GWT: resizable layout without RootLayoutPanel? - gwt

I'm using GWT 2.3 and have what I think is an extremely common layout scenario that doesn't seem to be very well supported -- but I hope StackOverflow can tell me I'm looking at the problem wrong.
I'm using layout panels to arrange my app. Typically, you put a layout panel into the RootLayoutPanel, where it takes over the whole browser window.
However, I have a site header and footer that need to be outside of GWT.
The problem is, as the docs clearly say, if you insert a layout panel into an arbitrary HTML element of the page instead of using the RootLayoutPanel, you lose the automatic resize behavior. You must specify the layout panel's starting size, and do any resizing manually.
How would I achieve this manual resizing? I'm pretty sure I can track the resizing of the HTML element via javascript, but how do I then interact with GWT to tell it the new size?

I would recommend using css absolute positioning in your html file :
<body style='position:absolute; top:10em; bottom:10em; left:0; right:0;>
<div id="top" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:-10em; bottom:0; right:0;">
<div id="bottom" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:100%; bottom:0; right:0;">
Your RootLayoutPanel will attach to the body, which now has a 10em top and bottom margin.

One possible pure GWT solution.
You can add a resize handler. In the resize event you can get the new dimensions and resize your component.
The GWT mail sample pre GWT 2.0 Mail used "manual" resizing (but its a bit out of date).
Basically, you want to hook into the window resize event handler:
// Hook the window resize event, so that we can adjust the UI.
Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() {
public void onResizeA(int width, int height) {
// Adjust each immediate child widget by calling child.onResize()


How can I create a resizable "like" box?

The likebox I created for is not resizable, no matter what method I use, and as such, it is causing great trouble as to how I can integrate it with our site without having it overlap the radio player.
Is it possible to get the like box to resize when the page is resized? I'm using twitter-bootstrap.
I am putting FB widgets (likebox and comments) into the Bootstrap's grid like this:
<div class="span4">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="{url}" data-width="234" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-border-color="#007Db7" data-header="false"></div>
where url is the variable containing web URL of the FB page.
with CSS:
div.fb-like-box > span,
div.fb-like-box > span > iframe[style],
div.fb-comments > span,
div.fb-comments > span > iframe[style] {
width: 100% !important;
Facebook loads its component asynchronously with styles set according to the width data attribute. I set it to some safe value: looks bad but does not overflow to other elements for different view-ports. My CSS overrides all the FB's width settings that are necessary to resize the widgets (I set 100%, so it adjusts to the containing div). It is not documented and possibly it will stop to work when FB changes their designs, so choose your default width (234px for me) wisely ;)
Example with LikeBox of at the bottom of the right-hand side panel and in the sidebar. Note the responsive behavior when you change the size of the browsers window.
Here is an easy way:
$(".fb-like-box").attr("data-width", $(document).width());
Do your cording according to your CSS as below
<div class="comment-box">
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="site_url" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="light" data-mobile="auto-detected"></div>
cut and copy java-script as fb gives in headder

GWT:how to make tabPanel to 100% height

I am using TabPanel in my GWt application
<div class="center">
<g:TabLayoutPanel ui:field="tabPanel" barUnit="PX"
barHeight="40" width="100%;">
</ g:TabLayoutPanel>
using this for my tabpanel height
.gwt-TabLayoutPanel {
its working fine , BUT i want this height to be 100%, But when I make it to 100% ,The whole TabPanel disappears ,
Any solution for that ..coz when my stuff hights increase , the lower are start cutting off ..
Put your TabLayoutPanel in a LayoutPanel or any other panel that provides size to its children. For example, if you put your panel directly into the RootLayoutPanel, it will take 100% of the screen automatically, and it will resize with the browser window.
The problem with 100% height is it will be 1px if the parent container does not have a height set.
You might find the following article intresting as a possible workarround.

