imagebox" style="display:none;"><?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('image'), 'full'); ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" alt="<?php get_the_title(get_field('image')) ?>" /> </div>
<div onclick="ShowDiv()"><iframe src=" href=" allowTransparency="true">
<script language="javascript">
function ShowDiv()
document.getElementById("imagebox").style.display = '';
I know that it is hard to use iframes to do what I am trying to do, but i am a total newbie when it comes to this stuff. Any help would be great!
Have tried giving your div an id="imagebox"?
This was already answered here.
But, I didn't realize at first sight that you're loading something in the iframe that is not coming from your own domain, so you're going to fall in a cross site scripting event, which is not allowed.
Afaik, you have to redesign some way your implementation.
For instance, you could retrieve the generated html from facebook using curl and then outputting in your own div. Something like that should work.

frame doesn't work in gwt app

i have gwt app, and one of the 'page'(or display) has a iframe whose url point to google web page, however when deploy the app, google page doesn't show up. here is the code
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Frame url=""></g:Frame>
if i replace the google webpage with a static image stored locally, it show up fine:
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Image url="img/myImg.jpg"></g:Image>
can anyone tell me why it won't work with external link? Thanks
Answered on the GWT group:
Copied here for convenience:
Google refuses to be displayed in a frame using the X-Frame-Options HTTP header.
The code you provided creates the UI, including the frame, just fine. The thing you're not doing is setting a height and width for your frame, so it's effectively invisible. Change your code to the following and you'll see your frame.
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Frame url="" height="150px" width="150px" />
The reason you didn't have to specify the height and width for an image is because they are implicitly defined by the image itself. There's no way for GWT to know how big you want an iframe to render on your page, so you have to explicitly set the size.

GWT: resizable layout without RootLayoutPanel?

I'm using GWT 2.3 and have what I think is an extremely common layout scenario that doesn't seem to be very well supported -- but I hope StackOverflow can tell me I'm looking at the problem wrong.
I'm using layout panels to arrange my app. Typically, you put a layout panel into the RootLayoutPanel, where it takes over the whole browser window.
However, I have a site header and footer that need to be outside of GWT.
The problem is, as the docs clearly say, if you insert a layout panel into an arbitrary HTML element of the page instead of using the RootLayoutPanel, you lose the automatic resize behavior. You must specify the layout panel's starting size, and do any resizing manually.
How would I achieve this manual resizing? I'm pretty sure I can track the resizing of the HTML element via javascript, but how do I then interact with GWT to tell it the new size?
I would recommend using css absolute positioning in your html file :
<body style='position:absolute; top:10em; bottom:10em; left:0; right:0;>
<div id="top" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:-10em; bottom:0; right:0;">
<div id="bottom" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:100%; bottom:0; right:0;">
Your RootLayoutPanel will attach to the body, which now has a 10em top and bottom margin.
One possible pure GWT solution.
You can add a resize handler. In the resize event you can get the new dimensions and resize your component.
The GWT mail sample pre GWT 2.0 Mail used "manual" resizing (but its a bit out of date).
Basically, you want to hook into the window resize event handler:
// Hook the window resize event, so that we can adjust the UI.
Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() {
public void onResizeA(int width, int height) {
// Adjust each immediate child widget by calling child.onResize()