GWT anchor to kick off new css class - gwt

Im building a nav menu and am struggling with something really simple here. In my UI binder i have this
<header class="{res.css.mainHeader}">
<a href="#{res.css.mainNav}" class="{res.css.openMenu}">
<a href="#" class="{res.css.closeMenu}">
<h1>new header</h1>
So when I write and test this in html, it works fine. you click on the word open, and everything animates, shows all the cool stuff, the world is a happy place. But i can't figure out how to translate this into GWT.
When I run the above code, I get this error
[WARN] [itrgwtprototype] - Escaping unsafe runtime String expression used for URI with UriUtils.fromString(). Use SafeUri instead: <a class='{res.css.openMenu}' href='#{res.css.mainNav}'> (:20)
But I have a sneaking suspicion that GWT has a better way to do it than SafeUri. How do i make this work? The CSS stuff is correct, but the anchor click is whats messed up.

You are setting the anchor href property with a css value (href="#{res.css.mainNav}").
If you want to translate it entirely in GWT you should listen to ClickEvent on you open menu and then do something like open a panel or something else. In order to do so you can replace the anchor with a Label (or InlineLabel) and listen on click events on it.


jQuery Toggle in SharePoint using XSLT, but all the instances toggle not just the clicked one

I am having a problem with my XSLT, I am using SharePoint 2010 and I am building a custom front-end that will pull data from lists and render the data in a nice manner. I have figured out how to use XSLT with HTML to render a SharePoint list, I wasn't able to add an image of my news feeds because my rep is too low but I will get it up!
Now here is where my problem starts:
I am using jQuery toggle to show/hide the body paragraph of this news feed. The Continue Reading button is where my issue is, every time I click on the "Continue Reading" button in the lower right of each news post, it show/hides all the news items, not just the one I click on.
I have tried using Bootstrap collapse and now I am using jQuery Toggle() however I run into the same issue! Take a look at my XSLT code snippet to display thee body paragraph and the corresponding jQuery code snippet that actives the show/hide toggle:
<tr class="spacer">
<td valign="top" class="td-newscontent">
<div class="news content">
<!-- start excerpt -->
<xsl:value-of select="#BodyExcerpt" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<div class="moving">
<xsl:value-of select="#Body" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<!-- end news excerpt -->
<!-- start continue reading link -->
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<br class="continue-br" />]]></xsl:text>
<a class="butt pull-right continue-right">Continue Reading</a><br /><br />
<!-- end continue reading link -->
Javascript (jQuery)
$(".butt").click(function() {
$(".moving").toggle("slow", function() {
.moving is the actual #body being shown/hidden
.butt is the "continue reading" button (I know butt was a bad name to use)
I have read a few things on the net about "this" but I am not sure how to use it.
First time posting so I couldn't post any images, but when you click on "continue reading" all the body news articles expand then you click it again and all the body news items contract, what I would like it to do is open just the one I am clicking on!
I have a lot going on, everything is housed in SharePoint, using HTML5, Css3, jQuery and XSLT. I started by using IDs but I switched to classes, not sure if that was a good idea but it functions, but not as intended.
Any help would be appreciative, I have been researching this issue for almost 2 weeks so I finally decided to ask some experts :) (Feel free to ask any questions or ask for more information, I will answer with everything I got!)
You are close, so well done for getting this far! Your problem lies in your JavaScript. If you look at the rendered code using your browser's developer tools (F12), you will find that all of the different body texts have the same class (moving) and all of the buttons have the same JavaScript onclick, which is to toggle everything of class .moving.
Thus the solution you are looking for is to match each button with its respective body text. There are two main ways you can do this.
You can give each text div and each button a unique ID by assigning it to some unique feature of the list item (SharePoint list items already have a unique identifier as the field ID). Using xsl:value-of within HTML attributes would violate XML rules, so you can use something called an Attribute Value Template, which is the bit in the curly braces:
<div id="newstext_{#ID}">
<xsl:value-of select="#Body" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<!-- etc... -->
<a onclick="$('#newstext_{#ID}').toggle('slow', function() {});">Continue reading</a>
Modify just the JavaScript to target the parent of the button. The following code selects the parent DOM element of the button, which should be the div of class .news, then finds the child of class .moving, then applying your toggle:
$(".butt").click(function() {
$(this).parent().find(".moving").toggle("slow", function() {
The second method is easier but can get complicated if you end up running a lot of JavaScript. It is easier (and more efficient) to select elements by ID, so personally I think the extra effort is worth it. I haven't tested this code so let me know if it doesn't work. On some of your other points:
no, butt is not a good name for a class - remember, you can use element types in your jQuery selectors, so there is no need to duplicate the type as the class. For example, $('a') selects all the anchor tags on the page.
IDs should be used when elements need to be uniquely identified (e.g. for scripts), classes when you are grouping elements together (e.g. for styles).