iframe content is displaying outside the iframe on iOS

Here is a fiddle ( that demonstrates the problem I am facing. The iframes appear as expected in all browsers (including Safari 5 for Windows). But when I viewed the page on two iOS devices (iPad and iPhone) the content of iframe overflowed and covered the entire area on the right hand side of the iframe. Here is a screenshot of a page that uses similar iframes:
How can I workaround this issue?
You can fix it in a div, but on the iPhone it won't be scrollable without some javascript. I've made a fiddle that shows how you can fix the size of the iframe.
basically, you wrap your iframe in a wrapper and give it some css:
#wrapper {
A workaround for your specific case is to replace the <iframe> by an <embed> element.
<embed src="..." type="text/html" width="400" height="400"></embed>
It will have the desired effect on Safari Mobile and clip the content to the specified width and height dimensions instead of auto-sizing it. Hoewever, embed is not specifically designed for HTML content and unwanted effects may result when dealing with scrolling, contentWindow and different environments (it is not necessarily rendered natively), so test the case before using it in production.
The element represents an integration point for an external
(typically non-HTML) application or interactive content.
Hmm, try to wrap the iframes in divs, but not constraining the iframe's width and height by themselves.
I am guessing inside Iframe there is an HTML file, so in HTML wrap the content in wrapper div
#wrapper {
position: relative;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
it's size will be relative to html body, than the viewportSizes may be as you wish
the second row is handling flickering on Iframe click, happens in ios'...

uiwebview wrap problem with long words

i have a webview in my application and it works fine. it fits horizontolly (not scrolls) and scrolls vertically. but any word which is longer than 320 pixel makes it scrolls horizantally and makes the font larger. i don't would like horizontal scroll. i would like it to be continued in new line. how can i do?
The problem you have is actually not related to the UIWebView in itself. What the web view does is just display any html you provide. This means that you have to format the html to do as you want. One way to accomplish that is to use a div as follows.
<div style="width: 320px; word-wrap: break-word">
text with looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongword goes here
Caveat: I don't know very much about html and css so there might be better ways of accomplishing this.

facebook like box stream height

How to control the facebook like box stream part height alone. Its normal to reduce height of whole box but if tries to control it fans images are not shown.
The css .fan_box .page_stream{ ...,width:300px} to .fan_box .page_stream{...,width:150px}
i'm asking because the stream box inside iframe
There isn't a way to change the height. Facebook doesn't provide a way to change the height and there isn't a way to change the height using JavaScript and CSS.
Why can't I do it with JavaScript and CSS?
CSS just doesn't apply through an iFrame because thats how an iFrame works -- its basically a window to another page with its own CSS.
Javascript won't allow you to access the content of an iFrame if the URL of the iFrame is different than the page that contains the iFrame. Doing:
Will give you the following warning in Chrome.
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL... Domains, protocols and ports must match.
The reason for this is to prevent XSS. Here's more on the Same Origin Policy.
I saw this on the Like Box page and figured I'd respond that you can use the 'data-height' attribute:
Worked for me. Here's my example:
you can reduce the height of the encasing div, hide its overflow and if you want push the top of it underneath an absolutely positioned element with a higher z-index like so:
<div style="position:absolute;z-index:2;top:0;left:0;width:300px;height:130px;background-color:#c0c;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)";"></div>
<div style="height:140px;width:140px;overflow:hidden;background-color:#0c0; margin-top: 60px;color: #fff;padding: 30px;font-family:arial;">
facebook like box goes here - only the green part will be visible if you make the pink box white and take out the 0.5 opacity and the bottom will get cut off so you can just display whatever part you want
I suppose you guys still need it and this is the most acurate trick I can provide and its also promising to work with the every day changing of the facebook like box by facebook.
Its a bit tricky but will work for you guys..
create two seprate like box of the same page, and close them in seprate div right in my case
<div class="up1">
facbook like box 1 code
<div class="up2">
facbook like box 2 code
Now in the css
use position absolute to class up1
.up1 {
and in up2
.up2 {
What it does it will put the box 1 over the box 2 hiding its facebook like and bla bla making it feel like you have one box that contain picture and streaming of your desired lenght
I was looking around cos I had a problem like this one. Facebook has no standard way of customizing the stream if the faces and header are checked.
The solution is to take them differently. If you need the stream as long as 1000px, just uncheck everything except the stream. This will change its height from the default 300px to whatever value you type in the height field.
See an example below:
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="" data-width="800" data-height="2000" data-colorscheme="light" data-show-faces="false" data-header="false" data-stream="true" data-show-border="true"></div>
Then if you still need the one with faces, get a new code and set the height differently, then uncheck the others. Below is an example:
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="" data-width="800" data-height="500" data-colorscheme="light" data-show-faces="true" data-header="true" data-stream="false" data-show-border="true"></div>
Don't forget to add the SDK before these codes.
I know it's a long time since this was posted, but here is the solution that helped me today
Yes the data-height to 250 will work as it reduce the outside iframe
Now try to set data-height to 1000 - it is still 300px height,
because the inner div inside the iframe hard coded to 300px and
you can not control that as it is in a cross domain iframe...
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="" data-width="292" data-height="250" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="false"></div>
Adjust the height in this code to what works best for you.