How to getBodyElement() in RootLayoutPanel GWT

I want to make a progress bar before my application starts.
Here the code from my html page
<div id="appLoading">
<img src="images/bar.gif" />
And later on the client side I wrote
DOM.removeChild(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), DOM.getElementById("appLoading"));
But now I'm using RootLayoutPanel and it doesn't have getBodyElement() method. So help me please explain how to remove my progress bar now.
You don't need to remove it. When you attach a RootLayoutPanel (after your app is loaded and starts), it will take over the entire browser screen, and your progress bar (and any other HTML in your host page) won't be visible.
If, for some reason, you still need to get the BodyElement, you can do it by calling

Magnific Popup - Popup disappearing on click

I've just recently implemented the 'Magnific Popup' and the popup comes up fine, however when I click an input box the entire popup disappears back to the parent page. On the examples shown on the plugin website, the entire dialog box is clickable until you click outside of that box.
I'm hoping its just something extremely simple I've missed, but it's still doing my head in.
I really appreciate any help I can get!
Thanks :)
If you're using "ajax" content type, you need to make sure that you've got only one root node.
E.g., this is correct contents of ajax file:
html content
<script src="something.js"></script>
<script src="something.js"></script>
html content
html content
<div>Another content</div>
Also make sure that closeOnContentClick is set to false
If, for whatever reason, you can't change the contents of ajax file, you may parse content in parseAjax callback, like described here (so the contains only one root node).
I can't reply yet (too low rep..) so adding it like this:
seems that this also counts for type: 'inline'. Safe to always wrap content by a div..
items: {
src: '<div>'+ html +'</div>'
type: 'inline',
closeOnContentClick: false
}, 0);
I had the same error.
Turned out to be a dumb mistake from my side, i had the same class on my opener and my inline div.
<div id="popup" class="dialog mfp-hide"></div>
Of course they needed to be different classes like so:
<div id="popup" class="dialog-box mfp-hide"></div>
Dmitry explains the problem here
Add modal:true in the magnificPopup:
type: 'ajax',

Trying to right justify "Like Us On Facebook Code" in Header

So I am trying to add the following "Like Us On Facebook" code in the header of my website and have it be right justified, while the Title & Description remain left justified. Here is the FB code:
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="" data-width="292" data-show-faces="false" data-stream="false" data-header="false"></div>
I'm not the most knowledgeable about this type of thing so I'd prefer not to mess with the CSS and have been just trying to drop the code above into the appropriate place in my header.php file. The tricky part (for me) is making the Facebook Like right aligned while the site title and description remain left aligned.
Here is an example of what I want it to look like (ignore the underscores...had to do it to make it look right)
The site does blah blah________________________________________Like us on facebook
Here is the relevant code from the header.php:
<!-- HEADER -->
<div id="header">
<div class="website-name"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></div>
<div class="slogan"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div>
<!-- /HEADER -->
So basically I'd like the Facebook code to be in line with the site description but right justified (whereas the site description is left justified).
Greatly appreciate any help!
Using CSS is pretty much your only option.
You can change the slogan div to a span (or set a width on the div), add the fb like box below this span and float it right. That should do what you need.
If you REALLY don't want to touch your CSS file, you can add the styles inline, but I don't recommend this as it is not best practice.

changing the position of facebook like button

I just got the code for the new like button (the one that also includes the send button) and I am trying to set it to be in the center of the section it is installed in. However, it always stays on the left side of the section no matter what I do. I tried putting it inside many classes of , align, style or fixed position and none worked.
Here's the code:
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" ref="myPageLocation" send="true" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" font="verdana"></fb:like>
I would greatly appreciate any suggestion that helps.
Its probably a CSS issue from what I understand.
I have not tested it out, but in concept you could use a wrapper around your fb:like tag. Setting styles to the fb:like tag most likely won't work out as fine.